Chap 6. <3

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I go downstairs and get a cookie from the box of cookies. I go sit on the couch and turn on the TV. I can't believe I just saw Jungwon. Twice. Oh that's right, don't think about him. Ok good. I go to Netflix and look for a good drama to watch. I press play and try to forget the current events.

* 2 weeks later *

"Hello, Yeonie." Jungwon says with a sigh. Not again.

"Oh come on! I was doing so well!!" I say, slamming my phone onto my bed. He chuckles at my actions.

"You really can't get me off your mind, can you?" Jungwon asks, sitting on my bed. I cross my arms.

"Really Jungwon. It's not funny." I say. For the past 2 weeks, he's been magically appearing everywhere I am because, apparently, I clearly can't stop thinking about him. It's Monday so it's been two weeks since he showed up in my room.

"What, it's funny! This is like the twelth time this week! You almost lasted a whole day this time!!" He says as I roll my eyes at him. "Yeonie, don't roll your eyes, you're the one who keeps bringing me here." Jungwon says, pointing his finger at me, sassily. I smile a little at his actions. We have also gotten close because of this.

"Whatever, I'm bringing you home!" I say, even though I don't really want him to go. I still have to be respectful. 

"No it's fine, I might as well stay, I'll be back here in a few hours anyways." Jungwon says, grabbing my phone and going on it.

"Hey, you can't just grab my stuff like that! And since when have you gotten so comfortable with me?" I ask, grabbing my phone back from him.

"I've literally seen you every day. That's enough time to at least be friends." He says.

"You're going home, now. My dad gets home from work soon anyways." I say and he shrugs his shoulders. He's more used to it than I am. He still gets shocked ever once in a while, but for the most part, I'm the most shocked.

* Flashback *

I kind of wish I could see Jungwon again- no!

"What am I doing here?" I hear Jungwon's voice while I'm cooking in the kitchen. I turn around and see a confused Jungwon in my kitchen.

"Omg sorry! I just thought about it subconsciously!" I say and we both chuckle.

"Well, it's ok." He says, understandingly. I nod my head.

"What are you cooking?" He asks and I turn to the food I'm making.

"Just ramen, an egg, and some kimchi." I say Plainly.

"Ohh, yummy! Well, can you take me back home now?" He asks and I nod. It's Tuesday and this is the third time since Saturday that this has happened. Just like that, He's gone again.

* End Of Flashback *

"Ok then! Just try not to think about me." Jungwon says with a smirk. I take a pillow that's next to me and throw it at him.

"Oww! Hey, remember I'm still your idol!" He says, picking up the pillow and throwing back at me.

"Hey, it's your fault! You keep making fun out of me! It's not like I can help it! You read that letter, you know how I feel." I say and the atmosphere gets awkward.

The smile on his face slowly fades from me bringing up my feelings. I don't really know how it makes him feel. But I regret bringing it up.

"Wel-" His words are cut off by his sudden disappearance. Whenever my feelings for him are brought up, I never let him talk, I just make him go away. I feel embarrassed by it, especially because he knows. He's asked me if he could read the other letters I wrote but I haven't let him. I don't even know why he wants to read them.

Jungwon's P.O.V

I'm back in the dorm. I'm now sitting on my bed. Whenever her feelings are brought up, she just shuns me away. I think she feels embarrassed about it. Probably because I read that love letter, and I read it out loud. I would feel embarrassed if I were her. Wait, that's not helping!! Ugghhh! Why do I care so much?

"Hey Jungwon!" Sunoo hyung says, walking into the room.

"Hi hyung." I say plainly, going back into deep thought.

"What's wrong, wonnie? You've been weird lately." Sunoo hyung says, concerned. I don't know if I should tell him. I promised Yeonie I wouldn't say anything. I just need to rant to someone!! Fine, I'll tell him, but only him.

"Well............ And she brought me back just now." I tell him the whole story.

"Jungwon, I don't even want to know what you're on!" He says, getting up but I grab his hand.

"Hyung!! I'm being serious!! Look, I'll show you!!." I get out my phone and go to Instagram. I text Yeonie and tell her to wish that she could see me and Sunoo. She finally agrees after some persuading. Suddenly, in the blink of an eye, I'm back in her room but this time, with Sunoo hyung.

"What the hell!!!!" Sunoo hyung says, looking around.

"What do you want, Jungwon?" She asks, looking a bit annoyed. Maybe it's my fault. I don't even know anymore!!!

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