Chap 29. <3

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After some time, I realize that In-ha must be waiting for me.

"Jungwon, I told In-ha I would be back. She was also very upset about the whole article thing. We have to clear things up." I say, breaking the very long hug we were once in.

"Oh, that's fine, we can go there now." He says.

"Yeah but In-ha's friends are there. Seoyeon and Ree-a. They saw me cry, like multiple times. In-ha was getting really mad so I had to tell them about you and me." I say and he sighs.

"It's fine, we can still go." He says. This is why I love him, he's so understanding. In the blink of an eye, we're laying on In-ha's bed. Seoyeon and Ree-a are staring at us with wide eyes as In-ah stares at us with angry eyes.

"Care to explain what that article was, Yang Jungwon." In-ha says in a rude tone as we sit up on her bed.

"Don't worry In-ha, it was his sister in the picture, not a random girl." I say and her eyes go wide.

"Oh! Wow, well I'm sorry Jungwon." She says with a smile.

"I kind of, sort of called you an ass." In-ha says, making Jungwon chuckle.

"It's fine. I'd do the same honestly." Jungwon said.

"Well, are you guys Seoyeon and Ree-a?" Jungwon asks, looking at the two girls still in shock.

"Y-yeah." Ree-a says. I lean into Jungwon's ear.

"You're Ree-a's bias. But remember, you're mine." I whisper to him, making him suddenly start coughing.

"Sorry, I choked on my saliva." Jungwon says with blushed cheeks. I giggle at his reaction to what I said.

"Well, Ree-a, I heard I'm your bias." Jungwon says.

"Y-yes." Ree-a says with pink cheeks.

"Well thank you for supporting enhypen." Jungwon says with a smile.

"Jungwon, they're probably gonna call you to the company to clear things up." I say and he nods his head.

"Yeah, I left so I could clear things up with you first. But, they are gonna release a statement regardless." He says and I nod.

"You know where I'm getting at with this right?" I say with a smile and he nods.

"Yeah, and I'm avoiding it." Jungwon says with a smile.

"But I have to. You can call me when You're free-" He cuts me off.

"Nope! I'm staying with you." He says. I sigh, not being able to convince him.

"Then would you like me to go to the company with you and tell them there is no possible way that the girl in the picture is your girlfriend because I am not the girl in the picture?" I ask him with a smirk.

"No." He says shyly. I nod my head with a smile.

"Girlfriend?!" In-ha asks. My eyes go wide as I realize what I said.

"Oh, I didn't mean that." I say. My cheeks grow pink.

"So you guys are dating?" Ree-a asks.

"No. It kind of just slipped out my mouth." I say and she nods her head.

"Anyways, I'll see you later Jungwon." I say and he nods, smiling at me.

"I'll make it quick." He says and, suddenly, he's gone.

"I can't believe you actually made him leave. He actually wants to be with you and you always make him leave." In-ha says.

"He has to take care of things first." I say.

"Yeah but he found clearing things up with you more important than clearing things up with the company first. That says something, Yeonie." Seoyeon says, agreeing with In-ha.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. I'll try not to do that." I say.

"Listen, it's ok. But just remember, sometimes, we have to be selfish for our own happiness." In-ha says.

"Maybe I'm not cut out to date Jungwon after all. I mean, if me being happy with him means that he'll be distracted from what he loves, then we might not work out." I say, sadly.

"But what if what he loves is you?" Ree-a asks. Him saying 'I love you' pops into my mind. Maybe they're right. I don't even know anymore.

"Ok, enough, let's do something else now!" In-ha says and we all listen.

Jungwon's P.O.V

"Dude, where have you been?!" Heeseung hyung asks me.

"I had to clear things up with Yeonie. I'm sorry." I say and he sighs.

"I get it, it's ok. Did she see the article?" He asks.

"Yeah, she took it the wrong way." I say.

"Well so will everyone else if you don't clear things up, like, right now!" He says. "Go tell them it was your sister and get it over with." Heeseung hyung says and I nod my head. I end up telling them it was my sister and the company put out an article stating that the girl in the picture is in fact my sister, and that I don't have a girlfriend. I take my phone from my pocket and call Yeonie.

"Hey! You done with clearing things up?" She asks me. I smile.

"Yup. I'm gonna head to the dorm first, then I'll call you after, ok?" I say.

"Ok, that's fine. See you later." She says. We hang up the phone. Just the thought of her makes me smile. I'm excited to see her. I go to the dorm with the rest of the guys. I pack a couple of clothes in a small book bag and call Yeonie.

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