Chap 20. <3

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"Guys, I'm hungry!!" Sunghoon whines and we all look at him.

"Omg oppa, you're acting like Ni-ki." I say and the others laugh. Sunghoon opens his mouth to say something but In-ha says something first.

"Don't make fun of him. He's cute." In-ha says with a smile.

"What do you want to eat, oppa?" In-ha asks Sunghoon. We all look at Sunghoon, but he's just standing there with a blank face. We can't see much because of the mask but his eyes are kind of wide.

"Hyung, you good?" Jungwon says to Sunghoon.

"Y-yeah. I'm fine with whatever you guys want." He says, looking away from us. We all nod our heads.

"I guess we could walk around and see what's around us." In-ha suggests and we all agree. Eventually, we find a place we like and have lunch. After lunch, we try to find something else to do.

"It's only 3:00 so we could do something else." Jungwon says. I pull In-ha to the side.

"We could go to your house and just chill." In-ha says and my mouth goes wide.

"Are your parents home?" I ask her and she shakes her head.

"They went on a business trip yesterday so they won't be home ti-" I cut her off.

"Ok, we're going to your house." I say, walking back over to the boys. She grabs my hand to stop me.

"That means that Jungwon from Enhypen AND Sunghoon from Enhypen will both be in my house. At the same time!" In-ha says. I nod my head and laugh a little.

"All the members have been in my house before, at the same time. Don't worry, you're good. We'll buy some snacks and stuff so we can chill." I say so that she's not so nervous. I guess she forgot ALL about her crush from school. We walk back to the boys.

"So, do you guys want to chill at In-ha's place?" I ask the boys. Jungwon nods his head but Sunghoon grabs Jungwon and they talk to the side. Once they're done, they come back over to us.

"Yeah, we'll go for a bit." Jungwon says and me and In-ha nod our heads. We then start walking to the bus stop. I sit between In-ha and Jungwon. Jungwon purposely sits on the edge so Sunghoon has no choice but to sit next to In-ha. The bus finally gets here and we get on. We then get off at a stop close to In-ha's house.

"We're gonna buy some snacks from the grocery store first." In-ha says and the boys nod their heads. We then make our way towards the store. We buy some candy and chips and then leave. We go to In-ha's house and put the groceries on the counter. Me and In-ha set everything up and put it on the coffee table in the living room.

"In-ha, I didn't know your house was this big." Sunghoon says and In-ha smiles.

"I know, it still amazes me how nice her house is. It's way nicer than mine." I say. Sunghoon just nods his head.

"Your house is super nice as well!" Jungwon says and I just nod.

"Yeah, I like Yeonie's house more. Big houses aren't really my style." In-ha says and we all nod our heads.

"Soooooo, what do we do?" Jungwon asks. We shrug our shoulders.

"How about we go up to her room and play some games!" I say and they all nod. We head up to In-ha's room. Obviously, we take the snacks. We all sit down on the floor.

"Your rooms kind of look alike!" Jungwon says and I giggle.

"We didn't even do that on purpose." In-ha says.

"What should we play then?" Sunghoon asks and the best idea comes into my mind.

"OOHHH!! We will play truth or dare BUT, if you don't do the dare or answer the question, you have to spin this bean boozled thing and eat the one you get!" I say and they all put their hands on their mouth. I nod my head and they agree to play.

"It'll start from me and go counter-clock wise!" Jungwon says and we all agree.

"So, In-ha, truth or dare?" Jungwon asks. In-ha's eyes and mouth go wide.

"Umm, truth? Yeah, truth." She says. Jungwon nods his head.

"Who is your enhypen bias?" Jungwon asks. In-ha doesn't hesitate to answer.

"Sunghoon." In-ha says. Me and Jungwon giggle. Sunghoon's ears turn really red and we start laughing. In-ha starts blushing.

"Ok umm. Sunghoon. Truth or dare?" I ask him and he nods.

"Dare." Sunghoon says.

"Oh ok! I dare you to give In-ha a compliment." I say and his cheeks get a little pink. He turns to In-ha and they stare at each other.

"In-ha, you have a really cute laugh." Sunghoon says to her.

"OOHHH!!!" Jungwon teases. In-ha's cheeks are really pink now.

"Thank you. S-so Jungwon, truth or dare?" In-ha asks Jungwon.

"Umm. Truth." Jungwon says and In-ha smiles.

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