Chap 36. <3

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"Honestly, I have no clue what you should call her. I literally call her Yeonie. That's it." In-ha says, plainly.

"How about you call her Yeon. Is that good or..?" Jake suggests.

"Yeon?" Jungwon says, unsure.

"I guess it's cute. It might grow on me." I say as Jungwon randomly hugs me. I feel my cheeks grow hot as the others stare at us.

"Ok, you guys just became a couple and I already feel like a third wheel!" Sunghoon says.

"Sunghoon oppa, shut up. In-ha is right there. Hug her or something." I say and the others laugh.

"Dude, stop!" In-ha eonni says.

"Eonni, we all know Sunghoon is your bias and your crush, don't act like you don't like it." I say and she shakes her head.

"If he's uncomfortable with it then you guys should stop." In-ha says.

"Well, I don't really mind. If you don't, that is." Sunghoon says, smiling at her with red cheeks. I smile, really wishing I could fangirl over them. Jungwon holds my hand and squeezes it.

"They really are cute together, but I'll never let hyung know I think that." He whispers into my ear. I nod my head, feeling similar to him.

The night ended with us all going to my house. Sunoo and In-ha got along really well, which made Sunghoon jealous, obviously. Me and Jungwon were practically glued to each other, according to everyone else. But we ended up all doing stuff together and having a really good time. I eventually sent them all home, ec=xcept for Jungwon.

"Don't you want to go home, and sleep in your own bed?" I ask Jungwon after sending everyone home. He was clinging onto me and wouldn't let go.

"No, I want to stay with you. OH!" Jungwon suddenly yells.

"What!?" I ask, shocked by his random outburst.

"You should stay at our dorm tonight!" He says, letting me go and looking at me to see my reaction.

"I don't know-" I could barely resist before he cut me off.

"Please!" He begs, with his cute little boba eyes.

"Umm." I'm trying not to give into temptation.

"Please, Yeon." He says and I'm gone.

"Fine!" I say, letting out a sigh.

"Yay! My girlfriend's staying at my dorm!" He chants in excitement. I chuckle at his cuteness as I pack some clothes. Once I'm done, I make sure Jungwon has all his stuff and we go to the dorm.

"Hey- Yeonie? What are you doing here?" Jake asks, walking into the kitchen.

"Wonnie wanted me to stay at the dorm today. I told him no, but, he's good at convincing." I say and Jake chuckles at the situation. The rest of the boys eventually hear us talking and come to the kitchen. They all showered and got into their pajamas.

"Do you want to shower and get comfortable? You can put your bag in the room." Heeseung says while grabbing a water bottle from the fridge.

"Nah, I'm good for now. Jungwon, you can go shower first." I say and he nods.

"Guys, please don't be weird." Jungwon says to the six boys in the kitchen. They all laugh and he walks away.

"So, what do you like to do on your free time?" Jay asks me.

"I don't know, I normally watch k-dramas and you guys." I say, sitting down at the table.

"Wait noona, do you like video games?" Ni-ki asks me.

"Yeah, what do you have?" I ask him with a smile.

"Mario kart on the switch!" He says as he walks into the living room. I follow him, down to play.

"I love that game. I bet I can beat you." I say and he raises an eyebrow.

"Oh really? Wanna bet on it?" Ni-ki says as he smiles mischievously.

"Winner gets 15 dollars." I say and we both nod our heads. We sit on the floor and play. We're almost done when Jungwon comes to the living room and sits down on the couch, behind me.

"What are you guys doing?" Jungwon asks.

"Playing for 15 dollars." Ni-ki says.

"Ni-ki, you don't need 15 dollars, you're like the only 16 year old I know with over a thousand dollars in their bank account." Jungwon says. We both laugh, trying to keep steady.

"Yeonie said 15. I was gonna say 20." Ni-ki says.

"Either way, I was gonna have to give him money. I used to be really good but I haven't played in a while." I say and they both laugh. I end up giving Ni-ki 15 dollars TvT.

"Wanna play again, no money this time?" Ni-ki asks with a smile.

"Yeah but I'll just lose again." I say with a pout.

"I'll help you." Jungwon says. "Scoot back." He says and I push myself backwards.

I am up against the couch and in between Jungwons legs. Ni-ki starts the game and gets ready to play. Jungwon suddenly wraps his arms around my shoulders, grabbing both my hands to control the controller.

We then play the game with mostly Jungwon playing. I was way too in shock because he was practically hugging me while his hands held mine. My cheeks felt hot and my heart was beating fast.

Eventually, the game is over and I- well Jungwon won.

"Yayy!" Jungwon celebrates. "You won!" He says as he shakes me by my shoulders. I just sit there and laugh.

"No fair, you had Jungwon practically doing the whole thing." Ni-ki says, whining because he lost.

"Then get a boyfriend who can play better than Jungwon." I say and stick out my tongue, teasing the younger.

"I can't, but I bet you my future girlfriend will play better than you!" He says and I frown.

"You'd have to get one first." Sunoo says and we burst into laughter.

"Hey! Don't be mean." Ni-ki says, pouting cutely. We all spend the rest of the night watching a movie and then going to sleep.


I am so sorry that these two chapters took so long. This book is almost done. I have others I want to write. Thank you for 1k reads!

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