Chap 5. <3

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"You are kind of a cutie." I hear Jungwon mumble and my eyes go wide.

"What? Did you just say I was a cutie?" I say with my eyebrows frowned. His cheeks got pink and he started looking around. His eyes landed on my desk and he started walking closer to it. I noticed what he was headed for and I went up to him but it was too late.

"This has my name on it." He says as he picks up the pink envelope. I go up to him and try to take it from him but he holds his hand high so I can't get it.

"Hey, come on!! Jungwon, that's not yours! You can't just appear in people's rooms and take their stuff." I say to him and he frowns.

"Last time I checked, you brought me here and this envelope has my name on it." He says. I reach up, trying to get it from him but he stretches his arm back so I can't reach. Instead, I slip, like an idiot, and he has to catch me.

"Be careful. Just let me read it, it can't be that bad. It's not like it's a love letter or anything." He says, backing away from me and opening the letter. I sit on the chair of my desk in defeat, watching his reaction.

"I'll read it out loud. Ok. Dear Jungwon. Why is it that people desire things they can't have? Why is it that I don't even know you personally, but I find myself falling for you more and more everyday? I write these letters when I'm sad because of you, and no matter how many I write, you're different. I can't get over you. I write these to get over you, but they make me fall harder. Everything, from your eyes, to your talents make me want to be with you." Throughout reading this, his expression changes.

He started out smiling, then got serious. "I know you will never read this cause I intend on burning this, but I can't help but Love you Jungwon. I love you, and I might not ever stop." He finishes reading the letter and looks at me with a red face. My face is red two, but I'm hiding mine in my hands. He walks over to me and puts the letter on my desk.

"I've never heard or seen someone show this type of affection towards me. I guess this is how some engenes feel." Jungwon says and I nod my head, face still buried in my hands.

"It's cool I guess." Jungwon says with a smile. I look up at him and nod my head slowly. We then hear the ringtone of a phone. Jungwon gets his phone from his pocket and picks up the phone. I go to sit on my bed again.

"Yeah, hyung. I just- went out to get something. Yeah. I'll be back soon." He says and then listens to the person on the other line.

"Yeah, ok bye hyung. Love you." He says and puts his phone down. He looks back at me. He then sits next to me on the bed.

"Anyways. Yeonie, what's your address?" He asks but I blank out cause he called me by my name. He used my name instead of just continuing the conversation.

"Yeonie, hello!" He says as he waves his hand in my face. I grab his hand and push it away from my face. His eyes go wide.

"Oh sorry. My address is *****. Is that too far from your dorm or not?" I ask and he just stays quiet.

"Oh umm. Your house is pretty far from the dorm and I have no transportation." He says, and I nod my head in agreement.

"Well I can just wish you back home, huh?." I say with a cute smile and a giggle, causing him to laugh.

"Yeah, you're pretty chill, but I have to go home." He says and I nod my head. "I guess you can bring me back then." He says and I smile.

"Yeah, well then bye! I promise I won't tell if you don't tell. Pinky promise." I say and he nods, latching his pinky onto mine.

"Wait, I need a picture as proof, just in case things get legal." Jungwon says and I giggle, causing him to smile widely. He takes out his phone and snaps a picture of mine and his pinkies together. Then he puts his phone back in his pocket, letting go of my hand.

"Good luck with your, powers?" He says and I nod.

"Ok, I'll try." I say and he nods, giving me the green light to say it.

"I want Jungwon to-." I stop my sentence because, in front of me, Jungwon is making a heart with his hands. I smile at his actions. "I want Jungwon to go to his dorm." In the blink of an eye, he's gone.

I look around my room but he's obviously not here. I throw myself on my bed so I'm laying down. What the heck just happened. Wait I have to tell my mom so she can- NO! I promised not to tell anyone. I have to keep my promise. But that means, I have powers?!?

I hear a ding come from my phone. It's a notification from Instagram. It says 'j_04_won' has followed your account. So he followed me? Why? Whatever. I'm hungry so I'm gonna go get a snack.

I wish I could see him again though. It was so co-.

"What!!" I hear a familiar voice say as I'm walking out my room. I turn around and see Jungwon in my room again.

"What are you doing here!!" I ask him, like he has the answer.

"I don't know, you tell me Yeonie?" Jungwon asks, hands on his waist.

"Jungwon, it's not like I said I wanted you to come back! I just brought you back to the dorm!" I say, walking back into my room.

"So, if you didn't ask for me to come back, why am I here?" He asks, hoping for an answer.

"I- Oh!!" I say, body easing up.

"What is it, Yeonie?" Jungwon asks, casually.

"I thought it, kind of. I said I wish I could see you again and I guess it works that way too!" I say and he sighs. I shake my head.

"Well this is kind of awkward." I say and he nods his head in agreement.

"Yeonie, you're gonna have to bring me back again." He says and I realize something, we've been talking casually to each other.

"Why are we talking so casually to each other, like if we've known each other for a while?" I ask and he shrugs his shoulders.

"I actually don't know why, but either way, I'm older than you." He says

"Oh yeah, and how do you know?" I ask, as if I don't know he is older than me.

"Actually I don't know. I just guessed" He says plainly.

"Well, yeah I was born in may so you're a couple months older." I say in defeat. "But it's not like I'm gonna call you oppa or anything. You don't even know me like that." I say and he nods.

"Yeah, yeah. Well you should really bring me back now. And I would like to stay for more than 10 minutes this time." Jungwon says and I giggle.

"Sorry Jungwon." I say and we laugh.

"How are you so calm in front of me?" He asks me with curiosity.

"I don't know, actually? I feel like I've known you forever, it's weird!" I say and smile.

"Well, I don't think we'll meet again, but it was nice knowing you. Bye Yeonie." Jungwon says with a little wave.

"Bye, Jungwon." I say with a wave. This time I'll just think it. I want Jungwon to go back to the dorm. And he's gone, again. Whatever, I'll just try not to think about him or me meeting him and I'll be fine. , right? * Wrong * 

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