Chap 19. <3

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"We'll see about that, babe." Jungwon says, confidently. I freeze in my place at what I just heard. What the heck. O MY GOD!!!!

"W-whatever!" I say, slightly shaking my head. We start the round and it goes pretty good. I'm a very competitive person so I will win. The score is 9 to 7. Guess who won? Me!!

"YES!!!! Hahaha. Mr. Big Ego, I won!!" I say, sticking my tongue out at him. His shoulders drop and he chuckles. He shakes his head slightly, walking towards me.

"I knew you would win. She's really competitive." In-ha eonni says. They all nod their heads while I giggle at them. Jungwon suddenly grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers. He takes me to another game. Sunghoon and In-ha follow behind us.

"Let's play basketball." Jungwon says. He puts the coins into the game and the basketballs fall. I just grab them and try to get as many as I can in. We both try our best but Jungwon wins this game.

"Yes! I won! Mhmm!" Jungwon hums happily. I giggle at his cuteness.

"Yeah, you won-" I get cut off by In-ha grabbing my hand and pulling me with her.

"What-" She cuts me off.

"You can't leave me with Sunhoon." She says with her face all red.

"Is it too awkward, sorry I won't-" She cuts me off again!!

"It's not that it's awkward, it's that I-I don't know how to talk to him. How are you so comfortable with them?!?" She says, cupping her cheeks with both her hands. I chuckle at her.

"I don't fangirl over them, well at least not out loud, so I don't make them uncomfortable. Once we split ways, I freak out hahah." I say, laughing at the situation.

"Don't worry, I'll help you. Just, don't be weird, ok!" I say and she nods. We make our way back to the boys. When I hang out with In-ha, I constantly feel like the oldest instead of the youngest. Lol

"So what should we play next?" Sunghoon asks and we look around.

"Ohh!! Let's play that!!" In-ha says happily, pointing at a pacman game next to us. When it comes to things she likes, she forgets everything.

"Can I play that one with you!!" Jungwon says and she giggles.

"Yeah!" In-ha says as she puts the coins into the game. I see a different game and grab Sunghoons hand. I drag him to the game and we play it. We end up getting a pretty high score since we played as a team.

"We should play dance dance revolution!!" Sunghoon says, heading towards the game. The game only had two people at a time so we had to choose teams.

"Let's play it like we did with air hockey!" I say and they all agree.

"Me and Jungwon! In-ha eonni and Sunghoon oppa!" I tell them the pairs and Jungwon agrees. Me and Jungwon rush to the game first and brag about it a little. We play the game and Jungwon is at an advantage because he can actually dance so, of course, he won. Then In-ha and Sunghoon went next.

"One time, I saw these people play this game and you will play better if you hold hands." I say and they look at me weird.

"No, it's true! I forgot about it but you play better if you hold hands!" Jungwon says, since he caught on to what I was doing. They listen to us and hold each other's hand. They play the game and, surprisingly, In-ha wins.

"Yes!! Hahah! I won-" In-ha was cut off by Sunghoon covering her mouth with his hand.

"Don't get too confident, I'll beat you in the next game." Sunghoon says with a smirk. Jeez!! In-ha moves his hand so she can talk.

"Oh yeah? Then let's play, you chose." In-ha says. He nods and then goes off to a new game.

"They're definitely gonna date." Jungwon says, looking at them competitively playing together. I giggle at his words.

"If they become a couple before you and me, I'm gonna be pist-" I stop my sentence in realization of what I just said. My eyes go slightly wide. Jungwon just chuckles.

"I agree. But, are you implying that you want to or have intentions to date me?" Jungwon says, sarcastically. I'm just frozen with nothing to say.

"Uh....-" Is all that comes out.

"You're cute." Jungwon says, making my cheeks turn pink.

"O-oh, let's play this game!" I say to change the subject. We go and play a couple of games. Then we meet Sunghoon and In-ha again.

"We should buy some stuff with the tickets we got!!" I say like a little kid. Jungown pats my head and I hear In-ha and Sunghoon giggle at us.

"I'll get you a teddy bear since you're cute." Jungwon says, walking into the gift shop-like portion of the arcade. My cheeks gain pink pigment due to what Jungwon said. Sunghoon just chuckles at me. I follow after the others and look around to see what they have. I see this cute little plushie and it's a cat.                        

"Ohh!! This is soo cute!" I gush over the plushie. Suddenly, a hand snaches it out of my vision and I turn to see who it is.

"I'll buy it for you, cutie!" Jungwon says, winking at me and going on the line to pay. I run up to him.

"Jungwon, it's ok! I can-" He cuts me off.

"It's ok! I want to!" He says to me. I give up and go look for something to buy him. I see this cute sheep plushie so I grab it and go on the line with In-ha and Sunghoon. Eventually, we leave the arcade.

"Here! Look what I got you!" I say to Jungwon, holding the plushie I got.

"It's a sheep hahahah!" Jungwon says, laughing at the cute plushie. He took it from my hands and gave me the cat plushie.

"Thank you!" I say and he nods his head.

"Thank you!" Jungwon says to me and I smile.

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