Chap 18. <3

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"How did you guys, like, get so close?" She asks. I explain everything to her. I tell her about my powers and about how he even told me he liked me.

"Wow that's cool!" She says.

"So you believe me?" I say and she nods her head.

"I kind of knew, it was a little suspicious. All those times I thought it was luck but I'm not surprised." She says and I nod.

"Oh! It's our stop." I say, as I get up and run off the bus. In-ha follows me and we start walking to the arcade.

"What do you wanna do first when we get there?" In-ha asks as we walk. I shrug my shoulders.

"We'll just play the first game we see!" I say and she nods. We finally get to the arcade and pay for the coins.

"Eonni!! Let's play air hockey." I say, pointing to the table of air hockey.

"Mind If we play?" A familiar voice says.

Jungwon's P.O.V

"Hyung. Please!!" I say to Jake hyung as he's shaking his head.

"As fun as that sounds, I barely know her, or her friend. I'll just be third wheeling." Jake hyung says. I let out a long sigh.

"Sorry wonnie." Jake says, ruffling my hair.

"What's wrong?" Sunghoon hyung asks, coming into the room.

"Jake won't come with me to the arcade. Yeonie is going and I want to surprise her. Our schedule is pretty packed and this might be the last chance to see her this week." I say and he shakes his head.

"Will you come with me?" I ask Sunghoon. He makes a face as if he's unsure.

"Her friend is with her. Her name is In-ha, by the way." I say and his eyes go wide.

"Ok fine. Just let me get ready." He says, going over to the drawer with his clothes and picking an outfit.

"Sunghoon, you're gonna replace me with a girl you've never talked to?" Jake hyung says

"Oh, be quiet! I just want to help out our little wonnie. He just wants to see the girl he likes." Sunghoon hyung says in response to Jake hyung.

"Yay! I get to see Yeonie!" I say and walk out the room.

Yeonie's P.O.V

I turn around and see Jungwon and Sunghoon in front of me. My eyes go wide and I instantly go over to Jungwon and hug him. He wraps his hands around me and hugs me back. We break the hug and look at each other.

"Hi!" I say, smiling widely at him. He lowers his mask and smiles back at me. I look over at Sunghoon and In-ha and they look pretty awkward at what just happened.

"Hi Sunghoon!" I say and he waves at me.

"Hey Yeonie!" He says, reaching his hand so I can give him a high five. I reach my hand out to his but he quickly pulls away.

"Ah! Too slow! Hehehe." Sunghoon says like a little kid and I slap his arm.

"Whatever. Sunghoon-" I was cut off.

"Oppa. Sunghoon oppa." Sunghoon says to me. I just glare at him.

"Anyways, You guys already met but In-ha, you know this is Sunghoon.... Oppa. And Sunghoon, this is In-ha." I say, to introduce them.

"That's right, you did that thing with the mirror. It was pretty creative." Sunghoon says with a smile, well under his mask.

"I actually came up with that but, yes. Now, let's play air hockey." I say and they all nod their heads.

"We can play like this. Two people go against each other. Then the other two go against each other. The two winners of the rounds will go against each other. Then that leaves the winner of air hockey!" Jungwon says. We nod and head towards the table. 

"Me and Yeonie first!" In-ha eonni says. I nod and go on one side of the table. Jungwon is standing next to me and Sunghoon next to In-ha. This kind of looks like a double date.

"Jungwon, not too close, you might distract me." I say and everyone starts laughing.

"Ok, GO!" Sunghoon says, indicating us to start playing. We hit the puck back and forth. Finally the round ends and we check the score. 10 to 7. I won.

"Yes!" I say with joy. I turn to Jungwon and he gives me a high five.

"Ok. Now Sunghoon and Jungwon." In-ha says. I move over so Jungwon can take my place.

"And........ GO!" I say, for them to start the round. The puck goes back and forth till the timer goes out. We check the score and it's 5 to 5. It's a tie.

"Ok, let's do rock, paper, scissors." Sunghoon says and Jungwon agrees.

"Jungwon, you suck at rock, paper, scissors." I say and he looks at me. He grabs my shoulders with both his hands. He puts his face close to me.

"Have some faith in me. I will win! And then, I'll beat you." Jungwon says with a smirk while I'm a blushing mess. He turns back to Sunghoon.

"Rock, paper, scissors, say shoot!" They say in unison. Jungwon plays scissors and Sunghoon plays paper.

"Yes! Ok, rock, paper, scissors, say shoot!" They say. Sunghoon plays paper again and Jungwon plays rock.

"Rock, paper, scissors, say shoot!" They say again. Jungwon plays paper and Sunghoon plays rock. Jungwon won.

"Yes!" Jungwon says, walking over to Sunghoon as Sunghoon sulks.

"Time to win again." I say and Jungwon chuckles. 

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