Chap 37. <3

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* Three months later *

"Yeah, we're almost done with the promotions. Then we can tell them." Jungwon says.

"Are you sure we should tell the company? What if they get mad and don't allow us to date anymore?!" I ask, scared of what's to come.

"We'll take it one step at a time. We'll tell my manager, then we'll go from there. Don't be scared, ok. We'll be ok." Jungwon reassures me. I let out a sigh and nod my head.

"You're right, I'm just being paranoid." I say.

"No it's ok! I know how you feel, but don't stress about it. I got to go now, ok. I love you. Take care and eat your meals." Jugwon says, making me smile.

"Ok. Love you too. Be safe and don't skip your meals." I say and he hangs up.

They are almost done preparing for the new album. It's said to be released on october 12. It's saturday, September 25th. I'm just excited to finally get to see Jungwon. But, you know, their albumin is a big plus.

I suddenly get a call from In-ha eonni.

"Hey what's up-" I get cut off.

"OMG!!!" She shrieks.

"What the heck? Are you ok?!" I ask. What is going on?

"I'm on my way right now holy shit!" She says. I could have just teleported her. Oh, about my powers, I talked about it with my mom. She had been suspicious about it all along. Turns out it runs in the family, it's a girl thing.

"I could have brought you here." I say and she giggles.

"I was just too excited. I want to tell you in real life." She says and I laugh.

"Ok well hurry." I say and, sure enough, I hear the doorbell right. I go down and open the door. In-ha comes pushing through the doors. We sit on the couch and she looks like she's about to burst in joy. Maybe she really is.

"Sunghoon asked if he could be my boyfriend! And I said yes!!!" She says, smiling from ear to ear.

"OMG!!! No way!?" I say, in shock. Sunghoon has been talking with me and Jungwon recently about how he wants to ask her out. He said he would do it sometime this week. I didn't know it would be this early.

"Yes! I still can't believe Park Sunghoon is my boyfriend!" She says, throwing herself onto the couch, as if she fainted.

"They better hurry up with their promotions, we need to see our boyfriends!" I say and she squeals because I said our boyfriends. Speaking of boyfriend, I get a call from Jungwon.

"Hello?" I say, not knowing what to expect.

"Yeonie?" I hear Heeseungs voice say with urgency.

"Heeseung? What's up?" I say, supper confused.

"Jungwon's in the hospital. I'm calling you from his phone because I left mine at the dorm. He fainted during practice. They told us to wait a little but it's been way too long and he hasn't woken up. We called the ambulance and he's there now. We're on our way. We're at **** hospital." Heeseung says and hangs up.

"What was it? You look scared." In-ha eonni says.

"Jungwon fainted and he's in the hospital." I says. I feel my eyes burn due to tears. We get up and go to the hospital. We enter the waiting room to see the other guys sitting patiently.

"Heeseung!" I yell as we speed their way. He immediately stands up and embraces me.

"They are doing a couple checkups and tests. They said it's most likely from a combination of malnutrition, dehydration, and exhaustion." Heeseung says as he holds my shoulders. I let out the long breath I've been holding.

"I hope it's nothing worse than that." I say and he nods. I look to my right to see a middle aged looking guy. He could be in his late 40's, early 50's.

"You're going to have to tell them." He says and I nod, walking towards the man, their manager.

"Hello sir, I'm Yeonie." I say and he nods.

"Good for you?" He says, confused. "How do you know the boys?" He asks.

"I met them about 4 months ago, maybe more." I say and he shrugs. "I'm Jungwon's girlfriend. We planned to tell you after preparations were over but I had to tell you." I say and he doesn't look too happy.

"How did you two meet?" He says, glaring at me.

"I come from a bloodline of women who have powers. There are other families who have it, in both male and women. One day, Jungwon appeared in my bedroom. I wished him there, but not on purpose. I was also unaware of my powers. Ever since then, we saw each other almost every day. My powers can be controlled by my thoughts, especially that early on. We grew to like each other and then, we started dating. We've been dating since april." I say and he nods.

"We will discuss this later. I want you to leave." He says and I shake my head. I feel a pair of hands rest on my shoulder from behind.

"She's not leaving." Jake says.

"Yeah, Jungwon would want her to be here, more than anyone else in this room. He needs her." Sunoo says, standing next to her.

"Listen kid, we can sue you, so I suggest you leave." He says.

"No! She can't leave." We hear a faint, raspy voice say. We turn to see Jungwon standing there and some nurses following behind him, holding him for support.

"Jungwon." I say and instantly hug him.

"What are you doing, you need to rest." I say as I hug him close.

"Heeseung told me you were here and you were telling our manager. I had to come." He says and I shake my head.

"What if you faint again. You're not in good condition." I say and he pulls out of the hug.

"I couldn't let you do it alone." He says, giving me a peck on my lips.

"Jungwon, you must come back to your room." The nurse says and he nods, holding my hand and taking me with him.

"What if they really sue me?" I ask him.

"Then I'll sue them." He says and I shake my head.

"He was just trying to scare you. And he's trying not to lose his job, he's not normally that mean. Plus, he has a soft spot for us." He says. We get to his room and he lays in his bed. I lay with him and we both got some rest.

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