Chap 12. <3

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The fansign continues with the boys messing around and having fun while we die cause of their cuteness. The fansign ends and me and In-ha make our way home. I thank her a couple more times and she, of course, says it's nothing. She's gonna hang out with Ree-a eonnie and asked if I wanted to come but I'd rather go home.

I finally get home and head to my room. Both my parents are not home due to work. They mostly go on business trips on the weekends. I don't mind it cause, hello, I have no parental supervision. But, my parents trust me. Anyways, the fansign was ssooooo fun!! The best part was seeing their reaction when they saw me! I miss them already, especially Jungwon.

"Hey!!" I hear a familiar male voice say. I jump at the sudden noise. I should have known.

"I didn't mean that." I say and he smirks, coming towards me, sitting on my bed.

"Yeah I know, but you just can't get me off your mind." He says, confidently. I raise my eyebrows and smirk.

"In your dreams!" I say and he puts on a shocked face. Then he smiles and giggles a little.

"Yeah." He says.

"Oh so you dream of me?" I ask and his cheeks get pink.

"It was one time, ok!" He says, holding up his hand with his pointer finger pointing to the ceiling. I giggle at his face and he smiles.

"You should have told me it was your birthday!" He whines. I roll my eyes.

"It's fine." I say and he shakes his head.

"I really wish I could have at least got to see you or say happy birthday. I feel really bad." He says and I shake my head.

"You don't have to feel bad-" He cuts me off.

"But I do." He says.

"Tell you what, you can spend the day with me today to make up for it!" I say and he nods.

"OK! Let's do something." He says, latching onto my arm. I swear he makes my heart beat so fast.

"U-um, what do you wanna do?" I ask him and he shrugs his shoulders. I sigh at his lack of ideas.

"Wanna make some food?" I ask and his face lights up. He nods cutely and I chuckle at his cuteness. We get up and go downstairs. He is in casual clothes, so I guess he was at the dorm when I brought him here.

"What do you wanna make?" I ask him and he skips to the kitchen. He then turns back to me.

"Simple. Ramen, kimchi, and rice!" He says with a smile. I nod and walk to the kitchen. I take out everything we will need.

"You make the rice, I make the ramen! Got it?" I say. He nods cutely.

"Yes ma'am!" He says, I laugh at his response and so does he. We make the food and put everything down on the table. We sit down to eat when Jungwon gets a call.

"Yes?" He says.

"Oh, I'm with Yeonie, why?" He asks.

"Oh yeah haha! I'll be back later." He says.

"Stop it hyung!! It's not like that I just- oh hyung, I can't hear you- I- o-!" He says as he hangs up the phone on one of the members. I giggle at his cute way of getting out of the conversation. He looks at me and laughs a little.

"Wow, nice way to get out of that convo!" I say and he chuckles.

"Sometimes Sunghoon and Jake hyung like to tease me. Well, more like all the time, but yeah." He says while scrunching his nose, and covering his face with his hands. Why is he so cute uugghhh. We start eating and enjoy the food.

"Wow, this is so good!!" I say while nodding my head. He chuckles at me and leans over the table, patting my head softly. My body freezes and my cheeks get hot. I hear a chuckle come from Jungwon as he looks at me. How does he become so confident when he's with me? We finish the food and clean up the table.

"What do you wanna do now?" He asks me. I shrug my shoulders and plop on the couch. He waddles to the living room to follow me.

"Wanna watch a movie?" He asks and I nod my head. He picks up the remote from the coffee table and sits next to me. Sometimes I forget that this is my idol and he actually wants to spend time with me. 0-0.

"Can I ask you a question?" Jungwon suddenly asks. I nod my head and he turns to me.

"Why have you been avoiding me recently?" He asks with a sad face. I breathe in deep.

"Well you know I like you, a lot and we got closer over the past few weeks." I say and he nods his head.

"And I kind of feel like you wouldn't know I existed if it weren't for my powers. I want you to be my friend because you choose to, not because of my powers." I say and he nods. He moves himself a little closer to me so now we are sitting really close together. My heart races a little.

"Yeah, you might have caused me to be a little closer to you but..." He pauses, staring into my eyes. Now, I'm officially gonna have a heart attack.

"If I ever showed interest in you, that was because of me. I like you as a person and so what if your powers just gave it a little push. I think you're funny, smart, cute, pretty, and a really trustworthy person. Your powers didn't make me think that, they just helped me realize that. I am happy I got to meet you!" He says, staring deeply into eyes. I. am. dead. My heart is racing at a dangerous pace and my cheeks are burning hot, all because of what he just said and how close our faces are. We are just staring at each other, but no one dares to look away. 

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