Chap 34. <3

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"Sure." I wait a while and hear all the guys saying hi.

"Hi guys. Can I ask you all a question?" I ask, waiting for their response.

"Yeah." They say in unison.

"Can you guys dance 'Fever' with Yeonie? I taught her my part and I'm interested to see what it would look like." I say and smile.

"That sounds fun actually. I hope you taught her well." Sunghoon hyung says.

"Sunghoon's right, it sounds fun." Heeseung hyung says.

"Sure, I'm in!" Sunoo hyung says.

"Hell yeah! This is gonna be interesting." Jake hyung says.

"Hehe, I hope she's good or else I will make fun of her!" Ni-ki says, chuckling.

"Actually Ni-ki, she's your competition!" I say, confidently.

"Oh then we're all in!" Jay hyung says. I nod my head, happy that I got my way.

"Nice! Yeonie will bring you guys here." I say and they all agree. I hang up the phone.

"The guys agreed! Bring them here." I say with a smirk.

Yeonie's P.O.V

I see all of ENHYPEN standing in front of me. I suddenly feel a weird feeling in my stomach, nervousness.

"So, Jungwon taught you the 'Fever' dance, huh?" Jake says, me now realizing how close he is to me.

"U-uh yeah." I say with a smile. "Jungwon says I'm good so I trust him." I say and look at Jungwon laughing with his members.

"He said Ni-ki had competition because of you." Jake says. My eyes go wide.

"What?!" I say. "Yang Jungwon!" I yell, causing him to run to me.

"What?!" He asks, a concerned look on his face.

"Did you tell Ni-ki that I'm his competition?" I ask, pretending I'm angry.

"Uhh, yes." He says, looking at the ground.

"You know how competitive Ni-ki is! He is an idol, his job is to dance. Me on the other hand, doesn't even have talent in my pinky nail." I say, holding up my pinky. He giggles while shaking his head.

"You have talent in your whole body. What you lack is confidence. Dude, there are people who can't dance, like AT ALL!" Jungwon says.

"Hello, me! I can't dance at all! I'm gonna embarrass myself in front of all the guys." I say, pouting with my head down. Jungwon suddenly holds my chin with his thumb and pointer finger, lifting my head to look at him.

"Why can't you see what I see?" Jungwon asks, staring into my eyes. I get lost in his gaze, more like a stare. He never just looks at me. He sees through me, catching my emotions in my eyes if I'm not expressing them with words or actions. It's like he knows me, inside and out.

"Mhm!" Our long stare is interrupted by a deep voice clearing their throat. We turn around and see them all staring at us with blank faces.

"We're ready to do the dance. Unless you guys need to make out real quick-" Sunoo cut Ni-ki off.

"Shut up Ni-ki. Are you nervous Yeonie?" Sunno asks sweetly.

"A little. Just promise if I mess up or do bad you guys won't make fun of me." I say and some of them nod.

"No promises." Ni-ki says. I go over to him and smack his arm.

"Yah! Shut up. Now I'm serious, you guys just watch." I say, smirking. We all get in position and wait for the music to start.

* Time Skip *

We're in the ending pose, breathing heavy and out of breath. Jungwon claps loudly after stopping the music. We all get up and drink from our water bottles.

"So, how was it?" I ask them.

"That was fun actually!" Sunno says, nodding his head.

"Didn't I tell you guys Ni-ki has competition!" Jungwon says proudly.

"Well yeah she's good but-" Jungwon cuts him off.

"Just watch her dance 'I can't stop me' by Twice. Can you dance it again please?" Jungwon asks and I nod, feeling a little confident.

"Play the music, before I back out." I say to Jungwon. I dance to 'I can't stop me' again. I make sure I don't mess up any steps.

"Bro, have you considered being an Idol?" Sunghoon asks me after I'm done dancing.

"No, and I don't plan on it. Imagine me and Jungwon with packed schedules? We would never be able to talk, like ever." I say and we laugh a little.

"You should bring In-ha here by the way. I miss her." Sunghoon says.

"You miss her!?" I practically yell at Sunghoon.

"No! Not what I meant! I just mean she's cool and I wanna hang out again." He says to defend himself.

"Whatever hyung, we all know you have a crush on her." Ni-ki says.

"Literally." Jake says.

"Are you guys working on any new music?" I ask them as we all sit in a circle on the floor.

"That's classified." Heeseung says.

"Don't worry, I'll tell you later." Jungwon whispers in my ear, making me giggle.

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