Chap 4. <3

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"AAAAAHHHH!!" The unknown person and I scream at the same time.

"P-please, don't h-hurt me!!" I say with a shaky voice. Tears threatening to leave my eye. I refuse to open my eyes.

"H-hurt you!! WHAT!!!" The male voice says. He seems shocked that I would assume he is trying to hurt me. He seems confused.

"I d-don't know h-how you got here, b-but please don't hurt m-me!" I say, tears running down my face. I was now having a panic attack.

"How the hell DID I get here!! And I don't wanna hurt you- I- Who are you?!?!" I hear the male voice speak while I'm crying hysterically.

Suddenly, my body calms down but I still stay sitting with my hands up. That voice sounds too familiar. He kind of sounds like- Jungwon? Tears are still running down my face. I hear footsteps come closer to me and I flinch at the feeling of hands touching me.

"Don't!! I-i don't k-" He cuts me off.

"Hey, don't cry. I won't hurt you, ok! Open your eyes, trust me." He says and I open my eyes.

Jungwon's P.O.V

I was laying on my bed, on my phone after practice. I get up to go to the kitchen cause I want a snack. I open the door to the room when suddenly, in the blink of an eye, I am in an unfamiliar room in front of a girl with her eyes closed. My first instinct is to scream.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" I scream loudly.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" The girl screams even louder and falls to the ground, eyes still closed. She backs up on the floor until her back hits the wall. She holds her hands to her face.

"AAAAAHHHH!!!" The unknown girl and I scream at the same time.

"P-please, don't h-hurt me!!!!" The girl says with a shaky voice, refusing to open her eyes.

"H-hurt you!! WHAT!!!!!" I say. What is she even saying and how did I get here?? I'm so confused.

"I d-don't know h-how you got here, b-but please don't hurt m-me!" She says, tears running down her face. She was freaking out. She looked scared to death. She kind of looked familiar- whatever!!

"How the hell DID I get here!! And I don't wanna hurt you- I- Who are you?!?!" I say while the girl is now crying hysterically. I knew she looked familiar, she's the girl from Instagram!! Omg- how!!! Suddenly, my feet start moving closer to her. She kind of stopped crying but her breathing was still unsteady. I reach my hands out to her arms and touch her.

"Don't!! I-i don't k-" I cut her off.

"Hey, don't cry. I won't hurt you, ok! Open your eyes, trust me." I say and she opens her eyes, her eyes going wide.

Yeonie's P.O.V

I open my eyes and, sure enough, I see Yang freaking Jungwon!!!!!! My eyes go wide and my breathing becomes even more unsteady. His hands are on my arms and he is looking at me, mostly in my eyes, concerned. My mouth opens, but barely anything comes out.

"J-jungwon?" I practically whisper to him and he slowly nods. He lifts his hands, cupping my cheeks and wipes my tears. My cheeks get HOT!!! I see some pink pigment show on his cheeks as well and I try not to smile.

"Come on. Let's get you up." He says, grabbing my arms and helping me up as I just stare at his face. He sits me on my bed and looks at me.

"Umm." Is all that came out of my mouth. He stared at me and we stayed there awkwardly for a while.

"You're that girl from Instagram, right. Yeonie?" He finally says to break the silence. I shyly nod my head and then start to question how he knew that.

"Wait! Your j_04_won who liked my post yesterday?" I ask and he nods. "Wait, so how are you in my room?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"No clue! One second I'm at the dorm, in the room and the next I'm in your room, in front of you!" He says. I nod my head.

"Before you- well showed up, I think I kind of summoned you?" I say and his eyes go wide. "Well not that way- well this is what happened! You know. I'm an engene, and you're my bias." I say, his and my cheeks getting pink from embarrassment.

"Yeah, I saw it in your bio." he says, simply.

"Well I was thinking like, 'wow how cool would it be to meet Jungwon. I could just snap my fingers and I could meet him'. So I practically did that and now you're here?" I say and he shakes his head, standing up from the bed. I follow him with my eyes as he paces back and forth in my room.

"This doesn't make any sense!!" He says, looking at me for answers. I shrug my shoulders. "So what, do you have some- magical powers or something?!?!" He asks and I shrug my shoulders again.

"I'll ask for something and see if it's true." I say and he nods cutely.

"I want someone to call me." I say and after like 10 seconds, my phone starts ringing. My ringtone is Fever, so if my cheeks were not pink yet, they are now. I grab my phone from off my desk and check the ID caller. In-ha was calling me so I pick it up.

"Yes?" I say, looking behind me to see if this is really happening and, yes, Jungwon from Enhypen is right behind me.

"Hey Yeonie! Just wanted to ask what you're doing cause both our parents are out for the weekend! And we're still bored." She says and I sigh.

"Sorry eonni, but I'm busy! You know?" I say and I hear her chuckle.

"I get it, it's ok! Bye cutie!" She says and waits for me to say it back. "Say it back!!!" She says. I sigh.

"Bye c- bye cutie!" I say and she laughs and hangs up. 

"Sorry, it was my friend. She likes to call me cutie and insists that I say it back." I say and he giggles cutely.

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