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Rachel's POV
Me and Damien returned to Bayou after Mako. We were walking in the forest and he told me that he has to get back to the pack.

Rachel :Ok. I'll see you later.

Damien:Be careful.

He left running and I turned around to return to the lake. While I was walking I heard a noise behind me.

Rachel :Damien?

A man appeared.

??? :Hello Rachel.

Rachel: Please don't tell me that you want to kill me too. Or that you work for Lucien.

??? :So you know me.

Rachel :I don't know you. I know what you want to do. And now I have to kill you.

??? :You kill me? I'm the alpha.

Rachel :Yeah you're not the only alpha.

He laughed. He ran towards me and I pushed him on the ground. We fought for awhile. He put me against a tree and hold me from the neck. He put on his werewolf face and bit me til I bleed. He left me on the ground for dead.

Damien's POV
I was walking to Bayou until I smelled blood. I ran towards the smell and when I arrived I found Rachel on the ground covered in blood. I picked her up and ran to her house in New Orleans.


I walked in the house and saw her whole family. They all ran up to me.

Katnice :What happened?

Scott:Is she ok?

Klaus:What did you do to her?

Damien:Firstly, I don't know what happened, secondly yes she is ok cause I found her before she bled to death and thirdly I didn't do anything. Now will you show me her room so I can put her lay down?

Scott:I can take her.

Damien:No I got her.

Davina showed me her room and I walked up the stairs. I placed her on her bed and when I turned around to leave I felt her hand touching mine.

Rachel :Damien.

I turned around to face her.

Rachel:Thank you.

She smiled at me and then she closed her eyes. I knew that if I walked down the stairs her family would start questioning me so I left from the window.


Rachel's POV
I woke up in my bed. I looked around and noticed that I was in my room. I felt different. I heared people wishpering, probably my parents. I got up and went in the living room. I was still with blood all over me. Everyone saw me and got up. They weren't talking but I could still hear wispers. I looked around.

Rachel:Is someone wispering?

They looked at each other.

Katnice :No.

Rachel :Huh.

Suddenly I heard a scream. I turned around to see who it was but there was no one there.

Katnice: Rachel are you ok?

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Katnice: Rachel are you ok?


I realized what was wrong with me and I ran upstairs. I was a banshee. That alpha turned me into a Banshee. I kept hearing wishpers. They became louder and louder. I couldn't help it. All I wanted to do was to scream. I walked for a bit in my room and then I let ou a scream, so loud that I broke the windows of my room. My family came upstairs to find me but I was gone. I had left the house again. I didn't like my life there. I wanted to live free. When I screamed all things got clearer.

I was running in the woods. I didn't know where I was going but I kept running. I arrived at a place. It looked like a house but hidden in the woods. Then someone walked out. The wolf that turned me into a Banshee.

??? :You? But I killed you.

Rachel :Well I'm still alive. And now I'm gonna kill you and you'll stay dead.

??? :Oh I don't think so.

Rachel :Well this time I'm prepared.

He ran up to me but I changed my eyes into my wolf ones and raised my hand. I slowly closed it into a fist burning him. He fell down holding his head. Blood and smoke came out from his eyes and ears. Then he fell down dead. His eyes black like darkness and me standing there watching him dead.

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