No Tears Left To Cry

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Rachel's POVI let a tear to fall

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Rachel's POV
I let a tear to fall. But suddenly something separates us, throwing us behind on the ground unconscious.

Damien's POV
I open my eyes and I look around. The lights are turned off. I try to locate Rachel but she's nowhere. Suddenly I hear a voice behind me.

??? :Hello son.

Rachel's POV
I open my eyes and I look around. I try to find Damien but I can't see him. I get up. He's nowhere. I start walking but suddenly I trip on something. Maybe a root. I look at my feet. But no. I didn't trip on a root. It's Damien.


It's dark. I can't see him very clear.

Rachel:Post tenebras spreo lucem.

I make a ball of light in my hand and then I look at Damien again. My long scream and my tears make the ball disappear.

Rachel :Noooo!

I hug Damien's dead body crying. His eyes are open with blood on them.

Rachel:This is all my fault. I'm sorry. I should have listened to Freya. Why...


The next morning I'm waiting next to a police car. The police man asks me questions.

Police man: What happened there?

Rachel: I-I don't know. Everything happened so fast...

I answer trying to hold my tears.

Police man : It's OK. We've called your family. They'll be here in any minute.

After a while I see Rebekah's car arriving.

Rebekah: Sweetie are you OK? They told me that they found you sleeping next to a dead body.

I start crying again and I run to hug her.

Rachel:This is all my fault...

Rebekah:Let's go home.

I am in my room laid down on my bed. My mom walks in

Katnice : Hey, how are you?

I'm not answering.

Katnice : Do you want something to eat?

No response. She turns around to leave the room.

Rachel : Freya was right. One moment of weakness and...

I start crying again. My mom comes and hugs me.

Katnice : Oh sweetie I know how you feel. But you can't give up on life. This will be the worst choice you'll ever make. Damien wouldn't want this for you.

Rachel: You don't get it do you? I had inprinted on him. When I lost him, I lost a part of me too. Now I lost control of my powers, again. You know why? Because the one that helped me control them was him. He was my anchor. Now I have nothing.

Katnice : Please Rachel. Keep fighting. This will be the best for you.

Damien's POV
Damien: What do you mean I died?

Lucien: Apparently the Tribrid killed you too. She lost control of her powers and she killed you.

Damien: What?

Lucien: She killed you. The one that you used to call your girlfriend killed you.

Damien : I'm pretty sure it was an accident.

Lucien: Yeah yeah whatever. Now you're here. And you'll help me find my peace.

He shows me the lake and on the other side of it there's light.

Damien: I won't help you. And if I ever do, I'll kill myself.

Rachel's POV
I am laid on my bed. I keep looking outside the window and I keep remembering the time when I met Damien. The time we spent together. I want to cry, to let it all out. But my eyes are dry. There are no tears left to cry. So I get up and get outside. I get out of the house without no one seeing me and drive to Bayou. When I arrive there I sit by the lake and remember all my life. When I first came here, meeting Damien, Irene, controlling my new powers, fighting Lucien, Ava, Janson, making new friends, losing them. I've been through everything. Happiness, pain, loss, grief, power, anger, success, love. There are no other emotions for me to spend. And if there are there are no people to show them. I get up and in the water. I turn into a mermaid and I start swimming.


I return back home. When I get in the house I see everyone in the living room.

Katnice : Rachel where have you been? You could have got hurt.

Rachel: Funny. That's exactly what you used to tell me when I was leaving the house to see Damien.

Freya: Rachel, your powers are uncontrollable again. Losing Damien made you weak.

Rachel: Yes, and nothing can help me now! I know that you all tried to help me. And I thank you for that. But,... I can't do this. I've lost all my friends. I can't....

Klaus: It's the Mikaelson curse.

Rachel: Yeah but I don't want that!

Tears start falling down on my cheeks.

Rachel : I don't want to live like this anymore. I don't want to live like this.

I turn around, put my hands on my forehead and start crying harder. Then suddenly I collapse.

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