The Party

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Rachel's POV
Rachel: What do you mean we have a reason to celebrate?

Newt:We were gonna celebrate even if you didn't remember your name because a new greenie came but now that you remember your name we have one more reason.

I nod.

That night
I walk towards the bonfire with Newt.

Rachel:So how is this party gonna be?

Newt:It's gonna be like... How am I going to put this? Hmm.. You'll see.

We arrive to the place where the others are. Newt walks up to the other boys leaving me alone. I go and sit behind a log facing the woods. Thomas comes and sits next to me.

Thomas:Are you having a great time?

Rachel: I don't know.

Thomas :Come on. This is your night. You're the guest of honor. You must be happy. We only have these parties once a month. Enjoy it. Tomorrow you'll get to work. And we're not going to treat you differently because you're a girl.

I laugh.

Rachel: How did you become a runner?

He widens his eyes.

Thomas:You want to be a runner?

Rachel:Yeah. I mean, I run fast. You saw it yesterday.

Thomas :Yeah I did. Well, to become a runner, you have to be chosen from the runners. We have to see if you really worth it.

He looks behind us to the other boys.

Thomas :Now let's go. They're gonna start singing.


He gets up and helps me too

Thomas:Yeah. If you remember a song you can sing it which I find it impossible for someone that came here a day before to remember a whole song.

Rachel:Actually, I remember one.


Rachel:Do you have a guitar?


After I sang the song (even if I forgot some lyrics)  everyone clapped except one person.

Gally: Do you always sing like that or it was this time that you forgot the lyrics.

Newt:Give it a break Gally. She's new here.

Rachel:No it's okay. I can fight my own battles. Hey Gally are your eyebrows like that or is it just now?

Gally:You meesing with me?

He walks towards me and now he's standing too close to me. He's taller than me but our faces are a few inches away.


Gally:You don't wanna mess with me.

Rachel:And you don't wanna mess with me.

He laughs. He turns to the boys.

Gally:Who thinks that I'm afraid of her?

I push him on the ground and I can here boys saying "Oh" and "Ooh". Gally gets up and turns to look at me. I put my fingers on my lips and say "Oopsies" smiling.

Gally:Wanna fight little girl? Cmon fight me

Rachel: But that would be animal abuse.

The other boys laugh and Gally punches me on the face. I look at him angry.

Rachel :Ok then. Let's fight.

I leave the place where they all are and return with two sticks.

Rachel:Its better fighting with these.

I throw one to Gally and he almost drops it. He tries to hit me with the stick but mine gets in its way. I kick him on the stomach and turn around when I hear a girl's voice calling me. But there's no one there. I turn around to face Gally but when I do, he hits me on the face with the stick knocking me down. I hear him cheer for his triumph but he won't for long. I get up angrier than ever. Gally is still looking to the other boys. He doesn't know that I got up. I drop the stick and then he turns around. I run up to him. I put my hands on his shoulders and with my head I hit his. I punch him twice on the face. He's almost fallen down. I walk towards the other boys slowly. I turn again to Gally who is trying to stand on his feet. I run again towards him. I jump and I wrap my legs around his neck throwing him on the ground. I hold his neck and my hand is there almost hitting him.

Rachel :Next time be prepared. That was humiliating.

I get up and walk away. All the boys are looking at me shocked. I smile and then get in the room with the hammocks

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