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Rachel's POV
I open my eyes and I notice that I'm still in the pit. Suddenly I see someone at the door.

Minho:Good morning Greenie.

Thomas:Wanna stay here for today?

Rachel:Just get me out of here.

After I get out of the pit me, Minho and Thomas stand in front of the maze doors. They start opening.

Minho:Let's go!

Minho and Thomas start running and I am left behind looking at the doors opening. Then I start running.

Mihno:Turn left here.

We turn left

Minho: Now right. We're almost there.

After we turn a few times we find ourselves in front of some big... I don't know what these are.

Rachel:What are these?

Minho:We call them the Blades.

I nod while looking at the blades. We stop cause we hear something like a beep

Rachel:Give me the machine.

He gives it to me and I look at it. I turn left and it starts beeping faster.

Rachel:This way

Minho:Let's go.

We walk while the beep becomes stronger. I turn right and we arrive at a place with a long hallway but on the edges is darkness.

Rachel:Have you seen this place before?

Minho/Thomas: No.

We arrive at the end of the hallway where is a wall.

Thomas:Great a dead end.

I get the machine closer to the door and the door suddenly opens. Walls are going up while we walk through.

Rachel:What is this place?

Thomas:Do you think is our way out?

We see a red light moving, scanning us. We hear a sound like a siren.

Minho :I think we have to leave.

Rachel:Yep let's go.

The door closes and we start running. We arrive at the blades that are now turning locking us.

Thomas:Let's go!

We run but a blade stops in front of me. I turn right and run fast in order to get faster than the blades and get to the other side, but they're turning to fast.


Thomas:You can do it Rachel! Run!

I look in front of me and I notice that the road is ending. I take a deep breath and start running faster. Before I hit on the wall I turn left and get to the other side bumping into the guys. We pass the place of the glades and we stop to catch a breath. Then we start laughing but our laughter is stopped from a falling wall.

Thomas:Cmon. Why?

We start running again. The walls behind us are falling.


He says that and points a wall moving upwards. We jump on the wall and start crawling to the exit. It almost crushes us but we make it out. We fall on the ground sighing. Then I yell to the walls.

Rachel:Can we laugh now?

I get up and again we start running back to the glade. We see the boys looking to us coming front he maze.

Newt:We heard noise. What happened in there?

Winston :What did you do Rachel?

Rachel: Ha, ha. Very funny.

Thomas:We found something. A new passage. We think it might be the way out.


Minho:Yeah, it was something that I had never seen before.

Newt:Good job for first day Rachel.

I smile but Gally with his voice makes everyone to turn around and face him.

Gally:You see what she's doing? She's trying to tear us apart.

Rachel :I'm trying to leave the place.

Gally:Yeah, and the grievers attacked during the day. You destroy us. I've been here for three years, you are here for three days, -

Rachel:Yeah, three years Gally. And you're still here!

We are shouting but Teresa stops us.

Teresa:Guys! It's Alby.

We walk in the Med Bay and there he is. Sitting on the bed, looking at the horizon.

Newt :Alby, are you ok?

Jeff:He hasn't said anything til he woke up.

I sit next to Alby.

Rachel:Alby. We found a way to get out of here.

Alby:We can't leave.

He turns to face me.

Alby:I saw you. I got my memory back. I saw you.

He start crying.

Alby:Why are you here Rachel?

Suddenly we hear voices and people yelling. We run outside and see the boys running with torches.

Thomas:What's going on?

Winston:The door, it isn't closing.

We all look at the maze door and it's there wide open. Suddenly three other doors open at the other three edges of the walls. And then we see a griever at the end of the path.

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