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Rain hit her face like a whip as the wind howled and the ship, she was standing on was thrown from side to side by the giant waves surrounding her. In all her years on the unpredictable sea had she never before encountered a storm like this.

Maybe it was the fact that she was alone on the boat and having to do everything by herself, that it was all getting out of hand. Normally there should be a crew to help and Jack of course. But not this time. She was all alone. It was just her against the storm.

"Calypso!" she cried "I thought we had an agreement!" A wave slapped her face interrupting the myriad of angry and increasingly creative array of insults that had then left her mouth.

"Why do you betray me so, my friend?" There was no answer, just the wind roaring and the boat creaking.

Please! Hold your rage! Let me go! her voice cracked and was drowned out by the force of nature around her.

She swayed and slipped on the wet boards while trying to pull in the sails so that her ship would finally stop rocking so violently. Soon she fell and her head hit on the floor with a low thump. A groan left her mouth but she couldn't complain for long as another wave breached the ship and hit her already freezing body.

She was carried off to the rail of the ship and was barely able to grab onto it before she would have been swept into the raging sea. The black water rose and fell around her, clashing into the ship and making it sway dangerously. She clung to the wet wood letting her nails dig into it and leaving thin trailers of scratched up wood as she fought with the incredible pull of the waves.

Her legs were pulled over the rails and almost took off her boots. When the wave finally released her body and was building up for a new attack, she swung her leg back over the rails and fell to the floorboards of her boat, still clinging to the rails. She contemplated tying herself to the mast and just wait till the storm had passed.

No! called her voice suddenly. No! she struggled back to her feet but was immediately brought back to the ground.

You will not break me! I will concur this storm whether you want me to or not. Calypso! I will not let you win!!

When she felt it was save enough, she let go of the dark wood only to slide across the wet boards and toward the other side of the ship. Having learnt her lesson, she rose to her feet while still clinging to the rail and started to slowly walk back towards the stirring wheel. The small set of stairs felt like a mountain as she tumbled and almost toppled over.

She clung to the helm that was currently spinning out of control hitting her chest and shoulders surely leaving bruises. She stemmed her entire bodyweight against it her feet sliding over the wet wood and not giving her enough traction to fully stop the force of the spinning wheel. But slowly ever so slowly it stopped its movement.

She groaned in pain her screams harmonizing with the moaning wood that was nearly bursting under the pressure, forming an orchestra of strain and distress. Finally, she was able to steer it on her own again still battling the pull of the ocean and wind as she continued her fight against the unforgiving waves.

"Calypso!" she screamed yet again in a desperate call for help but still no answer. At this point she wasn't expecting one anymore. Suddenly the waves seamed to cease and the wheel tuned with ease in her hands.

Is it over?

She thought as relief washed over her like a warm current.

Too late she realized that the waves havent ceased and the silence had been caused by the redraw of a wave twice the size of her ship that was just about to collapse onto the side of her beloved vessel.

First, she felt panic. Was this the end? Was it all over now? Was there really nothing she could do?

Im not ready to die! There are so many things I still want to do!

But in the moment, she couldnt think of even one thing she had planned for her future. Was this really all she lived for?

All emotion left her face in an instant and she looked almost calm as she closed her eyes awaiting the incoming wave.

A deep sigh left her lips forming clouds in the freezing air. Then the wave crashed down onto her, pulling all the air out of her lungs claiming her body for the sea and binding her underwater.


Hope you liked it. Legolas comes in next chapter. :)


~824 words

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