Chapter 4

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(I'm still having problems with the uploads. They're like up for a day and then not anymore. I'm very sorry.)

Legolas listened intently. He didn't understand everything she was saying, mostly because he didn't know the people and many of the words or phrases she used and she never explained anything yet somehow he still enjoyed listening to the rambling sailor next to him.

"And the flying Dutchman burst out off the sea like a cannonball and we sail toward the HMS Endeavor. They of course thought the Dutchman was still on their side so we could easily surround them, sailing past them on both sides. And then we shoot. Fire and explosions cloud my vision and the heat nearly burned me skin. Then that blasted bastard Bekkett was finally dead! We've won the war! Cheers and drinks all around! So Will and Elizabeth went to an island to spend a final night together before he had to sail back to sea. He was cursed with what Jack and I craved. So we sailed back to sea and then got sepperated in Tortuga. And the rests history!"

The pirate finished her epic tale.
"What do you mean the rest is history?" Legolas wanted to know.
"We'll then I got into a storm, bumped  me head and woke up here."
"Bumped me head?" he repeated. "That does explain a lot."
Y/n halted in her steps.

"Whats that supossed to mean?" she shrieked. Legolas fought back a chuckle and turned so that he was walking backwards. "Absolutely nothing. I assure you." he smiled and winked before turning back around. The pirate, after overcoming her shock, ran after him trying to catch up with the distance he had so quickly created between them.
"Ayy." she groaned.
"Wait up will ya? Me legs aren't made for walking long distances. I've got pirate legs made for running away and keeping balance. Very dangerous atop of boats" y/n complained. The elf rolled his blue orbs, doubting the existence of pirate legs but slowed his step either way.
"If you're tired we can rest here for the night, the sun has almost set anyways." Legolas said while gazing at the gold and red sky. Y/n yelled in triumph before letting herself fall to the ground and landing on her back, arms and legs stretched out like a seastar. A relieved sigh left her lips as she closed her eyes. Legolas opted to just sit on a nearby rock leaning slightly back and looking up at the darkening sky. He could already see the first star.

"Have you ever just layed there and suddenly felt very... here? I mean are you ever suddenly overly aware of where you are right now. Of what is surrounding you?" Legolas stayed quiet never having experienced something like that in his long life.

"Yeah, well I'm not feeling that right now I'm still very much confused as to where I am." she then continued while sitting up. The elf furrowed his brows at the strange woman but decided to simply shrug it of. They stayed like that for a while and watched as the sun disappeared and stars started to scatter the sky.
A sudden chuckle left y/n mouth prompting Legolas to look over at her.
"I don't know why but somehow I had thought that. That our stars. That they would be the same." her voice broke near the end of her sentence. Legolas was shocked at the sudden and unprompted display of emotion. At a loss on what to do he stayed quiet and instead just watched the woman laying in the grass.
"I'm so far away." she took a deep breath. "From everything." her voice was shake and  maybe it was just the starlight reflecting in her eyes but the woman seemed close to tears. Carefully Legolas started a sentence he hoped would bring her some comfort.
"We elves worship the stars. They are one of the most beautiful things to ever have been created. We think that they're old souls here to protect us. Even if they're not in the same position, I'm sure they still have the same essence."
"Sailors also worship the stars. In a way." He was intrigued.
"How so?"
"We'll they show us home. You're never lost as long as there are stars to guide you." the elf stayed quiet leading y/n to believe that he wasnt understanding what she had meant.
"I mean how else are you supposed to find the way when there is nothing around you but water?"
Then it must be truly hard for her. Legolas realized. If the stars are what guide her home and the heaven she is now seeing is a different one she must have lost all hope of ever finding a way back.
A heavy feeling settled in the elf stomach as he tried to understand what the woman lieng in the grass next to him was going through at the moment.

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