Chapter 14

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"I refuse to believe that you can speak to trees."

A group of horses rode through the gates of Rivendell. Atop sat several elves and one pirate. Upon reaching they elegantly dismounted their horses. Well the elves did.
Y/n simply slid down on one side and landed with a heavy thud. Her mouth was agape as she looked around.

"It's beautiful." she whispered. Legolas gave her a soft smile in response.

The two and their companions were then led away by a tall elf with long brown hair in a silver shimmering gown. They entered a large hall that was open to its surroundings as there were no walls only pillars that supported a large dome like roof, made out of white stone.
In the middle of the structure stood a familiar face.

"Aragorn!" Legolas called happily making the addressed man turn to him. Next to Strider stood a woman with long brown hair, bright blue eyes and a light blue dress.
"And lady Arwen" the elf added with a bow once he was close enough to the two of them.
A bright smile crossed Striders features as he hugged his friend. Then the three of the exchanged some words in elvish leaving y/n to awkwardly stand next to them.

Though that didn't last long as Legolas turned to her and gestured for her to come forward. He gently laid his hand on her back and started introducing her.

"This is lady y/n. She is new to Middleearth."

"New to Middleearth?" Strider repeated in disbelief. "How do you mean? You mentioned her story was long but something like that is impossible, is it not?"

"It is not! I'm the living proof!" the pirate chimed in. The elf wich Legolas had called Arwen looked at her with her deep blue orbs, inspecting her closely.

"She isn't lieing. Her being is not of this world,not fully. Her soul however..." the woman drifted of seemingly in deep thought.

She however didn't care.
"Soul? I have one of those? Splendid!" her comment earned her a few weird looks that she expertly ignored, as did Legolas as he had gotten used to her strange comments and had learned that most of them held no meaning other than speaking itself.

"We were called to the council while still tracking Gollum." he explained peeking the rangers interest.
"Yeah, he talked to some trees. Did you know he could do that? 'Couse I sure didn't!" she interrupted her companion, addressing the Ranger who only chuckled.

"The elves have a way of communicating with nature most humans couldn't fathom." he then said in a calm but kind tone. A soft smile on his face from the cluelessness of the woman. The other two elves also had to surpress a smile before Legolas continued his sentence.
"I'm sorry Mellon but the being has escaped us and we haven't even been able to gain any information from him." Legolas eyes cast down, embarrassed by his failure.

Strider raised his arm and gently placed it on the blond elfs shoulder.
"Don't worry friend, I had no high hopes for information from the creature. I thank you for following my request."

The two men shared a soft smile before the Ranger turned to y/n.

"And I thank you as well, for helping in a matter that is  not your problem. It is very gracious of you."
"Ahh, no need in thanking me. I always get involved in things I shouldn't. It's how I came so far. Besides, I'm just lovely company!"
Aragon had to chuckle.
"So it would seem."

Soon their pleasant conversation was interrupted by an elf arriving to tell them that. "Lord Elrond will commence the council shortly."

Lady Arwen stayed behind as the others rejoin with the elfs they had came here with. Strider greeted some and exchanged a few words before they arrived at another room open to its surroundings. In the middle stood a stone pedastal and various seats were placed around it in a circle formation.
With a gentle hand on her back Legolas lead her to a seat and then lowered imself next to her. The other elfes took the seats around them. Strider sat down a bit further away.

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