Chapter 9

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"Make haste and travel fast? We really are in a rush aren't we?"
"Then we shouldn't waste any time and start our journey."

Together they started riding.
"The safest entrance of Mirkwood forest is a day's march away. On horseback we could reach it late noon."

The sun was about to reach its highest point in the sky as the two horses trotted along next to each other.

"Ay, and this one is from a fight I had with a man that could walk on his hands and shoot with his feet. Hmm, I see that look on your face. You don't believe it, do you? Well I didn't either until this happened."
She said while pointing to a scar on her shoulder.
"What about you?"
Legolas looked at her and slightly tilted his head.
"What do you mean?"
The pirate rolled her eyes a bit annoyed at the elfs obliviousness.
"What are your hero tales. What adventures have you had. What fights have you fought? What could scar your elven skin? Show of your wounds of epic battles won! Come on gloat a little!" she encouraged him.
"Elfes don't get scars that easily. It takes great force to scarr elven skin. So much force that it would kill before it scarres." he admitted a little jealous that her skin alone could tell such tales.
With a sigh he finally caved in telling her the tale of how a group of dwarfs and a hobbit were arrested in the Mirkwood forest only to escape. And how he chased after them  and got involved in a battle of Five armys and an actual dragon. Though he did seem not to honest with the reason why he chased after the dwarfs.
"Who were the five armys?" she asked.
"Did you not listen?" he spoke in a teasing tone.
"Oh no I did. That is why I ask. One army was the elfes. One the dwarfes. One the Orcs. One theee.. Humans? And the last one? Is it the egals? Or do the dwarfes in the mountain count as one. Or is it the dragon? I'da pegged those as lone fighters or part of the other armies."
Legolas was silent for a few seconds before saying.
"The dwarfes of the mountains fought like they were an army themselves. I am not fond of dwarfes but I must admit that I was impressed by their devotion. Although there is little to expect from hard-headed dwarfs."
"You don't seem to like dwarfs."
"Elfes and dwarfs are natural enemies."
Y/n chuckled.
"No you are not!" she giggled.
"How can you oppose? You know nothing of our history."
"We'll do you eat them?"
Legolas looked offended.
"Of course not!"
"Then do they eat you?"
"Why would you say such a heinous thing?"
"Because that's what natural enemies are. The rabbits enemy is a wolf. Because it's the wolfs nature to kill the rabbit. But humans have no real natural enemy. They are not hunted, when they are attacked it is because they threatened first. Knowingly or not."
She cast her eyes to the elf riding next to her as he listened intently.
"Beings like us humans, elfes, dwarfes and Hobbits too probably, whatever those are. We are not born with enemies. We make them ourselves. There is no reason for a war to be held other than the choice of two who rile up their friends."
Legolas stayed quiet, thinking about her words. Could they be true?
"You are a lot more intelligent than you lead on to be."
Y/n snorted.
"Whatever ye say."
"But I do have to add to your theory. Orcs and spiders most certainly are our enemies without us making them."
"Well then I stand corrected. Maybe in
Middleearth there are some natural enemies."

As they rode through the dark Forrest y/n couldn't help but lead her horse to ride closer to the blond elf. Who if he noticed, which he probably did, did not speak upon it.
"I have never felt a curse quite like this." she admitted in a whisper.
"Do not fret no harm will come to you."
Desperate to be distracted she started a new topic.
"Tell me, how is Mirkwood."
"It's a fortress. It's one with these woods and nature. It is not as regal as the other elfen cities yet it is much more than them. It is and will always be my home."
"A fortress you say. How is it then that the dwarfs could escape within a day?"
Legolas shot her a glare over his shoulder as he was riding in front of her. She responded with a wide smile feigning innocence.
"The halfling. I do not know how but he managed to set them free. Without him they'd never have succeeded."
"I meself, as I have already told you, have escaped every prison I have ever been locked inside of. I doubt your fortress would be any different. I mean what makes it so special?" she boasted confidently.
"Oh but you shan't try. Even a master pirate could not escape from Mirkwoods cells. Especially not alone."
"But a master hobbit can?"
Again he glared at her.
"He was hired as a master thief, I was told."
"Every pirate is a master thief. Comes with the territory."
Legolas rolled his blue eyes.
"I don't care much for this teasing." he stated firmly.
"Oh don't be so cross. I'm just tryin' ta pass the time!"
She chuckled, already looking for a new topic to tease him with.

In the distance a twig snapped. It was much to silent for y/n to her but Legolases sensitive elven ears picked up on it.
"Hush!" he whispered suddenly. Y/n wished to protest as she did not like to be hushed in such a manner but stayed quiet due to his next words.
"Someone's close."

Their horses stopped and the two of them looked around.
"Spiders... or elfes?"
"Would it make much of a difference?"
Quickly he pulled his bow and drew an arrow pointing it to his side where the face of another elf with fiery red hair had appeared.
"I think it would." the strange man spoke and looked up into Legolases blue eyes with his equally bright ones.
"Aldon." Legolas spoke in a relieved breath.
"My prince." the elf now identified as Aldon said while respectfully nodding his head before turning his gaze to y/n making her shrink back into herself by the sheer intensity of it.
"Who na- he?" (Who is she?)
"Her name is y/n I have met her along my journey."
She tipped her hat at the man and gave wide grin. The new elf did not seem content with the answer and the scowl on his lips deepened.
"Whui na- he hi?" (Why is she here?)
"She is acompaning me as of to Aragorns request." Legolas explained calmly.
"Na- hi necessarui?" (Is this necessary?)
"Ná." (Yes)
After the elf shot another nasty stare towards y/n then he nodded and started walking ahead. The two riders following suit.
"What language was that? You and Strider used it earlier as well. I didn't recognize it."
"It is Sindarin. Or the common elvish if you will."

"Intresting. Well at least I understand now why you thought I'd be more endangered by your kind than the spiders." she spoke while gazing over to the elf that was now walking alongside their horses.
Legolas looked down feeling a little embarrassed for no discernable reason.
"I don't think that your stay will be to horrid. At least I hope not." he added in a whisper.

"Well one thing is for certain. I have had a nicer welcome on an island full of cannibals." she mumbled under her breath but Legolas heard and chuckled lightly.

"You can not yet speak of our hospitality. As we have yet to pass the gates."


The well renowned elven hospitality. However will it be? Side note I googled and apparently the eagles are the fifth army but I feel that doesn't make sense since they are with Gandalf, not on their own, and Gandalf is with the humans. So let's ignore that shall we?

~1371 words

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