Chapter 17

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A soft groan left her lips and the elf chuckled at her with a quirked brow.

"In need of help?"

The fellowship kept tracking forward, up the mountain. The wind was howling stronger and it was getting increasingly hard to move forward. The cold biting at y/n's skin made her muscles feel numb. Her nose was so cold she wasn't even sure if it was attached anymore. The pirate furrowed her brows trying to focus, hoping she could somehow ignore the freezing cold.

It had worked once before. When they were travelling to the worlds end to retrieve Jack. Normally she would tell that tale, to lift the mood or simply distract from current worries. But she couldn't because she was to scared that her teeth would clatter too much for her to bring out even a sentence. And that would be showing weakness, which she had a strong aversion to.

Suddenly Legolas, who was still walking ahead stopped his stride and turned to look around.

"There is a fell voice on the air." he spoke in an urgent tone.

"Its Saruman!" Gandalf yelled and immediately thunder roared around them and stones fell from a ledge above them. They all stepped back pushing themselves against the ragged rock behind them.

"He's trying to bring down the mountain. Gandalf! We must turn back!" Aragorn screamed, his arms still around two of the Hobbits covered in their cloaks. The poor boys must be half frozen.

"No!" Gandalf responded stumbling a bit because of the strong winds and the rumbling mountain. Y/n instinctively stepped forward steadying his stance with her hand on his back as he climbed atop a snow covered rock to stand a little higher. In a more lofty position, he raised his staff and started a chant.

"Losto Caradhras, sedho, hodo, nuitho i ruith." (Sleep, Caradhras, be still, lie still, hold your wrath.)

For a second y/n hoped that whatever was happening would stop now but that hope was destroyed when she too could hear the disembodied voice chanting similar words to Gandalf, that the others had noticed earlier.

"Cuiva nwalca Carnirasse; Nai yarvaxea rasselya; taltuva notto-carinnar!" (Wake up cruel Redhorn! May your bloodstained horn fall upon enemy heads!) the voice hallowed through the mountains, jumping off the walls to reach their ears again.

A strike of lightning ripped through the sky and hit the mountain above them setting lose an avalanche of snow. A terrified yelp left her lips as she instinctively stepped back, away from the cliff, pulling Gandalf with her. Yet she didn't get far before another pair of arms wrapped around her and helped her pull back the wizard. She immediately knew that it had been Legolas as no other could have reached them so quickly.

Then the snow crashed down on them and knocked the breath out of her chest. Freezing darkness surrounded her and the weight of the snow pushed her to her knees. When there wasn't any more weight being added she started moving her arms trying to reach the surface. After a while of pushing her arm upward and kicking herself higher all the while still holding her breath, thank Calypso that she was good at doing that, she finally could feel her hand come to the air. Before she could work on digging herself free further her hand was grasped and she was pulled up only to be met with a pair of blue eyes.

"Are you all right?" Legolas asked while cupping her cheek. She nodded and in a hushed whisper, due to her hurting lungs she spoke: "The others-" before looking around for the rest of the fellowship, even though she herself was still halfway covered in snow.

She saw Aragorn pulling up Frodo and Sam, Boromir who also was only halfway out was pulling on the other two hobbits. Gandalf had freed himself so the only one missing was Gimli but if the stirring snow in front of her meant anything than he would come up shortly.

"Legolas!" she called urgently and started digging in the snow. The elf sprung to her aid and pulled out the grumbling dwarf like an overgrown carrot.

"We must get off the mountain! Make for the Gap of Rohan and take the West road to my city!" Boromir screamed over the wind, his words barely audible.

"The Gap of Rohan takes us too close to Isengard." Aragorn protested.

"We cannot pass over a mountain. Let us go under it. Let us go through the Mines of Moria." Gimli called still fighting to get free from his white prison.

A concerned look settled on Gandalfs face as he tried to think of the best way to get out of this situation.

"Let the Ring-bearer decide." Gandalf spoke after a while of contemplation. All eyes turned to the small man, still cradled in Aragorns arms. Small icicles had developed in his brows and lashes and his lips were starting to turn blue, his eyes drifted to the side in deep thought.

"We cannot stay here! It will be the death of the Hobbits!" Boromir screamed fear and worry evident in his voice.

"Frodo?" Gandalf called again making the hobbit turn to him and meet his gaze.

"We will go through the mines." he finally spoke.

"So be it."

The group started heading into the new direction, luckily they could walk in the path they had already made, at least for a while. That didn't stop y/n from stumbling a little though, as her legs still felt numb from the avalanche. Legolas was at her side within seconds jumping down from the untouched snow he was previously walking on to help steady her walk.

"Dont worry. 'M fine." she muttered trying to walk without his help but quickly stumbled back into his arms.

"Are you sure?"

"Mmh. 'Was last time, though last time t'was this cold, I didn't 'ave to walk at least. A crewmate lost his toe though."

"Is that even possible?"

"His fault for taking the shoe of, shouldn't'a done that." she slurred, skipping words due to her freezing and hurting jaw.

Legolas chuckled lightly but interrupted himself when y/n slipped and fell forward. Of course he didn't let her meet the floor but the small shock was still there.

"Should I carry you again?" he mocked her, or at least she thought he did.

"Pirates dont get carried. 'Nless their dead 'fcourse." she mumbled.

"But I thought pirate legs weren't meant for walking?" asked Legolas tilting his head slightly.

Y/n stopped dead in her tracks turning to look at him with wide eyes and an open mouth. His face calm and unchanged except for a small smile on his lips, it was quite unfair that he was so unaffected from the cold.

"You did listen!"

A knowing smile made its way onto his face as he gently placed his hand on her frozen cheek using his thumb to softly close her mouth.

"Of course I did." he whispered with a closed eye smile before starting to move again. Y/n quickly following.

"Well if ya'd really listened you'd know that I said long distances so don't go and think me weak, will ya!" she called after him. Legolas chuckled.

"I would never dare, my dear pirate."

Hope you liked it :)

~1221 words

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