Chapter 30

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"Cin will n- eithel, Meleth-nin."

When y/n awoke her body was aching and her breath was labored. At least her vision was clear again, though the sun in her eyes blinded her. She raised her hand to touch her wounds but quickly flinched back when finding them. Her facial wounds were now only minor scratches but still burned to the touch. How had she healed so fast? It must have been Aragorns healing magic, like she had heard him speak of before. She must have been lucky that her wounds were nothing major. Though by the feeling of it she was sure that her ribs and back must be black and blue still. With each breath she took she could feel her torso shake as her muscles were overwhelmed by the pressure. She tried to straighten her back but a searing pain stopped her and she shut her eyes tightly, rubbing her brow in circles.

Suddenly she felt a gentle hand on her cheek and her eyes snapped open.

"Dont touch your wounds, they have not fully healed yet." said Legolas removing her hand from her face but keeping his own on her cheek.

"You worried me, Meleth." he whispered.

"Meleth?" she repeated confused by the new word but Legolas ignored her.

"Why did you run off without alerting me first?" he asked, hurt present in his voice.

"I went after Boromir. Had I known that we would be attacked Id 'ave warned you." she joked trying to raise the mood but the elf's dark brows stayed furrowed. She sighed and turned her head, moving her gaze away from his face. The elf's hand dropped down to his side, disappointed.

"Where is he anyways?" asked y/n and the elf turned his questioning gaze back to her.

"Boromir." she elaborated, "Where is he?" Legolas cast his eyes down and y/n prepared for the worst, her muscles tensing despite the pain.

"He did not survive the fight." muttered Legolas and y/n's head fell as hot tears sprung to her eyes. Immediately Legolas had his hands on her shoulder and cheek, pulling her close to himself so that her head rested near his neck. Soft sobs left her and she bit her lip trying to silence them.

"Merry and Pippin. Did we at least save them?" croaked her braking voice just barely above a whisper.

"They're alive but were taken by the Uruk-hai." another cry left her as she clung to Legolas for support.

"I failed them. I couldn't protect Merry and Pippin, like I promised to Frodo. And I couldn't even save Boromir. Tell me Legolas, did at least Frodo get away safely?"

Finally, the elf nodded.

"He and Sam crossed the lake. They are on their own now. But y/n. You did not fail them; you fought bravely and could not have done better. Merry and Pippin are not lost. We will follow them. We'll send of Boromir with his last honors and then we will set out to find them." Y/n nodded and raised her head to blink away the remaining tears. Had it not been her who told Frodo not to dwell in the past?

She burrowed her head further into the elfs chest breathing in deeply to steady her own tremoring lungs. His scent filled her nostrils and she felt strangely calmed. He smelled of pines and honey. She let herself indulge in the moment for only a few seconds before coming back to reality. She needed to be strong now. When she was a captain, an injury was never enough to back down. If she had shown a weakness like this she would have been mutinied upon within seconds. Her brows furrowed and her gaze hardened as she straightened her back despite the searing pain she felt.

She loosened her grip on the tunic of Legolas and tried to get up but he quickly pushed her down again.

"No, you must rest while you can" she wasn't happy but she remained seated as Legolas handed her some Lembas bread and water to recover some of her strength.

She could do nothing but watch as the others set Boromirs body in an elven boat along with his belongings, because Legolas forced her to sit down and rest every time, she tried to move just a little to help the others. No matter how often she assured him she was fine he would not let her get up. It pained her to not be able to set her friend to his final resting point.

When they got ready to send off Boromirs boat into the river she tried getting up once more. Pirates were nothing if not stubborn. Of course, the worried elf was next to her within seconds.

"You mustn't get up." He warned for what felt to be the hundredths time, but this time y/n had had enough.

Try to stop me from paying my respects and you can swim in a boat next to him!" she snapped and Legolas stepped back surprised. She took a deep breath before speaking again.

"I apologize. I should not have said that. But I need to do this." she said with urgency in her tone.

Legolas nodded and excepted her apology.

"Then at least let me steady you." y/n hesitated but agreed knowing it was the only way she would be allowed to stand.

They watched the boat get smaller and smaller on the lake until it disappeared behind a river bent. It was then that Aragorn moved to strap a hunting knife to his leg.

"We will not abandon Merry and Pippin to torment and death, not while we have strength left. Leave all that can be spared behind." said Aragorn grimly "We travel light. Lets hunt some Orc."

"Yes! Ha!" cheered Gimli.

"Aye." agreed y/n in a grim tone, Aragorns blue eyes met hers.

"Can you run?" asked he.

"I can do whatever I must." she said but still found herself under the Rangers scrutinizing stare.

"You will be slow." he muttered.

"So ya plan to leave me behind?" she asked raising a brow. That they acted under pirate law was new to her. Aragorn shook his head before his hand moved to his side and he pulled something out of his pocket. The eyes of y/n and Legolas widened recognizing the object as the pirate's pistol.

"We could not bear such a loss." he said and held it out to her. "But I worry."

Y/n scoffed and gripped the weapon from his outstretched arm attaching it back to her belt.

"You underestimate my rage, mate." She warned, her tone cold and frightening.

"Rage won't mend your bones." Replied the ranger unfazed as he averted his gaze when Legolas suddenly chimed in.

"I will carry her."

"No, you wont." she immediately responded.

"And who will stop me?" Y/n was getting ready do retort but was stopped by Aragorn.

"You will slow us down otherwise." said he. After sending an intense glare at both Aragorn and Legolas she sighed defeatedly.

"I never will mention this part when I tell the tale." she said and the others chuckled before readying up for the journey, leaving most of their belongings behind.

Then she climbed onto the back of Legolas as they ran into the forest following the Uruk-hais tracks.

We will save the hobbits.


The end of movie one. Wow. Never thought I'd get this far. Coming from someone who wrote since I was a child and never finished a single story. Well technically I'm not done, but still. =)

I thank all of you for your support and loving comments! <3

The next book is called: I am a Pirate! Legolas x fem pirate Reader

First chapter should already be up! See you there!!!!

signed Rei <3

~1300 words

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