Chapter 5

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"In the end No one can resist me charms!" she stated before getting tackled to the ground.


"Oh dear! I underestimated my own charm! Listen, your nice but this-" Y/n tried to get up and push the elf away right as a black arrow burrowed itself into the ground near her head. A terrified squeak that much resembled the sound of a dying mouse left her lips.

While she was still looking around for the shooter, Legolas was already standing and firing arrows at their attackers.

These monsters were vaguely human looking, their skin was dark and muddy, the faces puffed up and scarred. They seemed more like animals than intelligent beings. One was running towards her and proudly presented its rotting teeth in a stomach-churning grin.

"Eww! What are those things!" she screamed as it was hit by an arrow and fell to the ground in front of her, missing her foot by a hairs width. Fear was setting in her stomach; she had dealt with things similar to this before but at least then she knew what to expect.

"Orcs!" Legolas called again, still fighting. Three of the attackers had already fallen, two more stood close to the elf who was doing a great job at mowing the beasts down. Three were still charging towards them.

Finally y/n got up and gripped the sword at her hip. And not a second to late as another of those monsters tried to swing at her with a metal club.

She turned in the nick of time and sliced its weapon in half. The orc gave her a shocked look.

"Yeah. I'm just as confused as you!" she muttered before slicing its head of. Then she turned to see only two of the remaining Orcs still standing. The others were dead on the ground. Arrows explaining how they died.

The three that were running at them hadn't even come close yet and were already laying on the ground unmoving.

Legolas jumped atop the shoulders of a specimen with Grey skin that had a weird oily black substance dripping from his face, then shot down at its head. As it fell to ground, he jumped of it kicking the last one standing to the ground and killing it with another arrow between its eyes.

"Well." Y/n said while cleaning her swords blade on the dead beasts clothing in front of her.

"I'd say we had an equal share in that win."

Legolas chuckled. "Oh, yes. I don't know what I would have done without you. The lack of my dagger could have severely endangered me today."

"That's what I'm saying!" the pirate exclaimed ignoring the elfs sass.

"I promise you, if I had had enough rum, I'd have killed more than you!"

"Maybe you're right." he spoke slowly picking up her triangular hat that was laying before his feet.

"Fighting like that. It could only get better when drunk!" he threw her the hat that she easily caught. Chuckling she put it on her head.

"I know that that was an insult." she spoke while pointing a finger at him and then sheathing her sword in a grande motion. Hissing in pain for a second when it was secured again.

"But!" she quickly made her way over to her bag and opened it to retrieve a bottle.

"It is also the truth. So!" she bit onto the cork and opened the bottle with a pop before spitting it out again.


With that she raised it to her lips and took a large swig as Legolas gave her hand which she shook slightly as if it was hurting a suspicious gaze.

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