Chapter 11

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"So anyways." she turned back to the flabbergasted royals.
"What did I miss?"
The silence in the large throne room was deafening as noone knew what to do.

Legolas was the first to break it, gripping her by the hand and quickly running out the room before his father could say anything.
"We will take our leave then!"
He called already halfway down the hallway.
"What is this? Drag y/n behind you day?" she complained feeling her wrist start to hurt because of the constant pulling but the elf ignored her.
When Legolas then apruptly whipped around to her she slammed into him. Groaning she rubbed her nose and opened her mouth to accuse him of deliberately making her walk into him. Yet she didn't have the time as his hands were gripping her shoulders tightly and he stared at her with dialited pupils making him look almost manic.
"How did you do that?" he almost yelled.
"I warned you that no prison could hold me! "
"I understand but how did you do that? You hadn't even left for an hour!"
"I will admit that I think I reached a new record."
He didn't avert his gaze not content with the answer he was given. If it could even be called an answer.
Y/n not really feeling like she wanted to explain as it, in her mind wasn't even impressive, just muttered.
"I just stole a key! It's not that hard!" she whined. She would have loved to tell him an extravagant tale about her adventure maby involving a puddle of conveniently spilled oil or an impressive demonstration of her wit and charm but the elf had not left her with enough time to come up with such a story, so she had no choice but to tell the truth.
"You stole from the guards? How did they not notice?" he asked not intierly convinced of her abilitys.
"Don't believe me? Look!" she said and presented him with the sea glass she had gifted him about a week ago.
"How did?" he patted his pockets to check if she really had succeeded in pickpocketing him. Wich she did.
Laughing she handed him back the shard of glass.
"I am a woman of many talents, mate. Don't be like yer dad and underestimate me!"
Their eyes met and they both seemed to freeze in place. Until y/n decided to speak again.
"Thank you for standing up for me." she sounded surprisingly serious.

Then Y/n flashed him another grin before starting to walk in a random direction.
"So about that prisoner."
As she walked away the elf still stood perfectly still, surprised by the sudden Thanks. A light pink dust darkens the tips of his ears brought there by the sincerely of her words.

"You should really catch up to me because I have absolutely no idea where I'm going!" she called over her shoulder ripping him from his trance and lead to him chasing after her and guiding her into the correct direction.

In silence they walked to the outside of the palace to what Legolas had said were the training grounds. There near a tree is where the prisionor should be waiting for them.
The aforementioned tree was a giant oak which had a cage hanging by a thick iron chain from one of its branches.
The metal cage dangled about a foot above Legolases head.
He looked at the other elves that were guarding the prisionor and told them to let the cage down a bit.

Through the bars y/n could recognize an amaciated figure with pale, almost grey skin. It had an absurdly large head with bulging eyeballs. From his skull a few stands of dirty brown hair hung into its face. It seemed to be vaguely human as it had legs, arms hands and very large feet.
It was crouching down making its spine pop out and was hugging his knees caressing its own skin and whispering things y/n could not pick up on.
"What is that?" the woman asked shocked by its appearance as it turned his head towards her.
"It is weirdly adorable." she added as the thing began sniffing the air. Legolas gave her a shocked look which she just shrugged of.
"I've seen worse things."

Maybe it was just to oppose her words but the being chose this moment to launch towards the bars screaming and hissing while reaching through the gaps to hit or scratch the two.

"I take it back!" y/n shreaked and jumped behind Legolas in horror. The elf just chuckled along with the other guards, though they tried to hide it more.

"What's your name?" he then inquired after calming his giggles and y/n peaked out her head from behind him. The thing hissed again before speaking in a scratchy voice.
"We hates nasty elfs! My precious. We won't talk to nasty elfes. No no."
"We just want a few answers." Legolas continued either way.
"We won't say, my precious. Don't even know the question! Gollum! Gollum! Gollum!" he coughed out bending his back seemingly aching in pain.
Then y/n stepped forward.
"What is this precious you speak of?" she asked.
The thing paused his movement and turned to her.
"Why does it want to know? My precious? Why? What is it that wants to know, my love. Is it human?" it asked sneaking forward.
"I am human"
"Smells different. Why does it smell different, my precious? Gollum! Gollum!"
"It's course I'm a pirate, mate."
"Piratses? Gollum never had Piratses before. Is it good, my precious?"
"Well I'd hope so. But you'll never find out if you don't answer our questions. So what is this precious you speak of?"
"No! No! Gollum! Gollum! Won't speak to nasty Piratses. It tricks us, precious. Tricks us! Sneaky, nasty piratses!"
"Well that's rather rude."
With that she backed away looking up to Legolas for advice. But he seemed lost in thought as well.
"It would seem this is a hopeless ordeal after all. " the elf sighed frustradedly.
"Pull him back up. This will lead to naught but anger."

So instead they sat with the other guards near the tree on a bench.
These guards were much kinder to
y/n. Maybe because she was with Legolas or because she hadn't locked them in a cell and ran away. These elfs seemed almost interested in why she was traveling with their prince, or why she was dressed in such a strange way.
Which of course led to her boasting about being a pirate that sailed the caribbean. And much like Legolas they were fascinated with her story's about storms, giant waves that hid monsters and other things, and all she learned about the sea.
Yet unlike Legolas they laughed about her jokes aloud instead of just quietly smirking to themselves.
It didn't take long for one guard to disappear for a few minutes only to return with some wine. Y/n's interest was peaked and while Legolas did warn her that elven wine is much stronger than human liquor the pirate was not impressed only telling him.
"I have lived weeks of my live were the only thing I drank was rum, wine and ale and I survived that splendidly!"
So he didn't try to stop her again as they all drank from their cups and shared stories and adventures.
Elven wine was indeed very strong and very sweet. It reminded her a lot of portwine though only if you mixed portwine with rum and added some honey or another kind of sweetener.

Laughs were shared and even the elven prince seemed to loosen up a little. None of them were drunk, no not by far. Yet they certainly were a little tipsy.
Currently y/n was having a pleasant conversation with an elven woman who had introduced herself as Haleth, about the increasingly creative ways they had denied mens proposals of courtship.
Haleth was one of the few elfes that had visited human city's before were men had thrown themselves at her after just seconds of meeting her even going as far as to propose marriage.

Legolas was sitting next to them listening intently and occasionally adding a snide comment about the men or how they could go further in rejecting them.
Sadly Haleth was soon called over by another friend leaving the pirate and the prince behind.
They sat in comfortable silence for a few seconds before y/n turned to look at him inspecting his features more closely.
The elf let her stare for a while before turning to her and meeting her gaze.
Then with a smile she spoke:

"You know, for someone who has never seen the sea, you do carry it in your eyes."


So romantic. What a flirt you are:)

~1475 words

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