Chapter 27

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Elves are being of hope after all.

The next morning after a good breakfast they were once more taken too meet with Lady Galadriel. They where then lined up in front of the Lady and her husband once again.

"Never before have we clad strangers in the garb of our own people." said Celebron as dark green cloaks were wrapped around their shoulders and fastened using leaf-shaped pins.

"May these cloaks help shield you from unfriendly eyes." he continued.

Then it was Lady Galadriels turn to adress the Fellowship, Legolas being the first. He was handed an elegant bow made of light wood.

"My gift for you, Legolas, is a bow of the Galadhrim. Worthy of the skill of our woodland kin." imeadiatly Legolas rose the bow to test its strengh, stumming it once. Then a satisfied and honoured smile made its was to his lips as he thanked the Lady of the light.

Then the Lady stood before the pirate, her blue eyes burning into her e/c ones. For a second y/n feared another mind invasion but luckily nothing happened.

"I have no weapon stonger than what you already carry, all I can grant you are two words, answering the questions that scream in your mind." Y/n held her breath. Would she truely recieve an answer?

"Ten years." The pirates legs gave out and she sank to the ground on her knees, closing her eyes to stop the tears from flooding down her face.

"You know not of what relief you have granted me. No words of thanks would be enough."

"Do not speak so soon. What brings relief can take it too. You must not act to hastely."

Y/n pressed her lips into a thin line sinking into deep thought, blending out what gifts the rest of the Fellowship recieved.

She only looked up again as they all turnred to leave.

They were lead to slender boats that waited for them near the riverbank, bevor entering they finished packing for the journey.

Legolas was packing a pack off thin yellow bread wrapped in tough leaves into the boats before removing a single piece of them raising it to his face.

"Lembas. Elvish waybread." he said and took a small bite from the corner of the bread.

"One small bite is enough to fill the stomach of a grown Man." he explained further, sounding rather proud of the elven craft which brought a smile to y/n's face. He always seemed to get exited about such simple things. It was rather endearing.
Legolas then left to collect some more thigs and y/n cast her gaze on Merry and Pippin who were lesurely laying near the riverbank. She listened in on their conversation as she put some rope onto the boats.

"How many did you eat?" asked Merry.

"Four." answered Pippin and belched.

She laughed lightly at the twos antics.

When they were done packing they entered the boats, Legolas helped Gimli into the boat while y/n watched Sam trying to keep his balance. She chuckled at the struggling hobbit.

"You need to work with the waves master hobbit. The water kann be your friend if you let it." she gave her rather unhelpful advice before swiftly jumping on the boat behind Gimli, standing on the railing of the boat instead of the inside.

"If you budge the water will trip you, hold your ground and you shall be safe."

Sam who had with great strain managed to sit down responded to the pirate who was currently swaying the boat with her feet, demonstrating her meaning as well as teasing the poor dwarf that clung to the sides of the boat with an iron grip.

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