Chapter 15

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And so a new journey begins.

Everyone left the meeting room and scattered to their own destinations.
Y/n ran after Legolas who was following the elf that had lead the meeting.

"Lord Elrond!" he called making the elf turn around.
"Ah, Legolas Thrandrulion, I was waiting for you to come speak to me."
"May I have a word with you, please. I need to request your help for I do not know who else to turn to for council." Legolas explained, confusing y/n as to what he meant. She did not know that elf, besides what help did they even need? Unless this was about the whole being in the wrong word thing. But how the man would be able to help her with that, she did not know. Yet she followed the two elfs as they were lead to another room. This one having an actual door, though the windows were still quite large and not covered by glass instead only a thin white sheet of fabric.

"What is it you need?" Elrond asked upon arriving in the room. Legolas looked at y/n for a second before explaining. Starting from how they met and the mystery of her being here. Elrond listened intently before looking at the pirate.
"You come from the ocean?" he asked and y/n nodded.
"I have had a feeling something new would follow you to Rivendell, Legolas, though I had not expexted for something like this to happen. In all my years of living I have not heard of a thing such as this ever happening before. I shall have to study upon it further." he hesitated a while longer before continuing.

"You have done the right thing, coming to me with this issue. For now it should be best for you two to stay together, you surely have found each other for a reason. Maybe she was brought here for a reason, to help with the the journey. If I learn more I shall notify you, for now you should try to learn of our world as to not gain too much unwanted attention. Though I doubt that it can be avoided entirely. You shouldn't tell anyone that your from another realm."
"But being a pirate, sailing the seas is all that I am! How can I explain that?"
"You must simply say that you are from beyond our ocean and your travels have led you here. Most have traveled here from beyond the seas to middle earth, millenia ago and many leave that way still. Keep your tounge about your true arrival to yourself."

Y/n nodded in agreement.
"For now we should clothe you in a garment of our realm to have you not stand out as much."
Y/n raised her brow, are her clothes really that strange? The hat was certainly unusual but then they saw an old man with a large pointy, brimed hat. The thought of loosing her pirate clothes pained her, though she tried to understand the reason behind it.
"Can I leave them here and retrieve them when the journey is over?"
She asked sounding worried, Elrond smiled at her.
"Of course." y/n was relieved.

Soon she was lead to a new room where other clothes awaited her.
She changed from her pirate blouse to a green tunic, similar in style to the one Legolas was wearing. She also took a light brown pair of pants that were much thicker than hers. Most of her clothes were quite thin, except for her coat, since the caribbean sea was quite the warm place, by day at least, and one was almost always exposed to the sun. But middleearth had a much more subdued climate, so thicker clothes seemed very tantalizing.
She kept her boots as well as her coat, there was no way she would be giving  up on all of those pockets.
With a solem expression she took of her hat, as well. It truly pained her to do so but she had to.
"Don't look at me like that." she muttered under her breath.
"The risk of loosing you along the journey is much too great."

After a while of contemplating she also put away her bag. All the important things she look out and stuffed them into her pockets. Things like her  spyglass and the gunpowder pouch alongside the bullets. She didn't have many of them left anyways but leaving them behind alongside her pistol seemed too risky to her. Besides you never know what can happen.

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