Chapter 12

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"You know, for someone who has never seen the sea, you do carry it in your eyes."

Legolases brain stopped working and he froze in place. His heart was racing and felt like it was about to burst out of his chest and right into her ringed fingers. His face heated up which could be seen in his now very red ears, even his cheeks were now dusted with a rosy collour. He swallowed in hopes he would regain his ability to speak but even if he did, not a single coherent sentence or even word, at this point, was being created in his head.
Lucklily for him she didn't seem to pay much mind to that as she was much to interested in the red liquid that graced the bottom of her silver cup.

A soft smile was placed her lips and Legolas found himself unable to look away to captured by the soft curve of her smile. He found himself craving for her eyes to lay upon him again. To have her eyes roam his for hours trying to find something, a thing that he wasn't even sure of existing. Something that only she could see, only she could discover and drag out to show him. That ever present smirk and twinkle in her eye when she would gloat about the new found treasure.

With an equally kind smile Legolas leaned a bit closer to the woman. For a human it could have gone unnoticed or be pushed of to a shifting movement due to uncomfortable seating but for an elf it was an obvious sign of interest. Fortunetly non of the other elves were paying attention to the prince and the pirate.
"You eyes seem to hold something as well." he whispered making her turn her head expectingly, raising a brow.
"Though I have not yet had enough time gazing into them to figure out what it is." he gave her a teasing closed eyed grin and she had already parted her lips to retort when the elves head snapped back towards the Forrest where he had heard a twig snap.
And so did the other guards who all had their heads turned towards the forest edge now, all drunken happiness replaced by high alert. Like dear noticing the presence of a hunter and readying to run away, only that the elfs were preparing for a fight.

Then a black arrow shot out of the thick of the trees hurling towards them. A guard expertly cut it in half before it could hit anyone. The arrow was followed by even more which the elfes deflected while y/n instinktivly ducked down. Just as the elfes got ready to storm into the forest to greet their attackers they ran out first. It was an ambush of orcs, to many as for y/n to quickly count but not enough that a fight would seem hopeless.

Within seconds a battle had broken loose and the sound of metal hitting metal could be heard.
Y/n sprung back on her feet just as a Grey-skinned monster stood before her. Immediately her sword was drawn and shoved into her opponents skull who dropped down.
She whirled around to hit another orc that was fighting with an elf and so had his back turned to her.
The creature, Gollum, was screaming above them as his cage swayed violently. Yet y/n could not let herself be distracted as she beheaded another orc.
And just as she turned to fight another she was pushed to the ground by a sand-yellow ork with extordunerry puffed and swollen cheeks, that made him look like he was close to exploding.
A shriek left her lips and she tried to turn her hand to somehow hit it with her blade. The orc atop her wore a sickening grin as he raised a jagged dagger, ready to strike. Yet he never got that far as y/n suddenly saw the tip of an awwow come out between his brows. His eyes crossed and it fell limp at top her crushing her lungs into a deep groan. She just saw blond hair swaying in the wind before her savior disappeared again.
Shimmiing her body she managed to escape from under the heavy and foul smelling orc. She hadn't even fully stood up yet when another orc takeled her down. This one was already injured and crawling on the ground but had not yet been served with a fatal blow.
So y/n did him the honer by pushing him away with her feet and stabbing her blade through its head.
Finally she could stand again and saw that many of the orcs were already struck down but also a few elfes that layed unmoving.
Quickly she looked around to find the elven prince who she saw, to her horror, wrestling with an orc on the ground. And the orc was seemingly winning.
None of the other elves seemed to notice his struggle and she herself was to far away to reach him in time.

Panicked she did the only thing she could think of and pulled out her pistol aiming it at the orcs head.

The loud bang rang threw the ears of all the fighters. The orc atop Legolas dropped dead and all heads, without exception, turned to y/n and the strange smoking contraption she was holding.
One of the orcs screamed something in an unfamiliar language and the surviving orcs ran away. Dissappearing into the woods.
Some of the elfes chased after them while the injured stayed behind.

Legolas did as well as he was still frozen to the ground and staring at the pirate that had just saved his life.
Y/n not at all stunned by her own weapon she quickly stode over him avoiding stepping on corpses and knelt down next to him.
"Are you alright?" she asked cupping his cheek.
"What is that thing?" Legolas asked ignoring her question.
"Its my Flintlock pistol." she answered quickly before repeating her question. This time the elf answered:
"I'm alright. How did you aquire such a thing and why did you not tell me of its existence sooner?" he asked a bit of hurt laced into his voice.
"I had no reason to. Besides I realized quickly that they did not exist here. And I think that it is better that way. Guns were the invention that tainted humans more than the devil ever could."
Legolas looked at her with wide eyes as she softly stroked his cheek with her thumb.
"I had no intention of using it here. But I did not know what else to do."
Slowly the elf raised his hand to cup hers against his cheek.
"It is alright. I understand your reasoning and I agree. It seems to powerfull to end up in the wrong hands."
Y/n nodded and stuffed it back into the locked on her belt.
"Noone but me shall lay their hands on it." she assured him before turning her head to the small battlefield they were standing on.
"What did they even want?" she asked gently removing her hand from his face leaving him to crave for her warmth once more.
"It is quite now." was the only thing he said confusing her greatly.
"I know it is but what does that have to do with anything?"
"They took the prisinor."
They both sat in uncomfortable silence until y/n decided to break it again.
"Well I'm most certainly not going to be the one to tell yer father."

It didn't take long for other elfs to come along to help the wounded, having been called by one of the other attacked guards that had not chased after the orcs.
Legolas commanded one of them to run to the king and give him the disappointing message. The chosen elf did not look happy with his fate.

Y/n and Legolas decided to also aid the wounded. When all was done everyone was relieved that none of the injuries were fatal, some did come quite close though. As the two left the infirmary quarters they stood in silence for a while.
"What do we do now?" y/n posed a question that Legolas did not answer. He only gave her a meaningful look.
"We're gonna chase after them, aren't we?"
"Ready when you are."
"Bring it on, elf boy."


Really trying hard with the battle scenes. I'm not great at writing those
So notes for improvement or things you liked? Pls comment to let me know! Thx.

~1432 words

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