Chapter 3

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"Ay, don't worry about it. Golds not the thing I need at the moment. Besides yer knife's broken. Ye don't want to travel without protection do ya? And out of the kindness of me heart, I'll walk with you. Keep ye save till we get to a village and then our ways part, savvy?"

"All right."

And so, the unlikely pair began their journey. Legolas wasn't to exited to travel with a criminal but he hoped that the strange woman could teach him more about the ocean.

Elves had always had a deep craving for the ocean, yet had been cursed to never see it. Until they travelled to the in dying lands of course. They felt about the wild sea much like they felt for the stars. A deep longing with which they had been born.

So even if the woman next to him was a liar. Something in him craved for her words to be true. That she really knew the sea and she could tell him about it. Curiosity and hope were deeply in ingrained in the elves beings.

There was something about the woman as well that Legolas did not quite understand. She felt so strangely safe to him. Even though she was odd from er clothes and accent all the way down to how she walked. It was as if she held not a single worry in her step as she skipped over the ground so lightly. It was similar to the light steps of the elves were that not that gently sway in her steps as she could or would not walk in a simple straight line. Her arms also swayed leisurely next to her making it seem as if she was dancing instead of walking, it was so unfamiliar and odd to the elf yet it left him craving to understand.

Y/n wasn't on her part wasnt to upset with her current situation. It wasn't the first time she went on an impromptu voyage with some strange fellow she had only known for a few minutes, it wasnt even the first time a relationship had started with a swordfight so she felt fine. As well as of course that the supposed elf was rather polite and next to most people she had met on her travels was a lot easier on the eyes. Next to most people she had met in her lifetime actually. The fact that he looked so much like Will did put her off a little but the calm aura that surrounded the man next to her was something Will never had. The way she felt around the elf was generally very different from any other human she had met. He was so calm and his steps so silent that it was easy to forget he was even there but every time her eyes caught sight of him again a strange feeling of joy erupted in her chest.

Legolas was very beautiful. While Will was certainly attractive, even she could not deny that no matter how much she wanted too, she would never have described him as beautiful.

And of course, she was just never attracted to will. Most of the time she had spent with him she was too preoccupied with Jack to give him much of her attention. And when she did, he was and at her about Elizabeth or betraying her.

So based on company alone she was better off than on her previous adventures but what did make this situation considerably worse was that she was somewhere in the countryside with a beached boat and the ocean impossibly far away.

"So Legless, you're an elf? What does that entail? Are you magic or maybe created by magic?" she broke the silence between the two.

Legolas rolled his eyes.

"My name is LegOlas. Not Legless." he simply corrected. The pirate shrugged.

"I was slightly confused by that." she muttered mostly to herself.

There was a short silence before Legolas spoke again.

"Elves are a little like humans, on the outside at least. But we are stronger and more agile. Our life's are extended into the never-ending realms and we are more familiar with magic and closely connected to the very essence of Arda."

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