Chapter 8

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"So here is where our ways part is it not?"

"Oh. Oh yeah. I forgot about that."
Legolas nodded curtly.
"Well, I'll be fine. I have a town, a tavern. Er, other humans. I'll be fine, I'm sure." she said mostly to herself.

Their eyes met awkwardly.
Y/n didn't really want to leave. She still didn't know where she was or how she could get back. Or even if she could get back. And when she was with Legolas she seemed to forget about all that.
Well maybe not forget but not mind as much. She didn't worry as much, he kept her calm. If he would leave her then she'd truly have to face the fact that she had no way of going home. She'd have to start worrying about building a new life. A life without pirates and the sea. Would she have to be a farmer again? She didn't want that. And with him she could pretend to still be looking for a way back. To just be on another journey. Again. Like she always seemed to be. Traveling to somewhere for no other reason than to do something to not stay in place. Just to keep moving, running. From something. There was always something. What was there now?

She gave him a sad smile.
"Well then." she stood up. "Shall we leave?" y/n spoke while bowing down and holding out her hand like a true gentleman. "Your highness."

Together they left the bar. Y/n had her bag slung over the shoulder and a bottle clutched tightly in her hand, gently swaying side to side.

"Y'know it is quite sad that you only now get to meet the true me. Drunk n' all. Right when we're about to part ways!"
The elf chuckled.
"I believe that I have already met the true you. Maybe it was not the you that is your favorite or the one you want others to see. But it's true non the less."
"Argh. You and ya words." she waved him of. She jogged a little ahead finishing her drink before turning around to walk backwards.

"The me I likes best, is the me that's true. So the true me. And I like this one, the true one. If this's not the true one but the not true one then the true one is the one that-Ahh!"
She got interrupted as she bumped into someone. Luckily the stranger had good reflexes and cought her.
"Whoops." she looked up into a pair of blue eyes and a tan face.
"Usually you look ahead when you walk, isn't that so?" the man spoke in a deep voice.
"I walk however I please! Including over corpses. So remove your hands at once!" she seathed all drunken slurr removed from her voice. The man quickly removed his hands and held them up in an innocent manner. She stood up and cleaned her jacked of invisible dust.
"So. Where were we?" she started slurring again.
"No I'm pretty sure we weren't there."

Legolas walked right past her hugging the man she had bumped into. Y/n's lips pulled into a tight line and the corners of her mouth sunk.
" 'M not quite sure what's happening." She said after having turned to look at them.
As the two men let go of the hug they shared and started speaking some strange language.
" 'S that Irish? Gaelic?"
The men were still talking and Aragorn gently hit Legolases shoulder. He said something and laughed making the elf shake his head and look down, his ears now tipped red.
"I somehow feel like I'm getting ignored."

Still the men were to cought up in themselfs to notice her.
"Am I invisible?" she asked and poked a man nearest to her who was currently biting into a carrot. The guy sent her a glare and she apolegeticly raised her hands in surrender. When he walked away she whispered to herself.
"Okay. Not invisible. Certainly not!"
She turned to the men again right as Aragorn looked over the elfs shoulders and met her gaze.

Finally he moved away from the blond and towards y/n.
"I'm Strider. It's a pleasure to make your aquaintence." he spoke and held out his hand.
"Thought you were Aragorn?"
"That's a name I don't currently use."
"Oh I get that. I still have some people calling me Scarlett. Though that's for a very different reason. I hope. For your own good." she said and patted his shoulder encouragingly.
Confused Aragorn turned to Legolas who just shrugged in response.

"Im actually quite glad to have met you. Why don't you two join me for dinner at the Inn. My treat." the man said while looking at Legolas.
"Ohh. I like not paying for stuff. Let's go with him!" y/n exclaimed turning to the scruffy looking man.

"I have finally captured the creature Gandalf has spoken of. I had to track it for months. He is now in the care of Mirkwood. He kept speaking of something it called precious." The ranger said.
"Well that certainly doesn't narrow it down." y/n mumbled with a mouth full of bread.
"Mmh. It certainly doesn't. That's why I need your help." he turned to Legolas. "I had not the time to fully question him as I could not stay with the king. As well as it being to angry that I had captured him. You need to talk to it for me, go to Mirkwood. Find out what he knows."
For a short second a pained expression flashed the elfs face but as quickly as it came it left again posing the question of it had even ever been there.
Then he nodded.
"I will. When will we meat again, mellon?"
"Maby in a moons time? We shall meet here unless we hear of other news."
"So you're heading into the cursed spider woods to see dear old da- er- the king?" the pirate inquired leaning toward the blond while holding up her head with her hand.
"Mmmh. I think I might need an expert on curses to help me along the journey."
"Oh, people like that are quite hard to find around here. I mean all things considered- Oh! You mean me! Yeah I'd love to come!"
Legolas had a frustrated yet amused look on his face as he gazed over at Aragorn who just shook his head in response.
" 'M also an expert on kings. Last time I met one I-" she hesitated. 
"On second thought I won't tell that story. Not one I'm proud of if I'm honest."
Aragorn narrowed his eyes at her suspiciously but then quickly moved on since Legolas did not seem to react.
"We'll then it's settled. You'll travel to Mirkwood, I have other business down south." he spoke and emptied his cup.
"I shall retire to a room. You should too."
With that the ranger left.
"Sounds good to me!" y/n emptied her glass and walked up to the Inn keeper.

The next morning Legolas and y/n were at the stables with Aragorn.
"We'll travel faster with a horse."
Legolas spoke while gently petting a brown steeds nose.
"This'll be fun. Haven't ridden a horse since I was 11."
"You said that you became a pirate when you were 11?"
"Yeah it coaligns . Makes sense. Don't need a horse when you're at sea."
"What is a pirate?" Aragorn interrupted their conversation.
"It's a long story, mate."
"That she is sure to tell you. Best at a another time. Because it is a long story as well, you can trust me I have heard it already."
"You make it sound like it's a bad story." she said while petting the red horse in front of her.

Soon after she was holding onto a saddle and stemmed herself up swinging one leg over the horses back with a groan before proudly sitting up straight.
"Still got it!" she cheered and thrust her fist into the air.
The two men shared a look that seemed to say: "How did you find that woman?"
"If only I knew!"
When everyone was atop their horses Aragorn turned to the other two.
"Make haste my friends! Travel fast and find the answers we seek."
And so he rode of.
"Make haste and travel fast? We really are in a rush aren't we?"
"Then we should not waste any time and start our journey."


Ohhhhh, journey is not over yet! Who'da thunk?

~1421 words

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