Chapter 16

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The boy, who she has found out was a hobbit, just like the other small men, walked past all the people he would spent the next months and possibly years of his life with. Y/n made sure to give him a reasuring smile though she wasn't sure he noticed. He started walking ahead, hesitating for just a moment before turning to the left, leading the way for the Fellowship.

Currently the group was sitting near a fire watching Boromir teach Merry and Pippin sword fighting. Y/n stood next to Legolas on a little hill just slightly further away from the others.

"Its easier if you turn your hand like this." he explained and gently turned her hand so the bow she was holding was slightly tilted. He was standing behind her so she could feel his breath on her ear.

"That way you can better see the target." y/n nodded, not bothered by his proximity. The men that she used to travel with were a lot more touchy, especially Jack. The elf and his gentle caresses were much to innocent for y/n to really notice them, though Legolas was quite elated that she never pushed him off or moved away, often times even receprocating his small gestures, that to him meant so much more.

Elves were peculiar in their courting rituals. Many thought that their way of courting was slow, that romance was only able to bloom with years of care. But that was not fully true, it was true for friends as trust had to be build and friendship was not always easy to achieve. Love, while it would seem to be more complicated was almost easier for the elves.

An elf has one true love in their life, and recognizing them was often just a thing of days. For some it even took only minutes. Legolas had previously thought that Tauriel was his one, though after the events that took place at the Lonely Mountain he had to come to terms with the fact that she had not been the right one. That he had only wished for her to be, as he had craved for someone to give him something his father never did.

He didn't love Tauriel, he had admired her, yes, because she was such a strong eleth that didn't seem to need anyone. He wanted to be like that, he didn't want to clamber for his father's attention anymore, for his father never seemed to ever be proud of him, he was always distant and cold. He wanted to be independent like Tauriel and tricked himself into thinking he loved her. The fact that his father saw right through his sharade made him even more mad so he insisted on his feelings even stronger.
He has grown a lot since then.

But with y/n... it was different. He admired her similarly to how he did Tauriel. Only this time not because he wanted to be like her but because he wanted to be with her. He didnt know which the exact moment was that he realized that she was his one but it didn't take long.

And since that particular emotion of love for an elf was so distinct and unmistakably clear once it appeared, the first signs of intrest were quickly shown and mostly just as quickly returned.

Elven affections were also quite different and much more suptle, to non elves it was quite difficult to differentiate them from just being polite or kind.

Small touches here and there, lingering for only a few seconds, leaning in close just a little, never straying far from the person of their desire, small kind acts like braiding their hair or simply helping them with whatever they need. And of course the little self made or generally precious gifts, that if accepted also meant accepting the others feelings and offer of courtship.

The last one being the reason he so quickly got flustered when she had gifted him the shard of blue seaglass after just seconds of knowing him, realistically he knew that she didn't mean it that way wich is why he accepted it without much of an afterthought. But when she had then called him love just a short while later he was scared that she had meant the gift to be received in a romantic fashion. So after her blatant denial of that fact he did feel relieved and just the slightest bit of disappointment.
Maybe that was his unconscious already telling him that she was his love, before he had even thought of the possibility for himself.

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