Chapter 28

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"Cruel and cold like winds on the sea

Will you ever return to me?

Hear my voice sing with the tide

Our love will never die."

The next morning, they continued their journey atop the elven-boats, this time with y/n rowing. Which made her rather happy, she treasured the feeling of the ore getting pushed around by the stream and listened intently to the soft song of the river. Even though rowing wasnt the usual activity of a pirate it did make her feel closer to the water. And being this far from home she was ready to except even the slightest bit of familiarity. Gimli also seemed more at peace as he had the day before, getting used to not having solid ground beneath his heavy boots.

Legolas, as he had so often before wore a soft smile on his lips as he took in his surroundings and hummed a gentle elven tune. For the first time in a while the Fellowship felt at ease. Even Frodo seemed relaxed as he let his short fingers glide through the water next to his boat.

They soon passed a narrow between two cliffs that were bordered by giant carved rock in the form of humans, one on either side. With outstretched hands the were guarding the passage way. Their intimidating stone gaze keeping a keen eye on the travelers.

"The Argonath" said Aragorn as the Fellowship marveled at the giant statures.

"Long have I desired to look upon the kings of old... my kin." Strider sounded strangely moved by the carved stone that towered over them. Their boats moved passed the old kings feet, even just one toe was bigger that y/ns entire body.

When darkness set upon them once more, they moved the boats to land and clambered ashore. The pirates arms were tired yet she was content.

"We cross the lake at nightfall, hide the boats and continue on foot ... we approach Mordor from the North." spoke Aragorn helping Frodo onto land. Gimli walked up next to her and spoke in quite a gloomy tone.

"Oh, yes, just a simple matter of finding our way through Emyn Muil, an impassable labyrinth of razor-sharp rocks. And after that, it gets even better... a festering, stinking marshland as far as the eye can see."

Y/n chuckled at the grumbling dwarf, not adding to improve his mood.

"That is our road. I suggest you take some rest and recover your strength, Master Dwarf." retaliated Aragorn not giving any further attention to the upset dwarf.

"Recover my..." Gimlis next words did not go through to y/n as he had started walking off and his voice had grown inaudible.

Then the pirate felt a presence next to her, expecting it to be Legolas she turned to the side only to find Boromir standing there instead. Confused she looked around and saw the blond elf talking with Aragorn. She heard a chuckle next to her.

"Werent expecting me, were you." spoke the stewards son.

"Aye, you dont usually have the habit of appearing so suddenly and unannounced." she answered earning another light chuckle.

"Aragorn will not travel to Minas Tirith, he is too afraid." said he changing the subject abruptly, he sounded upset which was a rather large shift from the previous happiness.

"Shame. Would have loved to meet yer brother after the kind word yer spoke of him." she said, not quite comfortable in badmouthing their leader about things she did not understand. It sounded to much like mutiny to her and if there was one thing she was and always has been it was loyal to her friends. Is that what they were? Friends? Actual loyal friends?

"He fears corruption of the ring. He does not belief in strength and perseverance of his human brethren." Y/n knew then that Boromir had most likely come to her to talk to as she was the only other human and he hoped for her to agree with him. Though sadly she would not.

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