Chapter 22

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I'm just not made for this.

Y/n was still pretty out of it when they continued their journey. It worried Legolas greatly but he did not want to bother her so her left her some space. Then suddenly the Fellowship came to an abrupt halt. They were stood before a split in their passage that Gandalf mustered carefully.

"I have no memory of this place."

The fellowship was standing around and kicking rocks, literally in Merry and Pippin's case. Y/n raised a brow bevor laying a gentle hand on Pippins shoulder stopping his actions.

"Maybe you shouldn't. Don't want to repeat what happened at the lake, would we?"

But instead of getting embarrassed the hobbit shot her a bright smile.

"If you're 'ere to save me. I aint got nothing to fear, do I?"

Now it was y/n turn to get flustered.

"Ah. I aint a hero friend. You better look to Legolas or Aragorn and Boromir for help." she muttered and ruffled his strawberry blond hair.

"Ay, what about me lassi?" chimed in Gimli making the pirate chuckle.

"Why of course. How could I forget?"

With a huff Pippin then turned to Gandalf and posed a question. Are we lost?"

But Merry was quick to jump in and defend the wizard. "No. I dont think we are. Shhh, Gandalfs thinking."



"I'm hungry."

Y/n suppressed a chuckle at the small mens antics. Her gaze then panned over to the only brunette hobbit who was talking to Gandalf while looking down the cliff. Stricken by curiosity she walked closer near the edge to spy down. There she saw a hairless skinny creature climbing along the rocks, obviously thinking that it was hiding from view. It took her a few second to realize that that was Gollum. He had escaped the orcs and somehow found them again.

But why? Was he here to take revenge at them for capturing and chasing him? Hopefully not. While she had no doubt in her mind that she could defeat him the fact that he was stalking them for who knows how long did creep her out though.

"He's been following for three days now." came the sudden voice of Legolas right next to her ear making her jump in surprise. Immediately his arms were wrapped around her and pulled her body closer to his.

"Carful near the edge." he spoke in a hushed tone.

"I was. Then you came and scared me. Ever thought about becoming a thief, have feeling youd be really good at that." she rambled to cover up her nervosity about the proximity of their bodies. Her mind was racing with the images of her dreams, specifically his tear-stained face.

"I have no intent on using my swiftness for harm."

"Who said youd have to do harm?" but before the elf could answer she kept talking. "Whats he doing following us anyways?" she brought the topic back to Gollum.

"He came for the ring. He held and hid it for many years and it has taken possession of his heart and soul, morphing his being into something entirely else. Twisting the very threads that made him a person. All that is left is the obsession and the greed that keeps him alive, forcing him to follow the ring to the edge of the world and even beyond. There wont be anything that stops him. I pity him."

The eyes of Legolas glowed in the darkness as he looked past her into the abyss. Y/n furrowed her brows, what a horrible fate the creature has met. Quickly her thoughts drifted to the new ring bearer.

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