Chapter 26

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There had to be some way to protect her.

The next morning, they awoke early, Haldir, Legolas and Aragorn made sure of that. The nights rest did wonders for Y/n's tired body. She still felt quite weak but not as brittle or dizzy as the day before. Though her usual s/t cheeks had taken on a more muted and duller variant as her body was still fighting with the blood loss but it was nothing a good meal and some rest couldn't fix. Now that she had to stop drinking, she noticed that her body recovered quicker than it used to or maybe it was because she wasnt injured as frequently. It had been hard on her in the beginning but maintaining a drunk status in this kind of environment was even harder. Travelling on foot with a rag-tag group straight out of a children's fable was also a good but exhausting distraction. Besides, being drunk so much it did actually feel quite reliving to be sober for such a prolonged time. Though she wouldnt mind getting blasted again as soon as the circumstances would allow it.

They followed Haldir as he and the other elves led them through the forest. They walked for a long while but the views of the surrounding forest were too beautiful to mind. In the fresh morning air and with the rising sun the golden forest glowed bright and it was a breath-taking sight. Though it was strangely silent as there werent many birds singing and she hadnt seen many other animals running about. After a while she started to hear a distant river. It must have been quite the vicious waters be heard from so far. The gushing and dripping sounds only grew louder and soon they stood in front of the river.

"We have reached the great river." Haldir spoke. "We must cross it though we have not built a bridge. The danger of evil crossing over would be too great. We will cross the elven way." One of the other elves shot an arrow across the river on which a rope was attached. It burrowed into a tree on the other side, then they bound the rest of the rope to a tree on their side pulling it thought.

"For us elves this is enough but for you we will add another, a bit higher so you can cross with help." said Haldir before skillfully rushing to the other side, not swaying even once. Having reached the river bank again he got off and shooting two more ropes across, both close to the first one, just a bit higher, one more so than the other. One was a guard rail for the small folk and one for the humans.

First the hobbits went across. It was an easy task for Pippin who seemed to almost have no need for the guard rail while Sam clung to it for dear life shimmying across sideways to have better footing. Next was Gimli who seemed terrified but said not a word and would not accept any help. Y/n was up next. Legolas was ready to help if needed but she declined.

"I'm a pirate, mate. I know how to keep balance." she said and rushed across the impromptu bridge. She didn't stumble or hold onto the guard line and was quickly at the other side, having been only slightly slower that Haldir had been. Proudly she stood on the other side and grinned to Legolas who stared in awe. Aragorn and Boromir also seemed surprised and Haldir, who stood next to her quirked a dark brow. Then Legolas came quickly to the other side followed by Boromir and Aragorn who came last. Then the other elves followed except for two who remained on the other side to further keep guard in the forest. They removed the ropes and continued their journey.

Somehow y/n found herself tracking alongside Haldir as the trees around them now grew taller and thicker as they got deeper into the forest. Even stranger was that the elf decided to start a conversation with her.

"A human dressed in elven clothing, a peculiar sight to be sure. You also seem to be close with the Mirkwood Prince. Tell me how does that come to be?"

"Im not sure me self mate. A lot'a strange things have been happening lately."

"With an evil like the ring walking with you that should come as no surprise. Though I am wondering why you walk with it. All that travel here seem to have been chosen. Except for you."

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