Chapter 2

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"I warn you boy. You do not want to cross blades with me."

"We'll see"

Metal clashed against leather as the two fought. Both not seeming too apt on actually harming the other as they danced across the unmoving deck.

"Last chance! You should take it while my sword is still sheathed!" she called. "I am not threatened by your empty words" Legolas reacted. "You're making a mistake! A mistake whichs magnitude you cannot fathom!" the pirate insisted while jumping on the rails, the elf following suit. "I will take my chances!" he jabbed his dagger forward but his opponent dodged it by jumping back. He swung forward again, only to be dodged once more but this time the woman stumbled slightly and lost her balance, her arms flailing trying to gain it back. But before she could the blond had grabbed the front of her shirt so that she was leaning back into the air, only the tips of her boots connecting her to her beloved ship. The elf gave her a triumphed look that she returned with an equally smug smile. This led the man to furrow his brows in confusion and gasp as the woman bend her knees and jumped back making him loose the grip on her clothes and sending her flying towards the earth where she landed on her feet.

But the force with which she had hit the ground was too much so with a deep groan she fell onto her back. Her hat rolling a few feet away. Legolas was perplexed at the daring and quite possible dangerous act that could only be done by a person with no self-preservation instinct and stood surprised for only a few seconds before he jumped after her.

Y/n was using her sword to help her stand up as the elf landed lightly before her. Much more elegantly than she had, not even a little grunt left his lips and it didn't even take him a second to hold his dagger to her throat again.

"I'm not in a joking mood either." he told her. A nervous smile danced across her face as she chuckled lightly.

"About that..." she uttered carefully, slowly sinking back to the ground.

"A few carefully worded jokes might be acceptable."

Legolas opened his mouth to mock her a little further when sand suddenly hit his face. His eyes closed and he stumbled back rubbing his now dirtied face. That was enough time for (y/n) to get up and push her blade to his chest.

When he could finally open his eyes again, he gave her a shocked and slightly disappointed look.

"You cheated!" he complained sounding rather disappointed but the woman just gave him a mock courtesy and uttered one word as if could explain this whole situation.


But the elf didn't understand as his face twisted in confusion.

"What is a pirate?"

Now it was her turn to look outraged.

"What is a pirate? Are ye bein' serious mate?" But the elf just squinted his eyes for a second effectively explaining his lack of understanding.

She groaned. "Say it ain't so! How can you not know of pirates?" He shrugged as she, now aggravated failed her arms and turned her head to the side, a situation he used to raise his dagger again. The woman gave him a disapproving look before sighing.

"I've had enough of this!" she yelled pulling her sword from its sheath revealing the shining black metal. She swung her weapon expertly so it touched the elven-dagger and glided through it. Efficiently cutting it in half. The tip of the weapon fell to the ground with a muffled clank due to the grass. The elves eyes widened in shock as the black blade was pointed at him now.

"I told ya to run while my bade was still sheathed but no! You just had to continue. Men and their silly pride."

She seethed through teeth gritted.

What Is A Pirate? Legolas x Fem Pirate Reader Where stories live. Discover now