Chapter 10

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"We'll I have had a nicer welcome on an island full of cannibals." she mumbled under her breath but Legolas heard and chuckled lightly.
"You can not yet speak of our hospitality. We have yet to pass the gates."

The gates of Mirkwood were two grand trees that were made of a light and smooth stone. The top branches met in the middle and waved into an intrecate pattern. Next to the walls of stone trees and branches real trees were growing and partially entwining with their stone brothers.
Y/n could do nothing but look around in awe. Soon they stopped and Legolas dismounted his horse, y/n followed suit, or she tried to. The elf had jumped down from his horse elagantly, expertly landing lightly on both of his feet while the pirate managed to sling her leg over horses back with an unladylike grunt before slightly falling back barely managing to catch herself by stemming one foot on the ground and gripping on tightly to the saddle as one foot was still stuck in the iron of the saddle.
With another grunt she managed to set her self free and stood up, still swaying lightly.
The two elfes were looking at her and while Legolas wore a look of amusement Aldon held a look of disgust on his pale features.
Another elf joined the trio. This one also had red hair, much like Aldon.
She also bowed her head to the elven prince and said something in that strange language that she now recognized as Sindarin. Legolas nodded and the new arrival took the horses leads and started walking away with them.
"The king will be happy to know that you are back home." the redhead that stayed spoke.
"Is he free currently I need to speak to him about an urgent matter."
"I am not sure my prince."
"I will head to the castle myself right now then. Come along Miss y/n."

Surprised about the sudden title y/n wished to retaliate with a little jab herself but could not.
"Baw! He has na dorth- Adel!" (No! She has to stay behind!) Aldon called leading to y/n's words to be stuck in her throat as she was a little freaked out by the urgent tone of voice the elf had used.
Legolas turned his head to look over his shoulder before he spoke.
"Where I go she goes."
"Well if the prince demands." she muttered while speeding up her step to catch up to the blond elf.
"He sure didn't seem to like me." she joked trying to lighten the mood.

"I doubt that anyone here will."
"Er, rude!"
"Oh, I did not mean it like that! Most elfes that live here have never left mirkwood before. They are wary of the things that lay beyond the forest."
"And inside the forest for that matter."
He nodded with a soft smile upon his lips.

It didn't take long for the pair to stand in front of the large Whitewood doors that lead to the throne room.
"Y/n try not to talk to much when we're inside." Legolas warned gently.
"Scared I'll say something wrong?"
"With him anything you say will be wrong. It might be best if you don't even look at him."
Y/n wondered that if his father would hate her so much why he didn't tell her to wait outside. But since she was interested in meeting the elven king she did not speak on her thoughts. Instead she just nodded at Legolas reassuringly.
With that he opened the doors and walked in, the pirate trailing closely behind him. In the middle of the giant throne room was a raised platform on which the throne, a giant seat of branches, leafes and berrys, stood with the king sat atop in a leasurly pose. Legs crossed and turned to the side, one arm on the armrest holding his royal head. The king shared the same shining blond hair and icy blue eyes as his son. But Legolases face seemed kind and open to joy and the wonders of earth. The kings face was cold and devout of happiness or any sign of cheer. Though upon recognizing his son he straightend a little and raised his had indicating his attention was peaked. His dark brows that had been furrowed before relaxed just slightly though as soon as he spotted the human following his son they sunk back to their original position if not even further.

"Ada, I am back in Mirkwood again, at least for a short while."
Legolas explained to the tall man.
"And who is she?" he asked with utter disgusts in his voice not even bothering to greet his son or getting up from his seat.
"A friend I have met on my travels. The same journey lies ahead of us I did not think it would be a bother to have her visit Mirkwood with me. As we won't be staying long."
The king gave her a calculating glare that made her want to shrink back into herself.
She wasn't easily intimidated, she was a pirate for goodness sake! Even the fear she felt when Davy Jones himself stood before her, touching her with his slimy beard did not compare to the feeling that rested in her stomach now, dragging her down to the bottom of the sea like she herself had done herself many times before.
Ice cold tenteclas wrapped around her heart and lungs making it hard to breathe as his blue eyes met hers. She fought the urge to gasp for air feeling like she could drown in the freezing waves that surrounded his Irises.

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