Chapter 13

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"We're gonna chase after them, aren't we?"
"Ready when you are."
"Bring it on, elf boy."

And so they did, only stopping to get their horses back and getting Legolas a new dagger. Funny that this was why their journey had originally started.

At first, tracking the orcs was easy enough since their steps were heavy and they weren't being careful, but soon Legolas had realized that the orcs weren't following gollum anymore. It's tracks were suddenly going in a new direction while the orcs still continued forward. They seem to haven't noticed,  but Legolases elven eyes recognized the signs immediately. And ever since they started to follow him y/n was not able to tell his path any more. But who could blame her? She had never learnt tracking or even hunting for that matter.
Legolas, of course, noticed that and was soon using the opportunity to smugly ask if he should teach her. And even though that had earned him an angry glare she agreed, but only if she could teach him sea chanties and all of the pirate lore she deemed essential. He, quite happily, agreed.
So that was how they spent their time together, by day the elf would teach her how to read and interpret tracks and when it would be too dark to see for y/n and the horses were to exhausted to keep riding she would teach him all that she knew about pirate lore.

The days they spent were happy and calm. It was something y/n had rarely experienced in her ragabound life.

You don't have many calm days as a pirate, that is if you're not in hiding. And then there was the ever present anxiety that comes from being chased.
It was nice.
It reminded her of simpler times. Times when she wasn't chasing something or getting chased. When the next treasure or the next big hit wasn't all she had in mind.

It wasn't like she didn't love being a pirate. She did love it whole heartedly, but it could be exhausting. Especially, when the people around you were so inconsistent. While Jack would always come back to her, long periods of time without him happened a lot, and so his crew wasn't around her much either.
She had never really been able to have a crew herself for she would always jump when Jack called her to. That doesn't mean that she wasn't her own person or dependent on Jack, it just meant that when she had the choice between making her own crew and traveling with Jack she would always choose him.

Also, truth be told she wasn't the best captain. Not because she couldn't control some drunk pirates, but because she was never too apt on finding a specific thing. Jack always had a mission. Be that getting back the Pearl looking for asztec gold or even just finding a governers daughter. She was always more laid back. More here for the journey than the reward. And much like then, she was right now just letting the waves of fate make the decisions for her. But now Legolas was with her and they were being guided together.
It was nice. Really nice.

Currently the two had set up camp for the night. Y/n was sitting on the ground and Legolas behind her on a fallen tree stump. He had a strand of her hair in his hands and was braiding it gently.
Her body ached from sitting on the horse for so long and even though she now was sitting again the stretching out of her legs felt like all she needed.
And the elfes soft fingers weren't unpleasant either.

A few hours earlier he had asked her if the braids and the trinkets in her hair held meaning.
Truthfully she answered that they didn't, that she had just thought they were pretty. And after he had explained that elvish braids had meanings reaching from heritage to social status he asked if he could braid her hair. She reluctantly agreed fearing that, much like her mother way back then it would feel more like ripping out her hair than braiding it. As well as that she couldn't quite remember the last time she had thoroughly brushed them.
Yet to her surprise and happiness he was very gentle and she could bearly feel the tug on her skull.

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