Chapter 19

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"Now we have but one choice ... we must face the long dark of Moria. Be on your guard ... there are older and fouler things than the Orcs in the deep places of the world."

"Quietly, now. Its a four-day journey to the other side. Let us hope that our presence will go unnoticed." warned Gandalf, his voice barely above a whisper as they crossed a thin stone bridge. Y/n did not dare look down the side of it, the slight draft that came from beneath them was enough to warn her from the depths that opened up beneath them, held back by only a thin stone bridge.

Soon they had crossed the bridge and were now on an even thinner winding path along dark black walls which had thin vines of silver glowing metal. She would have looked at it more thorough if she wasnt too frightened to slip and fall into the never-ending abyss below her. Dwarves seemed to have no need for guard rails.

Gandalf let his fingers glide over the soft lines along the rock.

"The wealth of Moria was not in gold or jewels but mithril." he explained and held his staff out above the long way down more veins of the metal showing and reflecting the magic light.

"Bilbo had a shirt of mithril rings that Thorin gave him." Gandalf continued and started walking again.

"Oh, that was a kingly gift." Gimli chimed in.

"Yes." Gandalf agreed "I never told him, but its worth was greater than the value of the Shire."

Y/n was surprised, while she wasnt sure what the Shire looked like or what riches they had, all she knew was that thats where the hobbits were from so, she was mostly surprised about the worth of a single piece of armor. A pirate didnt wear armor, not even royal guards wear armor, anymore. Why they didn't, she didn't know, maybe guns had rendered armor useless so the people opted for more unrestrained movement.

The group continued walking for a while longer bevor Merry and Pippin started to complain about their aching muscles. Frodo also kept stumbling, for a while the hobbits complaints, silent and out laud were ignored until Aragorn spoke up.

"The hobbits wont last much longer; we should find a room and rest for the night." Gandalf gave a contemplating Humm.

"Maybe youre right. We'll set up camp for the night at the next best opportunity." he finally agreed.

The group kept walking for a while longer until they finally found an empty room that they would be save in for the night. They had no wood so a fire wouldnt be possible and if there were indeed Goblins in these mines than a fire might attract to much attention.

Y/n sat down by a wall leaning her back against it. She took of her boots from her aching feet but in order to keep them warm pulled her arms out of the sleeves of her coat and up wrapped it around herself so that she was squatting in the fetal position. Legolas walked over to the woman and sat down next to her. The hobbits also came to sit down near her. Aragorn crouched on the opposite wall so he could keep a keen eye on the door. Boromir stayed close to him. Gimli and Gandalf were a bit closer to y/n than they were to Aragorn.

"What was that thing? That beast in the lake." asked Pippin looking expectantly at Gandalf. But the wizard was busy stuffing his pipe so instead y/n chimed in.

"T'was a Kraken, mate."

"A Kraken? How'd you know?" he asked further.

"T'wasn't me first encounter with one. Though my previous beasty was thrice the size of this one!" she explained.

"Thrice?!" exclaimed Pippin.

"How?!" yelled Merry. Both earning a soft glare from the smoking wizard making them quiet down.

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