Chapter 25

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"Fly, you fools."

And then he fell.

The Fellowship stumbled out of the mines and onto a grassy hill. Never before in her life had y/n been this happy to see the sun even though she had dwelled under it for most of her life. She walked further away from the exit and saw how Merry and Pippin fell to their knees sobbing and Frodo clung to a rock for support. The fellowship was mourning the loss of their friend.

She herself felt saddened but had only known the wizard for a week. Legolas was looking around the crying companions his mind thinking a thousand thoughts at once. He had been in battle before and saw people lose their loved ones but now he seemed to, for the very first time, understand the meaning of death. A cold shudder went down his spine.

The pirate used this moment of distraction to finally sheath her blade, she hoped that her pain would be mistaken for grief. The moment the hilt of her sword touched the sheath a searing pain erupted from the veins of her wrist up her arm, all the way through her stomach and spine. All feeling left her legs and she fell to her knees. She stopped hearing her surroundings, the rushing of her blood was the only thing she heard along with a high pitch buzzing. Her vision blurred as involuntary tears sprung to her eyes. Her lungs congealed and she stopped breathing for a while. Her body felt as if it was on fire though she was cold as ice. When after only seconds of excruciating pain, it finally stopped she felt gutted. Her arms were heavy and her legs didnt feel attached to her body anymore. She blinked rapidly trying to regain her vision only to be met with the blue orbs of Legolas.

He was crouching in front of her with his hands on her shoulders, worry clouding his eyes.

" 'M alright." she croaked out, before he could even raise his voice to speak, her voice was brittle and tore at his elven heartstrings. He was frightened as it was the first time, he had seen the sword have such a big effect on her. As she was human, he always knew that her body was more fragile than his but with her attitude and way of carrying herself it was easy to forget and it all came crashing down on him now. There were many battles laying ahead and suddenly he regretted asking her to come with him. He had pulled her in such a dangerous battle because he didnt want to be apart from her. Why had he been so selfish? She was a good fighter he knew that, from all the things she told him to what he saw her do in battle. But this felt different. She frequently spoke of battles where she had been in mortal danger but now, he was there. Now he cared for her. She shouldnt have to fight anymore or in the very least he would have to protect her.

She laid a hand on his arm that still rested on her, ripping him from his thoughts. Even though her legs were weak she stood up and removed her arms from the elf who was trying to steady her as she was gently swaying.

"Legolas, get them up." called Aragorn suddenly.

"Give them a moment ... for pity's sake!" came Boromirs immediate response.

"By nightfall these hills will be swarming with Orcs! We must reach the woods of Lothlórien. Come Boromir, Legolas, Gimli, get them up. On your feet, Sam." he said while picking the hobbit up. Boromir walked to Merry and Pippin. Frodo had gotten up himself and started walking as if in a trance.

"Frodo? Frodo!" called Aragorn making the ringbearer turn. His features were twisted by grief and devastation.

Y/n's bones felt brittle yet she went on none the less, Legolas would not leave her side in case she would stumble. She was dizzy and her vision blurred from time to time but she kept going on. Somehow still being faster than Merry and Sam.

They marched until it was dark. Y/n couldnt feel her legs anymore, she was tired and drained. But at least her head had stopped spinning two hours ago, finally they could see a forest glowing in the distance. Was it really glowing or was her vision starting to blur once more? Both seemed possible and thinking about it would surely cause another headache.

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