Chapter 6

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"A scar like that, should be worn with pride. It matters not what it was supposed to represent and for what reason it was given. Only what you achieved what you sacrificed and who you saved."

The elf and the pirate were sitting by a fire they had started to stay warm for the night and Legolas was humming a soft tune. He was doing that quite a lot. Rhymes, songs and melodies were a large part of elven culture but even for elves Legolas was a little peculiar. He was more open with his feelings, less reserved and a bit louder and rasher. For elven standards of course. For any human he still felt reserved and cold if you couldnt read the twitching of his ears or the small wavers in his tone.

You sing quite a lot. Said y/n while warming her hands. She wasnt really sure where she had wanted to go with that sentence, mostly just wishing to start a conversation.

Songs are deeply engrained in my elven-kin.

Y/n hummed in response. It was the fourth night she had spent traveling with Legolas and the days had gotten a little colder. But at least they were starting to get more comfortable with each other. She would even say that she was starting to like the elf and the odd way he spoke.

Are there any songs sailors sing? asked the elf curiously.

Are there any songs?! Of course, there are sings! Quite a few of them about me actually.

There are songs written about you?

"Yes! Every good pirate has songs about them! There often aint much truth in them but this one I quite like. Sticks to the sources close enough and has a rather nice melody as well.

Would you sing it for me?

Y/n chuckled.

Youre very fortunate to get a one man or, eh one elf, show from y/n Blackblade in person! I'll have you know that I was the FIRST pirate in all the history of my hometown!"

"You were the very first?"

Proudly she nodded and Legolas leaned forward with a smile.

"Go on then, sing for me pirate."

She stood up in order to be able to dance around. After all a chanty wasn't complete without a dance. And rum but she only had two bottles left so she'd have to manage without for now.

"I used to be a farmer, and I made a living fine

I had a little stretch of land along the CP line

But times were hard and though I tried, the money wasn't there

And the bankers came and took my land and told me Fair is fair"

She was eleven back then. Of course, she wasn't making any money by herself, her father mother and brothers were the main breadwinners. She and her sisters helped wherever they could of course but she was too young to really make an impact. She was the runt of the family if you will, so she wasn't treated very well. And then their land got taken away and they had to find other ways of earning money.

"I looked for every kind of job, the answer always no

"Hire you now?" they'd always laugh, "We just let twenty go!"

The government, the promised me a measly little sum

But I've got too much pride to end up just another bum."

Of course, there were other reasons why she didn't get a job. She was a woman and only 11 years old after all. But her family didn't seem to understand that. Everyone else got a job. Even her 16-year-old sister so why couldnt she?And the government didn't offer her any money either. They did however offer to take her to an orphanage but that probably wouldn't be any better than the streets.

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