Chapter 24

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"To the bridge of Khazad-Dûm!"

"This way!" yelled Gandalf while running ahead, the Fellowship close behind. Chasing after them, the Goblins were starting to swarm the halls like cockroaches climbing down the pillars, moving as a single mass flooding the hallways.

It didnt take long for the Goblins to surround them. Maybe thousands of them cornering them in the middle of the hall threatening them with swords and spears. They were talking to each other in a weired language. Their cackling and chittering was echoing of of the walls. They were breaking their heads trying to think of a way out. Winning  against all of them was sheer impossible, yet all still had their weapons clutched in their hands.

Though it didn't seem like they would have to fight as suddenly the Goblins started looking around alerted by a light that had appeared at the end of a hallway and a dark rumbling like growl that could be heard echoingg through the chambers. The panicked creatures started running of and climbing back up the columns.

Y/n turned her head to the slowly approaching light that shone threw the long row of columns.

"What is this new devilry?" she could hear Boromirs voice and she too wanted to know what new monster was closing in on them.

Never thought the day would come but I'm starting to miss Davy Jones and his stupid Kraken. I'd even take a siren attack over this ANY day.

Gandalf closed his eyes searching his mind for answers with furrowed brows.

"A Balrog ... a demon of the ancient world! This foe is beyond any of you!" he layed his hand on Frodos shoulder pushing him in the direction away from the light.

"Run! Quickly!" he yelled and they all fell into a sprint. They ran through a doorway and entered yet another narrow hallway. And while running past she heard Gandalf talk to Aragorn.

"Lead them on, Aragorn! The bridge is near." he yelled but Aragorn hesitated. "Do as I say; Swords are no more use here."

Y/n gazed at her own blade. If they continued like they were now, running and not fighting her blade would need a large amount of blood. But it had already been drawn a while and if she put it away now she'd surely be exaused and she needed all her energy to run, she would just have to overcome this later.

It will be fine...

Boromir was first, leading the group. But the path abruptly ended and turned into stairs making Boromir stumble. Luckily Legolas was close behind pulling him back to stand safely. Y/n was at the back of the group making sure Merry or Pippin didn't get lost. The group continued down the steep stairs. At first the slender steps snaked along the wall of the giant hole, giving some sense of safety as only onside let to a fall to certain death. But soon the stairs went down into the hole with no more added safety around them.

"Oh, Calypso. Did Dwalorin Ironhands have a personal vendetta against guardrails?!" she exclaimed after nearly slipping and falling for the second time. They continued down the stairs until there was a sudden gap. Somehow a piece of the stairs had fallen off so that there was a gaping whole that led down to certain death.

Boromir stopped the group by spreading out his arms, making sure no one accidentally fell. Legolas wasted not even a second jumping over. His eyes scanned the other group realizing that y/n was at the very back along with Aragorn. Though it pained him, he would have to focus on the others first. He extended his arm and nodded at Gandalf. Just then the omnious light, actually the being hiding inside, had reached the doorway they had entered trough. The rock around it splintered and fell with loud crashes. Quickly the elf got Gandalfs attention by calling his name. This time the wizard jumped and landed safely with the help of Legolas. Suddenly arrows started to hit the Roch in front of their feet. Y/n pushed Merry and Pippin closer to the front and to Boromir while Argagorn and Legoas shot at the hidden attackers with their bows. Falling Bodys indicating that they had hit their mark.

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