Chapter 23

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At his side, attached to his belt, his sword glowed blue as he drew it slowly.

"Orcs!" Legolas called gripping y/n's arm and pulling her closer to his side. The fellowship readied up raising their weapons, Gimli was looking to pick up a decent weapon from the ground. Y/n herself got into a defensive stand and rested her hand at the hilt of her blade. Boromir was the first to rush to the door looking around but quickly pulling back when two black arrows burrowed into the wood right next to his head.

"Get back! Stay close to Gandalf." warned Aragorn as the hobbits quickly shuffled to the wizard while the pirate also moved to stand protectively in front of them, building a wall between them and the open doorway, giving them a reassuring look over her shoulder while Aragorn joined Boromir at the door closing and barring it with the weapons that were strewed about, passed to them by Legolas. Boromir turned his head to look at Aragorn and in an exasperated tone said: "They have a cave-troll!" He sounded more annoyed and in disbelief than frightened.

Gimli who had now found two rusty battle axes sprung up and on top of the tomb guarding himself with his new equipment. The hobbits looked terrified but still drew their small swords, as did Gandalf. Legolas and Aragorn came back to y/n standing on either side whilst raising their bows. After a second of consideration, she did the same. You'll never learn if you dont try. She thought encouragingly towards herself.

"Let them come! There is one Dwarf yet in Moria who still draws breath!" yelled Gimli, anger lacing his gruff voice. The monsters on the other side of the slab of old wood started hitting and tearing down the door. It didnt take long until the faces of the Goblins were seen through the cracks. Aragorn and Legolas wasted no time shooting them through the tiny holes. Y/n's first arrow didnt hit and only sunk into the wood near the actual goal but with the second one she fired through the hole and heard an angry scream from the other side, a satisfied smirk on her lips.

But she couldnt celebrate for long as shards of old wood were sent flying across the room and bounced off the walls. Then, about twenty Goblins burst into the chamber. They were smaller, more hunched over and had pointier ears than the orcs that she had previously encountered.

Immediately they were swarmed she barely hit another orc before deciding to switch over to her sword. Legolas however had no problem at all in killing the Goblins with a bow even in a close distance fight.

Desperately she fought to keep the orcs away from the hobbits, Gandalf joining in swinging his sword with such agility it should be impossible for a person his age. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Gimli ducking down and hitting two orcs at the same time with his two axes, in the middle of the face. Sam who was fighting bravely just like the other hobbits stabbed an orc in front of him before looking up just in time to see the previously mentioned cave-troll burst through the wall. It was a giant creature whose head seemed to be made out of mostly forehead, its beady black eyes surely held nothing behind them. That thing was entirely made out of muscle and rage.

Instantly the Trolls rage was directed at the small hobbit who used his size and wit by rushing towards the monster crawling between his legs and escaping for a short while. The Cave-Troll turned around to Sam who was still down on the floor and raised its giant club.

"Sam!" yelled y/n in panic, alerting Aragorn and Boromir who started pulling on the chain attached to the Troll and pulling it back before it hit him. That second of distraction though was enough for an orc to tackle her. Y/n let herself fall on her back catching herself on her hands and elbows. Before the orc could fully land atop her she pulled her legs to her chest kicking the orc away and catapulting herself after him stabbing her black blade into its head before turning to slice at another one. The cave troll was starting to stumble dangerously close to her, atop him Legolas who was shooting two arrows down at the same time before jumping off. Near the columns she saw Sam swinging at the enemies with his sword in one hand and a saucepan in the other.

While y/n was still fighting against the orcs the Troll was cornering the hobbits. It was then when she heard Frodo call out for Aragorn who fought his way across the room to protect the ring bearer. She lost sight of them when they all jumped into a ditch. The next time she saw them was when Merry and Pippin were clinging to the trolls head wildly stabbing at it but to no avail. One of them was thrown off and crashed into the ground near her. All the Goblins had been defeated at this point so all of them started to surround the giant. Thats when she got an idea.

"Legolas!" she called and the elf tuned to her charging at him. Immediately understanding her intention, he bent his knees and put his hands together for her to use as a platform to jump off on. Which she did flying through the air and landing on the troll, sword first letting its sink into its brain. The troll started stumbling but y/n didnt back down stabbing her sword further down its head so it came back out beneath its chin.

Then the giant came crashing down falling down onto the ground with y/n still atop. She let a sigh of relief escape her but her happiness didnt last as she saw the hobbits rush to a corner of the room along with Aragorn. Worried she followed.

There was Frodo laying on his stomach a spear peeking out beneath him. Y/n gasped, her hand covering her mouth. They failed. They had failed! They hadnt even been traveling for a week and they had failed the mission. And even worse. They had failed Frodo.

Before y/n could succumb further into a panic a ragged breath was heard. A gasp of breath that was coming from Frodo. Relief washed down her like cold sea spew.

This is EXACTLY why I dont want children!

"Hes alive!" yelled Sam in relief.

"I'm all right. I'm not hurt." said Frodo slowly sitting up.

"You should be dead. That spear would have skewered a wild boar." said a bewildered Aragorn.

"I think theres more to this Hobbit than meets the eye." chuckled Gandalf gesturing to Frodos shirt that revealed silver shimmering chainmail that had saved his live.

"Mithril! You are full of surprises, Master Baggins." exclaimed Gimli happily. But their moment of relief and happiness was cut short when once more they could hear the drums inside of the mountain once more.

"Not again" Y/n complained quietly.

Gandalf turned to the rest of the fellowship.

"To the bridge of Khazad-Dûm!"


Not happy about what'll happen next at the bridge;(((

Also I'm about to go on a sort of holyday with some friends. (we're all fully vaccinated and tested and live in Germany where it's currently legal) so there is a chance the next updates might be late as I don't know the WiFi situation, though I will try my best. If something won't work I'll make it up as soon as I'm back. :)

~1279 words

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