Chapter 20

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"She truly is a special one then." chuckled Gandalf a knowing smile on his lips.

"She truly is."

The next day y/n woke up because she felt soft fingers playing with her hair, only she wasnt aware that they were fingers quit yet, she just assumed it was wind or maybe a bug. A little annoyed she nuzzled her face more into her pillow. The movement in her hair stopped, letting a happy breath leave her lips. But the movement continued after only a few seconds. Her brows furrowed and her eyes opened only a bit. She saw the empty stone room they had fallen asleep in. The hobbits were still fast asleep and Gandalf was lightly stirring. Gimli and Boromir were awake and exchanging words in a hushed whisper. Aragorn was also resting. But where was Legolas?

Slowly she turned so that she was looking at the ceiling, then she turned her head a little further only to see the smiling face of the elf, her head was resting on. Even though he noticed that she was awake he did not stop playing with her hair. Now that she knew what was in her hair she was calmed and closed her eyes once more. Knowing that they were going to be walking all day she was going to use every second of rest that she would get. Besides Legolas didn't seem to mind.

She listened to the shuffling of the already awake fellowship just enjoying the peace of the situation.

"You look like you're enjoying yourself." the elf muttered. Y/n just smirked responding to him. "So do you."

After a while the shifting and stirring around her got louder.

"Time to get up?" she asked.

"It would seem so."

Y/n lifted her head and stretched out her arms with a satisfying pop.

The day went on slowly and seemed to stretch into infinity. All they saw were rocks, rocks and more rocks. Sometimes they were carved rocks, sometimes they were painted but more often than not they were quite destroyed. Y/n had made the mistake of walking next to Gimli for a while. She had been curious about the dwarf. But since then, all she learned was to never strike up a conversation with a dwarf while youre in an ancient mine. For what seemed to be forever he was going on about the different types of rocks, minerals and metals that were found in the mine, explaining what they were used for. And when they came by a Colum, guard rails or other things the dwarf considered art he talked about that. From why it looked the way that it did to the materials it was made out of, how it was made and by whom as well. She was starting to regret her decision but interrupting the dwarf when he was so happy and he seemed so at ease and calmed seemed just a thing too cruel, even for a pirate.

"So Dwalorin Ironhand was the first to design his Colums in such a manner, before with the Ikranori style they used quite softer lines but Dwalorin started using Augite instead of Sandstone which is harder but easier to find and also more common around these areas. We didn't use it before because it was so hard but he found a way to make working with it much better. What he did was-" the dwarf went on. She nodded her head and hummed in understanding once in a while even asking a simple question like: "Is that why it has such a blueish sheen?" or "Which do you prefer?" to further feign interest while her thoughts were trailing of.

She had almost forgotten what it was like to travel with someone talkative. Legolas while he wasn't silent, was rather calm. He didnt strike up many conversations, preferring to listen and sometimes respond. The only thing he seemed to do without being asked first was break out into song. Well elven songs, so he was just quietly humming or singing the words she didnt understand. That worked quite well for y/n since she loved talking and telling her tales and when she was done, she'd listen to him sing. Coming to think of it, compared to the other elves Legolas was quite talkative. Over the past few weeks, she had met many elves. The ones in Mirkwood were very standoffish. They only seemed to enjoy talking to other elves they were close with. When they were drinking together, they had intently listened to her tales of the ocean but other than that weren't interested in her. Except for Haleth, who had been nice too her but only when wine was present, they only seemed to talk to the elves they already knew and were close with. And the elves that had joined Legolas and her on their way to Rivendell didn't really speak to her at all. She had almost thought that they didnt like her but Legolas assured her that they didn't seem to mind her presence, which doesnt happen a lot. Especially after having met for only such a short while.

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