Chapter 1

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The sun was shining on the wide grass Plaine that stretched out beneath it. There were a few bushes and wild flowers spread out on these wide stretches of land as well as a few small animals that were going about their day, unaware of their new and peculiar neighbor.

In the middle of the field stood a large dark boat, sticking out like a sore thumb. A looming aura seemed to surround it like it may be hiding something dangerous. The boat looked to be in perfect condition except, of course, for the fact that it was beached in the middle of a meadow and there wasn't a drop of water to be seen far and wide.

The boat was made off dark oak wood, painted black swirls decorated the rails and the door that lead to the captains quarters. There was only one mast that had ripped white sails. Smaller but equally destroyed sails were attached at the stern and prow of the ship hanging on bay only a thread. For a ship that used to sail the Caribbean it was rather small but, in this situation, meaning in the middle of a field, it just seemed entirely too large.

Atop the ship lay a pirate. Fast asleep or maybe even comatose. With pirates it was sometimes hard to tell. Her h/c hair was splayed out beneath her showcasing all the trinkets that were braided into it. Some coins and beads, a bit of sea glass, seashells as well as colored string that gave her already tangled hair an even messier appearance. Her triangular black hat was only a few feet away from her on deck. The hat, much like her hair was also decorated with red string sown into the brim of it.

She was wearing a white blouse that fit loosely around her bodice and gently swayed in the wind. Above it she had on a brown leather coat that reached her calves, with gold buttons. The oat barely covered her as it had fallen off her shoulders and creases around her wrists now. She wore off white pants and knee-high leather boots.

Around her waist, attached to a dark leather belt was a black handheld sword and an equally black gun decorated with intricate golden swirls, loosely representing waves.

Slowly her e/c eyes opened and she was immediately blinded by the sun that burned right above her. Irritated her brows furrowed before she rose to a sitting position, her legs still splayed out before her. Her body was aching and there was an uncomfortable buzzing in her head. Suspiciously she looked around her ship only to find nothing out of place disregarding the ripped sails, as she could easily replace them with the spares she had down in storage. The only thing out of place appeared to be the ship itself as she didn't hear any waves, didn't feel them either. The boat was standing perfectly still, she could sense no movement whatsoever and it unsettled her greatly. The birds she could hear singing around her were definitely not seagulls either. This place didn't even smell like the ocean! No salt, no seaweed no sea spray hitting her face. The air was weirdly dry. She stood up, still slightly shaky on her feet and looked around.

There was no water.

Why was there no water?

HOW was there no water?

She started turning in circles. When she still couldnt spot even single a drop of water with her naked eye, she took out her looking glass. And at the horizon, no water.


She rubbed her eyes but still nothing changed.

"Calypso?" she spoke tentatively her voice even quivering a little. Even though that could also be because she hadn't talked for a while and her throat felt parched and as dry as a desert.

"Calypso I didn't mean it. I do still love you; I swear!" she lied.

"This is a great big misunderstanding, I'm sure." she muttered to herself, in a reassuring manner. Except she didn't feel assured. At all.

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