Chapter 21

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This time y/n took the first night watch and to no ones surprise Legolas offered to stay awake with her.

Luckily, they didnt talk much as to not disturb the others sleep. When the time came for Boromir to take over with the night watch she curled herself into a corner far away from the others and quickly fell asleep. And for the first time since long it wasnt just any dreamless rest instead, she found herself back home. Back in the Caribbean or more specifically back in the cell of port royal where she had found Jack again after a few months of separation.

The pictures before her eyes were familiar though the lines were blurry and like it so often was in dreams situations and people faded into each other to move to the next picture. It felt more like she was watching from afar than reliving her memories yet she knew that these were true.

She was just joking with Jack about his latest tavern floozie when Will burst through their cell door and demanded to be taken to Elizabeth. Though these events had taken place differently y/n was not confused by the slightly different events, instead just accepting it as if it had always been that way.

Then as if her head was underwater, she heard Jacks distant voice come through to her.

"This girl -- what does she mean to you? How far are you willing to go to save her?"

Will answers without hesitation.

"I'd die for her."

And even though her mouth didnt open she heard herself say:

"Ya barely know her, mate." just like she had back then and quickly received a glare from the blacksmith. Her surroundings blurred as she just heard Wills voice echoing in her mind. Calling her name. Over and over and over again.


The world around her spun as she saw both Will and Elizabeth flash before her eyes. They were kissing then crying and screaming for the other, desperate to reach them. When her surroundings cleared again, she stood on the border of the planks of the Pearl with Barbossa before her. Jack and Elizabeth were already in the water as she still tried to plead with the pirate captain.

"Barbossa, old friend. You know well I cant go in the water currently." she said thinking of her curse that would pull her to the bottom of the sea but Barbossa laughed and his laughter remained, echoing threateningly in her head, even when he started talking again.

"And I know well that you'll live. Now hand me the sword."

"You will die if ye try to use it! Let me keep it!"

"Who said I'll use it? I'll just take it for... save keeping."

The rotten teeth smile he showed her was the same he wore when he had marooned her and Jack on that island for the first time.

Suddenly she fell back and hit the water. Like a stone she sunk to the ground, past Elizabeth who looked at her panicked while trying to stay afloat herself. Lazily she waved at her before her back hit the muddy seafloor. Above her she saw the underside of the waves and could see the Pearl swimming off. Then suddenly the waves turned to clouds and the mud she was laying on was dry and she was sitting on land, listening to Jack and Elizabeth getting drunk and dancing around a fire. She herself could not as she had greedily stolen a coin of the Aztec gold and now had two curses resting on her.

Even though she saw them happily dancing she heard Elizabeths voice ringing from the future as her vision slowly blurred. Jack and Elizabeth were only silhouettes at this point.

"Then we condemn him to death."

"We must save Will! Y/n youll help me wont you. Please I cannot let him die!"

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