Chapter 18

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"I would never dare, my dear pirate."

The group had reached a stony path that finally wasn't covered in snow anymore. Y/n was still walking along side Legolas.

After a while the fellowship stopped and y/n could hear Gimlis voice from the front. "The walls of Moria!"

So the pirate started looking around, they were walking along side a cliff once again, she could only hope that their entire journey wouldn't consist of cliffs and snow. Luckily, being a pirate, she was used to walking on difficult wet grounds without slipping but night was starting to set and it got more and more difficult to see clearly, which made walking without falling all the more harder. On the sea, there were always the stars at least, the stars that seemed so much closer than they actually were. And the moon shining so bright when it appeared behind the horizon. She always felt that if they sailed fast enough they could reach it and enter an entierly new world.

Of course now that she actually was in a new world it wasn't quite as much fun as what she had imagined, without the sea and all. But at least she had Legolas and the others didn't seem half bad either.

"What are you thinking about?"  Legolas asked his voice bearly above a whisper. "Your mind seems so far away."

"Thinking about the sea. It's often all I think about."

"You must miss it tearibly."

"I do." the pirate held a solemn look on her face "But sadness won't get you far. I'd rather remember what it was then what it is now, without me."

Legolas placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Im sure there is a way back for you." he assured trying to be comforting but truthfully, selfishly he hoped that there would be no way of return, that she would stay with him. Elves were beeings off hope after all.

Y/n gave him a soft smile which he happily returned.

In the front Gimli started to hit the stone wall with his axe, Gandalf started to do the same with his staff.

"What are they doing?" she whispered and leaned closer to the elf who's heart immediately skipped a beat.

"Theyre searching the walls." he whispered back after regaining his voice.

"For what?" she continued but instead of Legolas, Gimli spoke, though she wasn't sure if he was responding to her or just generally explaining what he was doing.

"Dwarf doors are invisible when closed."

"Yes, Gimli, their own masters cannot find them if their secrets are forgotten." Gandalf continued.

"Why doesnt that surprise me?" said Legolas in a condescending tone of voice that made Gimli grumble in anger and send a nasty glare in the elfs direction. It wasn't the only glare he received as y/n also sent him a disaproving look. That as soon as he noticed made him avert his eyes in embarrassment.

Finally they reached a particularly smooth part of the cliff wall that was inbetween two twisted trees and had a large dark lake in front of it. Faint glowing white blue lines started appearing on the stone leading to y/n gaping in awe.

"Isildin ... it mirrors only starlight and moonlight." Gandalf explained while inspecting the thin lines that formed the shape of a gate, decorated with vines and curvy lettering.

"It reads, The door of Durin, Lord of Moria. Speak, friend, and enter." Said Gandalf his fingers playing with his long grey beard.

"What do you suppose that means?" Merry, who was standing closest to the wizard, said.

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