Chapter 7

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Proudly she bowed down. Legolas smiled.
"Stealing wheat and Barley, you have learned a lot since then it seems."
"Yeah that's a little how growing up works."

"Oh, I won't be able to keep up with this torture much longer." Y/n complained about her aching feet and legs.
"If we keep with this pace we will be there by nightfall." Legolas encouraged the exhausted woman.
"I know you're an elf and all and don't understand human complaints but you have to at least take the thing about the pirate legs more seriously!"
"If your tired already how did you get home when at the bottom of the ocean? Surely a journey like that is much harder?"
"It is equally more exhausting and easier because your limbs are lighter. Also mermaids."
"But didn't you say that you don't like meeting with them."
"Well I also that that I kissed only one of them. And I also DIDN'T say that mermaids only spare your life or help you if you have something they want. You know give em something they'll like. Only problem is that they aren't really materialistic."
"Then what could you have possibly given them?" she stayed quite.
"I don't really like eating fish."
The elf felt even more confused than before but decided to not ask any further questions.

They walked in silence for a while until Legolas raised his arm and pointed ahead.

"There the smoke. We're very close now!" he called and y/n cried out in happiness already feeling a little lighter on her feet.
Then he pointed a little to the right.
"And the woods that grow there, that's Mirkwood forest."
"The cursed one, aye?"
The elf nodded.
"Were not traveling through it are we?" now he chuckled quietly.
"We shall not. It would be too dangerous for you."
"Because of the giant spiders?" she asked while raising her fingers to her mouth to mimic spider legs all the while pulling a grimace and sticking out her tounge a little. 

"Or do you not trust me to fend for me self?" she said after having removed her fingers.
"Oh I believe you would be able to survive the spiders. It's the woodland elfes I am worried about."he explained.
"Do they not like visitors? Are they not all ready to lead a stranded sailor to town? Or is that just you."
"I would not believe that most other elfs would have aided you in your journey."
"Well im a lucky fellow then, aye?"
"Quite so."

"Purely out of curiosity, what would happen if a human were to travel trough these woods?"
"If the spiders don't shorten their life they would surely be caught and locked into the cells."
"Prisons don't scare me, elfboy. The bars that can hold Y/n Blackblade have yet to be forged."
"I doubt that even you would be able to escape. In all of history there has been one escape and one only."
"Maybe, but if you'd help I'd surely succeed."
"Oh but I couldn't."
"Why not?" she asked feigning hurt.
"My father would be furious and lock me up as well."
"Eh, who is he to do that?"
"The king of Mirkwood."
"What!? I've been traveling with royalty and hadn't even known?"
Quickly she did an over exaggerated bow even going as far as taking of her hat.
"Oh, will you ever forgive me poor old soul. Your majesty?"
Legolas rolled his eyes.

"I did not believe that you would care for such titles. Especially since I'm of an entirely different kind."
"Ah well, what I care for and what not is an ever changing mystery."

Soon after that the two began to see the first houses of the small town. They had small wooden walls and hay roofs.
Y/n smiled a little.

"These houses look like the ones I grew up in. It's nice to see something familiar."
The elf looked around as well. Normally he didn't pay much attention to the human architecture.

He had heard her story about growing up as a poor farmer. But seeing it like this seemed to make him understand better.

He grew up in a castle so he couldn't really imagine living in little shacks like this. The more time he spent with the pirate the more he realized that there was so much more to life than he had ever known and maybe would have never learned. 

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