Chapter 3:

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Tommy's P.O.V.

I startled awake, looking around frantically. My heart beat was racing as I looked around frantically. Once I figured out where I was, I immediately settled back down. That nightmare scared me shitless.

I glanced over to see Tubbo peacefully asleep, his antennas twitching every once in a while. I smiled, and ran my fingers threw his hair, making the twitching slow down, and also calming myself down. I looked up and saw that the sun was just rising over the horizon. Then it hit me.

Today was April 9th. It was my birthday. I smiled, but then it dropped. I was turning 13 today. It had been 7 years since I watched my parents die. My tail wrapped around my legs in a sense of comfort, and my ears lay flat on my head. Tears welled up in my eyes, but I refused to let them fall.

I got up and stretched, yawning at the same time. I looked at the sky, seeing that the sun was now all the way over the horizon. I smiled, before making my way to our main pavilion, and cutting up some bread for myself, even if it was slightly stale from us stealing it a few days ago, when we saw Dream and Wilbur.

My ear flicked towards Tubbo, and I knew that he was awake now. I heard quiet footsteps come from the boy, before he was sitting next to me, rubbing his eyes while his antennas perked up. He yawned and sat next to me, a grin appearing on his face.

"Happy Birthday Toms!" Tubbo said, ruffling my hair. I grinned, and batted his hands away from my head.

"Fuck off, bee boi." I said, giggling. Tubbo just grinned, knowing that I was joking. I handed him his share of bread, and he took it, thanking me. We ate in silence, just enjoying each other's company.

My ears laid against my head, and my fur started to rise as a twig broke below our tree. Both of us stayed silent. I quietly got up, and walked over to a hole we had for these situations specifically. I glanced down, and let a breath of relief escape my lips.

"Wilbur, what the fuck! You scared us!" I yelled down, gaining the brunettes attention. There was a grin on his face as he rolled his eyes.

"Shut up, child. Can I come up?" he asked. I huffed, but nodded nonetheless, and unlatched the door that lead to the ground. I threw down the wooden ladder Tubbo and I made in these situations.

Wilbur climbed up, then made himself at home, sitting down from across both of us. I sat down next to Tubbo, who turned to me with an excited look in his eyes.

"Well, what do you want to do today Tommy? After all, this is your birthday after all, and 13 is a special number-"

"I was actually wondering if Tommy wanted to come to my place." Wilbur interrupted Tubbo, causing both boys to look at him in surprise. I think I was in shock.

"Wait- you want me to go to your house?!" I said, surprised. Wilbur nodded, smiling at me. No. Fucking. Way. Wilbur had told me many times that he hadn't taken me home with him was because he was rich and he didn't want to overwhelm me. 

"No way. Of course!" I said, before I remembered something. For 6 years, I had always celebrated my birthday with Tubbo, and now I wasn't. I looked over at him, concern evident in my eyes. "But what about Tubbo? Can he come too?" I said, looking from Wilbur to Tubbo. Wilbur's smile dropped slightly, but he was still smiling.

"Actually, Dream wanted to take Tubbo to pick something out for you. Said he needed help." He said. Tubbo's eyes widened, and he grinned.

"I'd love to!" Tubbo said, his wings fluttering slightly behind him. Wilbur grinned, and I smiled, knowing that my best friend, my brother, was happy. I turned towards Wilbur again, eating the rest of my bread.

"When do we leave?" I said.

"Whenever you're ready. I know  where Dream lives, so we can drop Tubbo off on the way to my house. And I think there might be a better breakfast for both of you if you hurry your scrawny asses up." Wilbur said, smirking. He then did a two finger salute, before jumping out of their tree house. 

We stared at each other for a second, before leaping into action. To get ready, all we had to do was put on our shoes, throw on our cloaks, and grab our satchels. Tubbo was about to jump out of the tree, when I grabbed his wrist softly.

"Tubbo, hold on-" I said, making the boy turn towards me. I smiled, before brushing my fingers through his hair, untangling all the knots. Tubbo smiled at me, then made me bend down a bit so he could do the same. After both of our hairs were brush, we hopped out of the tree, Tubbo fluttering down while I just jumped.

Wilbur was leaning against the trunk, his hood pulled up and his glasses on the verge of falling off his nose. He smiled when he saw us, and we started to walk towards the marketplace. Friendly banter was passed around, which caused Tubbo and Wilbur to repeatedly mock me, saying how it was sad that the child was finally growing up.

We arrived at the village much to my pleasure. The friendly banter turned into a comfortable silence as Wilbur navigated us through the crowds. The sun was shining down, and it was looking like a warm day. I smiled and took a deep breath, continuing to follow the two males.

About 25 minutes later, we were standing at the entrance of a completely different forest. I glanced towards the forest, my night vision kicking in, and I saw a figure making its way towards us. My fur began to rise, before I realized that it was just Dream.

The masked man came around the corner in his usual forest green cloak. I could feel the happiness and excitement radiating off the strange man.

"Tommy! Tubbo! So nice to see you! Tommy, happy birthday! I hope you like Wilbur's... surprise!" Dream said, hesitating before saying surprise. It was incredibly suspicious, but I just brushed it off for now. The masked man beckoned for Tubbo to walk forward, which the boy did.

"You hungry? I made some breakfast for you! You can eat then we can go look for something for Tommy, while he's at Wilbur's." Dream explained. Tubbo nodded, and we hugged goodbye, saying that we were going to see each other soon.

Wilbur and I started to make our way through the forest once again, except on a completely different trail this time. Soon enough, the dirt path turned into gravel, and I could see a iron gate ahead. 

I started to get excited, and I could tell that Wilbur knew. We walked towards the gate, and my jaw dropped. Wilbur laughed at my expression, before saying anything.

"Tommy.... welcome to my home."

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