Chapter 17:

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Tommy's P.O.V.

I awoke from my peaceful slumber to feel someone shifting beside me, but I didn't stir. I didn't want to get up yet. I was exhausted, and I had no idea why. I took a deep breath through my nose, and a weird scent hit my nostrils. It smelled strangely of Wilbur, but it wasn't... murky.

Every time I tried to scent Dream, Wilbur, or Phil, their scents were still there, but it was almost as if they were covered in mud and dust, blocking my nose from their true scent. Now, I could scent him clearly. He had a rainy scent, fresh and mixed with something else. It reminded me of the market, it also held this other note, though that one smelled like blood, which I wasn't surprised about. For fucks sake, the dude was a vampire.

I must've been thinking too hard, because I heard him chuckling from beside me.

"Tommy, I know you're awake." He said, shifting once again. I groaned, before opening my eyes, seeing that the room was dark with only a lamp illuminating it. I turned slightly and saw Wilbur was sitting next to me, reading a book of some sort with his glasses on. I could see the hint of amusement in his gaze.

I sat up, and a thumping came to my head, and my stomach growled loudly. My ears drooped when I heard the hungry grumble. Wilbur looked at me and giggled. I scoffed and pushed his shoulder, causing him to burst into laughter.

"Fuck off, will ya?" I grumbled, crossing my arms and huffing, looking the other way. Wilbur came back from his laughing high, though he was still grinning widely. 

"You hungry Toms?"

"I said fuck off Wilbur." I snapped back, not in the mood to deal with his shit. I heard him sigh before tsking. I felt Wilbur's arms come around me, and before I could do anything, he had thrown me over his shoulder and running out of the room.

"FUCK! WILBUR!" I screeched, my eyes slitting in surprise. My fur started to rise and a low growl sounded in my chest, but it just made the man carrying me laugh and keep going. "WILBUR! Put me down, you dickhead!" I said, squirming around so he would set me down, though it didn't work. 

Wilbur just tightened his grip on me, and I could tell he was grinning widely, even though I couldn't see his face. I started to pound my fists on his back, trying to get him to let me down, but he just ignored it, humming happily as he carried me down the stairs.

I huffed after 5 minutes of trying to get out of this man's grip, a bit tired out. I didn't understand why I was so tired all of a sudden. Even when I didn't have any sleep at nights, I was still energetic, ready to steal shit for the day, but being exhausted? This is new to me, and yet here I was- little to no energy.

I sighed and slumped against the male carrying me, done trying to escape. I felt Wilbur pat my leg, which in turned made me growl.

"You're still a dickhead." I muttered, not really caring what his response is. I didn't even care if he got offended, I just wanted to go back to bed. I heard Wilbur scoff, before he lifted me off his shoulder and set me down, turning me around.

I was surprised to see we were already at the kitchen, and that Techno and Phil were up and staring at the two of us, an amused glint in their eyes. I glared at them and flipped both of them off before sitting two stools away from Techno with Phil on the other side of the counter cooking something. I heard Wilbur laugh from behind me and he sat down next to Techno, a mischievous grin on his face.

I rolled my eyes and looked to see what Phil was making. I was slightly confused by the yellow mixture, but recognized the sausages and the toast. I glanced and saw egg shells laying next to the yellow mixture, so I took a guess that those were eggs. Phil poured the eggs into a pan, and set the sausages in a pan next to it. 

He then began to butter the toast as the two items were cooking. I glanced at what he was buttering them with, and was slightly disgusted. The butter was a light red, and I was half tempted to run out so I didn't have to eat that. I think Techno caught me staring at the crude form of butter, because he started to laugh.

"Tommy, relax. It's just blood infused butter, it's not anything bad." He said, causing me to look at him. I was slightly even more disgusted, but I wouldn't make that apparent for a bit. I watched as Phil cooked, not wanting to join the conversation they had started. I knew that they all glanced at me, but I didn't glance at them. I didn't want to acknowledge them.

Sure, I was tired of fighting, but that doesn't mean I was just going to give in. I never give up, and I'm not about to now. Phil took the eggs out of the pan, along with the sausages, and divided it up into four plates. He set two down in front of Techno and Wilbur, before setting one in front of the empty stool between the three of us and then setting one in front of me.

He walked around the counter and sat between us, smiling widely. I rolled my eyes slightly, before glancing at the food. It didn't look bad. Actually, it looked really good. I glanced at the other three to see they were eating, all in their own little worlds. I gulped nervously, before picking up the fork thingy and scooping up a bit of fluffy egg and bringing it to my mouth.

I hesitantly let the eggs in my mouth, but when they hit my taste buds, I knew I wouldn't stop till they were all gone. I almost moaned out loud because of the taste, but bit it back and began to chew the eggs with a newfound enthusiasm. 

I wasn't even looking at the other three, I was too focused on the food that was on my plate. Within minutes, it was all gone, even the toast, though I knew that had blood on it. It actually tasted really euphoric, the blood butter, not what I was expecting at all. The subtle hint of iron was quickly washed away as I took a drink of water. 

I heard someone chuckle, and turned to see all three males were staring at me. My faced heated up in embarrassment, and I crossed my arms across my chest, looking down at my feet. I swung them back in forth as they all laughed, I have no idea why they were amused.

"Did you like breakfast, Toms?" Phil asked, taking a sip of what I assumed hot coffee. I shrugged, not wanting to let them know that I loved it.

"It was alright, better that what I usually have." I said, trying not to show how much I liked it to them. I was still angry at them for what they did, but I was glad that they hadn't killed me, or else I would never be able to see Tubbo again.

"You loved it, don't even try to convince us otherwise, you blood boy." Wilbur said, smirking. I furrowed my eye brows and looked at him, confused by his wording.

"Excuse me bitch, but what do you mean 'blood boy'?" I said, trying to be anger but it turned more into a playful anger. Wilbur rolled his eyes, Phil and Techno chuckling at something. What the fuck. "What are you dickheads laughing at?"

"Tommy... everything that you just ate had blood in it."

My eyes widened and my face paled. Those sick motherfuckers.

 1349 words


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