Chapter 13:

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Tommy's P.O.V.

I groaned, a dull ache going throughout my body. I could feel something painful on my neck, and my teeth hurt, specifically my canines. My eyes fluttered open, and I noticed that it was dark. The only thing that wasn't was the rays of moonlight shining through the stained window.

I groggily rubbed my eyes, and looked around. I sighed, once realizing where I was. I slowly got out of bed, trying to keep the dizziness away. White dots danced around my vision for a minute, before clearing and I started to walk towards the door, my tail drooping down behind me.

I quietly opened the door, and looked down the hallway. There were no lights on, but I could tell something was off. It was almost as if someone was up, but I just couldn't see them. I walked down the hallway before coming up to a set of stairs that I remembered when Wilbur gave me a tour of the house.

I walked down two flights of stairs, before coming to the bottom landing. My ears twitched, catching quiet talking coming from the kitchen. I started to walk towards it silently, hoping that whoever was in there didn't hear me.

"-be happy eventually. We just have to give him some time and space. He'll soon realize that this is a better life for him." Someone said. Phil. I knew it was Phil.

"But I just don't want him to hate me, y'know?" Another voice said, but I knew it was Wilbur. "He's my little brother, for fucks sake. I don't want him to hate me... He had a terrible life before we found him, Dad. And I still can't believe Schlatt did that to him."

"Me neither, Wil. But what's done is done. There isn't anything we can do now except be there for Tommy..." Phil said trailing off. I took a deep breath, and tried to go back up stairs. Key word there: try. 

I felt myself get lifted off the ground, and was now hovering in the air. I started to thrash around, and remembered what happened last time I was in the air. It wasn't good, to say the least. I started to float backwards, and just huffed in annoyance, crossing my arms. 

I floated around the corner to see Phil and Wilbur both looking at me, amusement in both of their gazes. I glared at both of them, causing them to laugh.

"Cheer up, Toms. Glad to see you awake." Phil said, setting me back down. I flipped him off before yawning again. I heard the two of them laugh again, and just rolled my eyes. They both looked at me, and I glared at them both, before sitting on one of the stools, about 3 stools away from Wilbur.

"You must be hungry." Wilbur said, taking a sip of his tea- wait. Not tea. Blood. I scrunched up my nose at that, and glared at him.

"As a matter of fact, I am not hungry. Actually, quite the opposite right now." I said stubbornly. I could feel myself being hungry, but there was no way in hell I was going to drink blood-

"Oh Toms, stop it. You don't have to drink blood yet. See, you and Tubbo rushed into the blood thing, so he has no choice. But you- you can choose to eat regular food for now." Phil explained, turning around and walking towards the fridge. 

I furrowed my eyebrows, and slowly looked down at my feet. I immediately started to feel guilty. If I hadn't jumped to conclusions, Tubbo and I probably would be at the cabin right now, eating the farm food that was still there. We could have avoided all of this. But me being me, I had to go and fuck it up.

I heard some shuffling, before a bowl was placed in front of me. I glanced up and saw a bowl of green and purple oval shapes sitting in it. They looked like berries, but much bigger. I slowly took one out and examined it. I popped it into my mouth, and was pleasantly surprised by the sweet and sourness that came out of the strange fruit.

My hunger acted up even more, and I started to take more of the large berries and eat them. I felt two pairs of eyes on me, but I didn't look up. I didn't want to see the redness of them yet. After I finished the bowl of berries, I glanced up to see them smirking at me.

I rolled my eyes before getting up, looking around and stretching. I had to get out of here. Maybe if I just pretended that I was going to bed, they wouldn't notice.

"Where you going, Toms?" Wilbur asked as I started to walk towards the exit. Shit.

"Uh, tired. Thought I could get some more sleep-"

"Liar." A monotone voice said from the entry way. I jumped and turned to see Techno leaning against the wall, a small smirk on his face. My face paled, and I could tell that the other two were startled by his presence. "You're not tired at all. In fact, you were leaving to see if there was a way for you to escape." He said, getting off the wall and walking towards me.

I gulped, and started to back up, trying to keep the fear that was slowly swallowing my chest to a minimum. Techno kept walking towards me, and I kept backing up until my back hit the counter. He smirked, and stopped walking towards me. 

"Listen, kid. I'll give you a hint. All of this would be a lot easier if you just give in." he said, walking over to sit beside Wilbur. I gulped, but rage filled the fear that was in my chest.

"I will never give in! I never wanted this! You all gave me no choice!" I said, before running out the doorway. I could feel the tears leaking out of my eyes, but I didn't care. I just wanted to get out of here.

1022 words 


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