Chapter 6:

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No one's P.O.V

"Well... for your surprise, Tommy."

Tommy raised his eyebrows, wondering what the heck his surprise was. Wilbur picked up on the child's curiosity, and chuckled. It was silent for a moment, and all the blonde hybrid could think about is what they wanted to show him.

"Tommy... you're 13, correct?" Technoblade asked, breaking the silence. Tommy slowly nodded, his eyebrows knitting together in confusion. Techno turned to Wilbur, and nodded. Wilbur sighed, and then turned to Phil, who also nodded. This was confusing the hell out of Tommy.

"Why do you guys keep nodding? What's going on-"

"Everything's alright, Tommy. All you have to do is sleep." Wilbur said. Tommy was looking at Wilbur and saw that on the last word, Wilbur's pupils turn to slits and his eye color turned an angry red.

Tommy's eyes widened, and he started to feel incredibly drowsy. There was only one thought going through his mind as he slumped over onto Phil, eyes closed and his breathing slowing down.....

Oh no.


(Time skip brought to you by your shit author :3)

Tommy's eyes fluttered open, and he groaned. There was something incredibly soft under him, but he just assumed it was the tree house. Once he had come to his senses, he realized he wasn't in the wilderness.

He was inside of a nicely decorated room. He shot up, not remembering where he was. He started to panic before the thoughts flooded his mind. The events that had happened previously. He was in Wilbur's house.... a house full of vampires.

Tommy had come to that conclusion. They were vampires. How else would Wilbur be able to bring him to sleep? And it explained so much. Why he always tried to hide away from sun. Why his eyes changed so quickly when he was feeling such a strong emotion.

How could Tommy be so stupid?! His entire family was killed by vampires. He was almost killed by vampires, and he hadn't recognized one when it was right in front of him. He looked around the room. There was a desk sitting right next to a window, with what looked like a bathroom a few feet away from it. The window was huge, and the desk was a dark mahogany. 

He slowly got up, his legs wobbly. He walked over to the window, and saw that he was on the third floor of the house. He thought for a moment, before opening the bathroom. It looked like any normal bathroom, with towels and a shower, plus a sink and a closet going off from that. 

Tommy quickly grabbed the towels, and tied them together, making a really tight knot and also making a long-ish rope. He looked out the window, and decided that he needed more. He glanced towards the bed, seeing the sheets.

He ran over, and grabbed them as well, tying them to his 'rope'. By now, he decided that he had a long enough rope, and opened the window. The wind blew past him, clearing any drowsiness that he had had before. 

He took a deep breath, before tying the rope to the window, and began climbing down the house.


Phil was pacing his room, his two sons on his bed. They were discussing what was going to happen, unaware what was happening upstairs right now.

"Dad, stop pacing, you're freaking me out." Techno spoke up,watching his father with calculating eyes. He had never met the child personally, but Wilbur and Phil said that he wa s good kid, and they wanted to give him a better life. They wanted to give him a family. 

"It's going to be ok. He should be waking up really soon, we'll talk to him, change him, BAM! Family complete." Wilbur said, throwing his hands up at the end, and placing them behind his head, laying down relaxed. Techno rolled his eyes, and Phil laughed at the twin's antics.

Phil took a deep breath, looking towards his sons that he had spent the last 3,000 years with. They were his family, his life, the one thing that he knew he would never regret. They were happy together, but they all agreed that something was missing. And they found their missing piece.

"You all ready?" Phil asked, his two sons turning towards him and smiling, nodding. They all got up and made their way to the room that was soon going to be occupied by their youngest family member. They unlocked the room, and opened the door.

Immediately, Phil and Wilbur's eyes changed to a flaming red orange, while Techno's changed to a calm blue. They hurried into the room, only to find that they're fear had come true. Tommy was gone.

They looked towards the window, to see that there were sheets and towels tied together going out the window. They glanced down and saw that the rope led until about 10ft from the ground, and there was a dent in the grass were a body had landed.

"He actually climbed out of a 3rd story window... hm." Techno muttered to himself, quietly impressed with the kid. Wilbur started to get angry while Phil was just amused by Tommy's antics.

If he wanted to run, he could run. But there was no way he was going to hide from the 3 most renown vampire family.


Tommy sprinted through the woods, trying to get as much distance as possible away from that family. He didn't know where to go, but all he knew was that he had to get out of there, find Tubbo, and move away. He didn't know why they wanted him, but he knew that he didn't to be near them.

He came across a little brook that was running through a clearing, and knew exactly where he was. He sprinted towards the west, and soon enough, he saw a familiar looking tree. He didn't even take the route he was supposed to, he just scaled the tree, using his raccoon claws to climb it.

When he got up, he saw a lump in his bedroom, and froze, thinking that he family had found him. But finally, he heard the soft sobs of the boy he considered his brother.

"...Tubbo?" Tommy called softly, gaining the curled up boys attention. Tubbo looked up at Tommy, tears staining his cheeks.

"Tommy?" He whispered. Tommy walked over and embraced the boy in a hug. Tubbo broke down into sobs once more while Tommy cradled the broken boy. "T-tommy... t-tommy, he- he's o-one of them..."

Tommy instantly who and what he was talking about. He hugged Tubbo tighter, and set his head on Tubbo's shoulder. Tubbo flinched at the action, causing Tommy to look at him, concerned. That's when he saw the bandages. The blood stain in the shape of a bite. And his blood ran cold.

"...he bit you."

1151 words


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