Chapter 31:

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Techno's P.O.V.

Techno, find him....
Go find him...
Phil bad father...
Tommy in trouble...

Tommy hurt...
Techno hunt...
Hunt for child...
Technoblade, find Tommy....

Find Tommy...

I woke up with a start, my breathing labored. That was a horrible nightmare. Groaning silently, I ran my hand through my pink hair, feeling the effects that dream had on me. Damn, that was torturous. 

If you're wondering, the nightmare was that Tommy was in trouble, but he had run away, and Phil was the cause of it. Yeah, scary right? I glanced over to my right, checking that they both were still there. I saw Wilbur was sleeping how he usually would, and Tommy was supposed to be curled right next to him.

I sighed out in relief, closing my eyes, a small smile playing my lips. That's when I remembered- I didn't see the blond. Snapping my eyes open again, I looked over at them again, but this time only saw Wilbur laying there, sleeping like everything was right with the world.

Where the fuck was Tommy?!

I got out of bed, and hurried towards the door, not even caring that the other was sleeping. The sun had almost left the mountains, meaning it was somewhere around 9 in the morning. After walking out of the room, I took a deep breath, trying to see if my nose could detect his scent anywhere.

His scent was there, but it was yesterday's scent. Where did Tommy go?! I caught Phil's recent scent, and began following that. The voices had said something about Phil being a bad father, so maybe he knew what happened to Tommy.

The scent led me outside, and now I was actually worried. I quickly grabbed a cloak, making sure that all of my skin was covered, before walking out the door. Following his scent, I walked a bit a ways from the house, but his scent just continued to grow stronger.

I looked towards the right and saw a huge, feathery mess at the base of one of the trees that reeked of Phil's scent. Quickly walking over to it, I saw that Phil was actually there, and he was hiding beneath his wings as to not get sunburned. I saw a bunch of feathers littering around, and wondered what the hell happened.

"Phil, what happened? Why are here, where's Tommy? I couldn't find him in the house, and I followed your scent-"

"Techno, I messed up. I messed up big time, and now he's ran and I don't know if we can find him. It's my fault, it's all my fault. I shouldn't have tried to push so much on him at once, I should have given him more time to adjust, I should've-"

"Phil, breath. You're not making any sense. Tell me what happened." I said, grabbing one of his wings and adjusting him so that he was now sitting up against the tree instead of laying at it's roots. When Phil uncovered his face, I could tell that he had been crying, and a lot by the looks of it.

"Tech, it's all my fault. I caused him to go, I caused him to get angry. I did this, this is all my fault. Techno, I'm so sorry, so very very sorry-"

"DAD!" I yelled, catching his attention. "You need to take a deep breath, alright?" I asked, taking his hand and putting it on my chest. I wasn't one for physical affection, but desperate times call for desperate measures. "Copy my breathing, alright? In.... out..."

And we sat that way for a bit, just breathing and trying to calm the blond down. Even though he wasn't panicking anymore, there was still fear in his eyes. I didn't know what happened, but I figured that he did something and that caused Tommy to go.

"Alright, you feelin' better now?" I asked, slowly releasing his hand. He nodded, before wincing when the sun shone through the leaves, burning him slightly. I sighed, before getting to my feet and sticking out a hand for him. 

"C'mon, let's get inside and then you can explain to me what happened." He nodded, before taking my hand and I pulled him up off the ground. He wrapped one of his wings around himself, while extending the other and covering me so I didn't have to huddle underneath the cloak anymore.

We walked towards the house in silence, tension filling the air around us. My pace picked up, even though I knew that Phil couldn't walk that fast. I felt really anxious suddenly, and the voices were whispering in the back of my mind to the point I couldn't hear them.

We entered the house, and I heard pounding footsteps coming down the stairs.


"Wil, we're in the living room." I yelled back. The pounding footsteps continued until I heard a crash right outside the door. I looked over and saw Wilbur frantically looking around the room. There was relief in his eyes when he saw us, but I could tell only more panic took over him as his eyes scanned the room.

"Where's Tommy!?" He said, his voice raising slightly. I sighed, and looked over at Phil, who had his head down. I heard Wil turn around to go looking for him yet again, but was stopped when Phil told him to stay.

"Tommy's not here, Wil." We both looked at him, anger slowly boiling in my chest while I saw Wilbur's eyes start growing fearful. "Please, both of you, sit down. I have to some explaining to do."

I looked over at Wilbur and our eyes made contact. I could see the anger starting to fire up as he suddenly realized what might be happening. I still didn't have a firm grasp of things, but I had a feeling that wherever Tommy was... Phil was at fault for this.

We both took a seat at the couch across from him. He was staring at the fireplace, the flames licking up at the logs. Heat radiated from them, but he didn't seem to mind it. In fact, I think Phil started to lean towards it, welcoming the burning warmth.

"Phil. What happened? Where's Tommy, and why does it look like in some places your burnt and there are scratches all over your arms?" Wilbur asked. I was slightly impressed that he had noticed all that, seeing as he didn't really pay attention to details about anything.

Phil turned away from the flames, and I saw that he had tears in his eyes.

"Boys, I messed up... big time." He started softly. We waited for him to continue, but it seemed like he was waiting for us to react. We were just sitting and staring at him, wanting to know what the hell was going on. After a minute, he realized that we were going to let him talk.

"Tommy's ran away... and it's all my fault.




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